
893 lines
19 KiB

copyright 1991, Michael D. Brennan
This is a source file for mawk, an implementation of
the AWK programming language.
Mawk is distributed without warranty under the terms of
the GNU General Public License, version 2, 1991.
/* $Log: bi_funct.c,v $
/* Revision 1.2 1993/07/02 23:57:02 jtc
/* Updated to mawk 1.1.4
* Revision 1993/01/27 01:04:06 mike
* minor tuning to str_str()
* Revision 1993/01/15 03:33:35 mike
* patch3: safer double to int conversion
* Revision 5.3 1992/12/17 02:48:01 mike
* 1.1.2d changes for DOS
* Revision 5.2 1992/07/08 15:43:41 brennan
* patch2: length returns. I am a wimp
* Revision 5.1 1991/12/05 07:55:35 brennan
* 1.1 pre-release
#include "mawk.h"
#include "bi_funct.h"
#include "bi_vars.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "fin.h"
#include "field.h"
#include "regexp.h"
#include "repl.h"
#include <math.h>
/* statics */
static STRING *PROTO(gsub, (PTR, CELL *, char *, int) ) ;
static void PROTO( fplib_err, (char *, double, char *) ) ;
/* global for the disassembler */
BI_REC bi_funct[] = { /* info to load builtins */
"length" , bi_length, 0, 1, /* special must come first */
"index" , bi_index , 2, 2 ,
"substr" , bi_substr, 2, 3,
"sprintf" , bi_sprintf, 1, 255,
"sin", bi_sin , 1, 1 ,
"cos", bi_cos , 1, 1 ,
"atan2", bi_atan2, 2,2,
"exp", bi_exp, 1, 1,
"log", bi_log , 1, 1 ,
"int", bi_int, 1, 1,
"sqrt", bi_sqrt, 1, 1,
"rand" , bi_rand, 0, 0,
"srand", bi_srand, 0, 1,
"close", bi_close, 1, 1,
"system", bi_system, 1, 1,
"toupper", bi_toupper, 1, 1,
"tolower", bi_tolower, 1, 1,
(char *) 0, (PF_CP) 0, 0, 0 } ;
/* load built-in functions in symbol table */
void bi_funct_init()
{ register BI_REC *p ;
register SYMTAB *stp ;
/* length is special (posix bozo) */
stp = insert(bi_funct->name) ;
stp->type = ST_LENGTH ;
stp->stval.bip = bi_funct ;
for( p = bi_funct + 1 ; p->name ; p++ )
{ stp = insert( p->name ) ;
stp->type = ST_BUILTIN ;
stp->stval.bip = p ;
/* seed rand() off the clock */
{ CELL c ;
c.type = 0 ; (void) bi_srand(&c) ;
string builtins (except split (in split.c) and [g]sub (at end))
CELL *bi_length(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
{ unsigned len ;
if ( sp->type == 0 ) cellcpy(sp, field) ;
else sp-- ;
if ( sp->type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
len = string(sp)->len ;
free_STRING( string(sp) ) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = (double) len ;
return sp ;
char *str_str(target, key , key_len)
register char *target;
char *key ;
unsigned key_len ;
register int k = key[0] ;
switch( key_len )
case 0 : return (char *) 0 ;
case 1 : return strchr( target, k) ;
case 2 :
{ int k1 = key[1] ;
while ( target = strchr(target, k) )
if ( target[1] == k1 ) return target ;
else target++ ;
return (char *) 0 ;
key_len-- ;
while ( target = strchr(target, k) )
if ( memcmp(target+1, key+1, SIZE_T(key_len)) == 0 )
return target ;
else target++ ;
return (char *) 0 ;
CELL *bi_index(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
{ register int idx ;
unsigned len ;
char *p ;
sp-- ;
if ( TEST2(sp) != TWO_STRINGS )
cast2_to_s(sp) ;
if ( len = string(sp+1)->len )
idx = (p = str_str(string(sp)->str,string(sp+1)->str,len))
? p - string(sp)->str + 1 : 0 ;
else /* index of the empty string */
idx = 1 ;
free_STRING( string(sp) ) ;
free_STRING( string(sp+1) ) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = (double) idx ;
return sp ;
/* substr(s, i, n)
if l = length(s)
then get the characters
from max(1,i) to min(l,n-i-1) inclusive */
CELL *bi_substr(sp)
CELL *sp ;
{ int n_args, len ;
register int i, n ;
STRING *sval ; /* substr(sval->str, i, n) */
n_args = sp->type ;
sp -= n_args ;
if ( sp->type != C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
/* don't use < C_STRING shortcut */
sval = string(sp) ;
if ( (len = sval->len) == 0 ) /* substr on null string */
{ if ( n_args == 3 ) cell_destroy(sp+2) ;
cell_destroy(sp+1) ;
return sp ;
if ( n_args == 2 )
{ n = MAX__INT ;
if ( sp[1].type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp+1) ;
{ if ( TEST2(sp+1) != TWO_DOUBLES ) cast2_to_d(sp+1) ;
n = d_to_i(sp[2].dval) ;
i = d_to_i(sp[1].dval) - 1 ; /* i now indexes into string */
if ( i < 0 ) { n += i ; i = 0 ; }
if ( n > len - i ) n = len - i ;
if ( n <= 0 ) /* the null string */
sp->ptr = (PTR) &null_str ;
