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New features in version 2.2 include:
o A new "td" tag allows the specification of a "TFTP directory" for use
with so-called "secure" implementations of tftpd which chroot(2) to a
particular directory.
o A new "sa" tag allows the explicit specification of the TFTP
"server address." Formerly, the 'siaddr' field of the BOOTREPLY was
always filled with the IP address of the BOOTP server. The "sa" tag
now allows the BOOTP server and the TFTP server to be two different
machines, if desired.
o The server now automatically determines whether it is running as a
standalone program (e.g. invoked by hand from a shell) or as a child of
/etc/inetd. The -s option and a new -i option are provided to force
standalone or inetd mode if necessary.
o When the vendor magic cookie is zero, BOOTP replies now default to the
RFC 1084 vendor format, rather than the old CMU format. This helps
interoperability with uncooperative BOOTP clients which want RFC 1084
format but don't bother filling in the magic cookie properly to tell
the server... *sigh* (This makes the ":vm=rfc1048:" tag unnecessary
in most cases now. Oh, the "vm" tag now accepts "rfc1084" as well as
"rfc1048" -- they mean the same thing.)
o Log messages now include the specific network type. For example, rather
than saying "request from hardware address ABCDEF012345", the message is
now "request from Ethernet address ABCEDF012345", or "request from
IEEE802 address 4000A1B2C3D4".
Bug fixes in this version include:
o The automatic bootfile-size calculation now works correctly when the
file size is an exact multiple of 512 octets. It used to return a number
which was one 512-octet unit greater than necessary.
o A bug in comparing subnet masks has been fixed.
o A bug in calculating the size of the vendor information area when
inserting the hostname has been fixed.
Other changes:
o The man page has been split into two man pages. One covers the server
itself (bootpd.8) and the other covers the configuration file format