"Compose" cannot be pressed at the same time.
137 lines
3.7 KiB
137 lines
3.7 KiB
/* $NetBSD: wskbdmap_lk201.c,v 1.4 2000/12/02 16:57:41 ragge Exp $ */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dev/wscons/wsksymdef.h>
#include <dev/wscons/wsksymvar.h>
#include <dev/dec/wskbdmap_lk201.h>
#define KC(n) KS_KEYCODE((n) - MIN_LK201_KEY)
static const keysym_t zskbd_keydesc_us[] = {
/* pos command normal shifted */
KC(86), KS_Cmd_Screen0, KS_f1,
KC(87), KS_Cmd_Screen1, KS_f2,
KC(88), KS_Cmd_Screen2, KS_f3,
KC(89), KS_Cmd_Screen3, KS_f4,
KC(90), KS_Cmd_Screen4, KS_f5,
KC(100), KS_Cmd_Screen5, KS_f6,
KC(101), KS_Cmd_Screen6, KS_f7,
KC(102), KS_Cmd_Screen7, KS_f8,
KC(103), KS_Cmd_Screen8, KS_f9,
KC(104), KS_Cmd_Screen9, KS_f10,
KC(113), KS_Cmd_Debugger, KS_Escape, /* F11 */
KC(114), KS_f12,
KC(115), KS_f13,
KC(116), KS_f14,
KC(124), KS_Help,
KC(125), KS_Cmd, KS_Execute,
KC(128), KS_f17,
KC(129), KS_f18,
KC(130), KS_f19,
KC(131), KS_f20,
KC(138), KS_Find,
KC(139), KS_Insert,
KC(140), KS_KP_Delete,
KC(141), KS_Select,
KC(142), KS_Prior,
KC(143), KS_Next,
KC(146), KS_KP_0,
KC(148), KS_KP_Decimal,
KC(149), KS_KP_Enter,
KC(150), KS_KP_1,
KC(151), KS_KP_2,
KC(152), KS_KP_3,
KC(153), KS_KP_4,
KC(154), KS_KP_5,
KC(155), KS_KP_6,
KC(156), KS_KP_Separator,
KC(157), KS_KP_7,
KC(158), KS_KP_8,
KC(159), KS_KP_9,
KC(160), KS_KP_Subtract,
KC(161), KS_KP_F1,
KC(162), KS_KP_F2,
KC(163), KS_KP_F3,
KC(164), KS_KP_F4,
KC(167), KS_Left,
KC(168), KS_Right,
KC(169), KS_Down,
KC(170), KS_Up,
KC(174), KS_Shift_L,
KC(175), KS_Cmd1, KS_Control_L,
KC(176), KS_Caps_Lock,
KC(177), KS_Cmd2, KS_Multi_key, /* (left) compose */
KC(188), KS_Delete,
KC(189), KS_Return,
KC(190), KS_Tab,
KC(191), KS_grave, KS_asciitilde,
KC(192), KS_1, KS_exclam,
KC(193), KS_q,
KC(194), KS_a,
KC(195), KS_z,
KC(197), KS_2, KS_at,
KC(198), KS_w,
KC(199), KS_s,
KC(200), KS_x,
KC(201), KS_less, KS_greater,
KC(203), KS_3, KS_numbersign,
KC(204), KS_e,
KC(205), KS_d,
KC(206), KS_c,
KC(208), KS_4, KS_dollar,
KC(209), KS_r,
KC(210), KS_f,
KC(211), KS_v,
KC(212), KS_space,
KC(214), KS_5, KS_percent,
KC(215), KS_t,
KC(216), KS_g,
KC(217), KS_b,
KC(219), KS_6, KS_asciicircum,
KC(220), KS_y,
KC(221), KS_h,
KC(222), KS_n,
KC(224), KS_7, KS_ampersand,
KC(225), KS_u,
KC(226), KS_j,
KC(227), KS_m,
KC(229), KS_8, KS_asterisk,
KC(230), KS_i,
KC(231), KS_k,
KC(232), KS_comma, KS_less,
KC(234), KS_9, KS_parenleft,
KC(235), KS_o,
KC(236), KS_l,
KC(237), KS_period, KS_greater,
KC(239), KS_0, KS_parenright,
KC(240), KS_p,
KC(242), KS_semicolon, KS_colon,
KC(243), KS_slash, KS_question,
KC(245), KS_equal, KS_plus,
KC(246), KS_bracketright, KS_braceright,
KC(247), KS_backslash, KS_bar,
KC(249), KS_minus, KS_underscore,
KC(250), KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft,
KC(251), KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl,
static const keysym_t zskbd_keydesc_us_lk401[] = {
KC(171), KS_Shift_R,
KC(172), KS_Cmd2, KS_Alt_L,
KC(173), KS_Multi_key, /* right compose */
KC(177), KS_Multi_key, /* left compose, not "cmd" */
KC(178), KS_Alt_R,
#define KBD_MAP(name, base, map) \
{ name, base, sizeof(map)/sizeof(keysym_t), map }
const struct wscons_keydesc zskbd_keydesctab[] = {
KBD_MAP(KB_US, 0, zskbd_keydesc_us),
KBD_MAP(KB_US | KB_LK401, KB_US, zskbd_keydesc_us_lk401),
{0, 0, 0, 0}
#undef KBD_MAP
#undef KC