
144 lines
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.de It
.ie \\n(.$>=3 .ne \\$3
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.TH Cdk 3 "05 Dec 1995"
Cdk - \f2Curses Development Kit\f1
.B cc
.RI "[ " "flag" " \|.\|.\|. ] " "file" " \|.\|.\|."
.B \-lcdk
.RI "[ " "library" " \|.\|.\|. ]"
#include <cdk.h>
Cdk provides functions to use a large number of pre-defined
curses widgets. To use the Cdk widgets the header file \f4cdk.h\f1 must be
included in the source.
The widgets available from Cdk are listed below.
.RS 3
\f2Widget_Type Manual_Page_Name\f1
Alphalist cdk_alphalist (3)
Calendar cdk_calendar (3)
Dialog cdk_dialog (3)
Entry Field cdk_entry (3)
File Viewer cdk_viewer (3)
Graph cdk_graph (3)
Histogram cdk_histogram (3)
Item List cdk_itemlist (3)
Label cdk_label (3)
Marquee cdk_marquee (3)
Matrix cdk_matrix (3)
Multiple Line Entry Field cdk_mentry (3)
Numeric Scale cdk_scale (3)
Numeric Slider cdk_slider (3)
Pulldown Menu cdk_menu (3)
Radio List cdk_radio (3)
Scrolling List cdk_scroll (3)
Scrolling Selection List cdk_selection (3)
Scrolling Window cdk_swindow (3)
Numeric Slider cdk_slider (3)
Template cdk_template (3)
The rest of the manual pages are
.RS 3
\f2Manual_Page_Name Description\f1
cdk_binding (3) Outlines how to create user
definable key bindings.
cdk_display (3) Shows how to add special display
attributes, colors, and justification
into a widget.
cdk_draw (3) Outlines the basic drawing
capabilities of Cdk.
cdk_screen (3) Demonstrates the use of screens
within Cdk.
cdk_misc (3) Outlines miscellaneous functions
provided with the Cdk library.
cdk_process (3) Demonstrates the use of the pre
and post process function class.
Cdk is a library of functions which allow a programmer to quickly create a
full screen interactive program with ease. The Cdk widgets support the
following features:
.It "\(bu Ncurses library." 5
Instead of using the standard curses library, Cdk can take advantage of the
colors that Ncurses provides. To learn how to take advantage of Cdk's color
capabilities, read the \f4cdk_display\f1 manual page.
.It "\(bu Key Bindings." 5
Individual keys can be overridden with a call-back. The call-back is set up using
the \f4bindCDKObject\f1 function. To learn more about this read the
\f4cdk_binding\f1 manual page.
.It "\(bu Pre and Post Processing." 5
Certain widgets allow the user to trap a character before and after the
character has been applied to the widget. This allows programmers to 'filter'
character input. To learn more about this read the \f4cdk_process\f1 manual
.It "\(bu Self Test Widgets." 5
With the use of the inject function class and the activate function,
programmers can have the widgets test themselves. This allows the programmer
to perform automated tests on a final program.
.It "\(bu Special Display Formats" 5
There are special character format commands that can be inserted into any
string in Cdk and the contents will get mapped to a \f4chtype\f1 (see the
curses manual page) with character attributes. This allows the programmer to
insert format types on each character if they wish.
.It "\(bu The Ability To Build Predefined Screens" 5
Widgets can be associated to any given screen. If there is more than one
screen defined, then Cdk has the ability to "flip" from one screen to another
with ease. See the \f4cdk_screen\f1 manual page for more details.
All of the widgets have a member of the structure called \f4exitType\f1. This
member states how the widget exited. There are three values in which to check
for, they are as follows:
.RS 3
\f2Value Meaning\f1
vNORMAL This means the widget exited normally. This
value is set when the widget is given the
characters TAB or RETURN.
vEARLY_EXIT This means the widget exited early. This value
is set when characters are injected into the
widget via the injectCDKXXX function and the
character injected does not exit the widget.
(ie: TAB or RETURN)
vESCAPE_HIT This value states the user hit ESCAPE to
leave the widget.
vNEVER_ACTIVATED This is the initial state of the value. This
means that the widget has not been activated.
.BR cdk (3),
.BR cdk_binding (3),
.BR cdk_display (3),
.BR cdk_screen (3)
The header file \f4<cdk.h>\f1 automatically includes the header files
\f4<curses.h>\f1, \f4<stdlib.h>\f1, \f4<string.h>\f1, \f4<ctype.h>\f1,
\f4<unistd.h>\f1, \f4<dirent.h>\f1, \f4<time.h>\f1, \f4<errno.h>\f1,
\f4<pwd.h>\f1, \f4<grp.h>\f1, \f4<sys/stat.h>\f1, and \f4<sys/types.h>\f1.
The \f4<curses.h>\f1 header file includes \f4<stdio.h>\f1 and \f4<unctrl.h>\f1.
If you have \f4Ncurses\f1 installed on your machine add -DNCURSES to the
compile line to include the Ncurses header files instead.