null_str.ref_cnt++ ;
else /* got something */
sp->ptr = (PTR) new_STRING((char *)0, n) ;
(void) memcpy(string(sp)->str, sval->str + i, SIZE_T(n)) ;
free_STRING(sval) ;
return sp ;
sp[0] holds r, sp[-1] holds s
CELL *bi_match(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
char *p ;
unsigned length ;
if ( sp->type != C_RE ) cast_to_RE(sp) ;
if ( (--sp)->type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
cell_destroy(RSTART) ;
cell_destroy(RLENGTH) ;
p = REmatch(string(sp)->str, (sp+1)->ptr, &length) ;
if ( p )
{ sp->dval = (double) ( p - string(sp)->str + 1 ) ;
RLENGTH->dval = (double) length ;
{ sp->dval = 0.0 ;
RLENGTH->dval = -1.0 ; /* posix */
free_STRING(string(sp)) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
RSTART->dval = sp->dval ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_toupper(sp)
CELL *sp ;
{ STRING *old ;
register char *p, *q ;
if ( sp->type != C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
old = string(sp) ;
sp->ptr = (PTR) new_STRING((char *) 0, old->len) ;
q = string(sp)->str ; p = old->str ;
while ( *p )
*q = *p++ ;
if ( *q >= 'a' && *q <= 'z' ) *q += 'A' - 'a' ;
q++ ;
free_STRING(old) ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_tolower(sp)
CELL *sp ;
{ STRING *old ;
register char *p, *q ;
if ( sp->type != C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
old = string(sp) ;
sp->ptr = (PTR) new_STRING((char *) 0, old->len) ;
q = string(sp)->str ; p = old->str ;
while ( *p )
*q = *p++ ;
if ( *q >= 'A' && *q <= 'Z' ) *q += 'a' - 'A' ;
q++ ;
free_STRING(old) ;
return sp ;
arithemetic builtins
static void fplib_err( fname, val, error)
char *fname ;
double val ;
char *error ;
rt_error("%s(%g) : %s" , fname, val, error) ;
CELL *bi_sin(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = sin( sp->dval ) ;
return sp ;
double x ;
errno = 0 ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
x = sp->dval ;
sp->dval = sin( sp->dval ) ;
if ( errno ) fplib_err("sin", x, "loss of precision") ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_cos(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = cos( sp->dval ) ;
return sp ;
double x ;
errno = 0 ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
x = sp->dval ;
sp->dval = cos( sp->dval ) ;
if ( errno ) fplib_err("cos", x, "loss of precision") ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_atan2(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
sp-- ;
if ( TEST2(sp) != TWO_DOUBLES ) cast2_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = atan2(sp->dval, (sp+1)->dval) ;
return sp ;
errno = 0 ;
sp-- ;
if ( TEST2(sp) != TWO_DOUBLES ) cast2_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = atan2(sp->dval, (sp+1)->dval) ;
if ( errno ) rt_error("atan2(0,0) : domain error") ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_log(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = log( sp->dval ) ;
return sp ;
double x ;
errno = 0 ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
x = sp->dval ;
sp->dval = log( sp->dval ) ;
if ( errno ) fplib_err("log", x, "domain error") ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_exp(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = exp(sp->dval) ;
return sp ;
double x ;
errno = 0 ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
x = sp->dval ;
sp->dval = exp(sp->dval) ;
if ( errno && sp->dval) fplib_err("exp", x, "overflow") ;
/* on underflow sp->dval==0, ignore */
return sp ;
CELL *bi_int(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
{ if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = sp->dval >= 0.0 ? floor( sp->dval ) : ceil(sp->dval) ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_sqrt(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
sp->dval = sqrt( sp->dval ) ;
return sp ;
double x ;
errno = 0 ;
if ( sp->type != C_DOUBLE ) cast1_to_d(sp) ;
x = sp->dval ;
sp->dval = sqrt( sp->dval ) ;
if ( errno ) fplib_err("sqrt", x, "domain error") ;
return sp ;
#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* For portability, we'll use our own random number generator , taken
from: Park, SK and Miller KW, "Random Number Generators:
Good Ones are Hard to Find", CACM, 31, 1192-1201, 1988.
static long seed ; /* must be >=1 and <= 2^31-1 */
static CELL cseed ; /* argument of last call to srand() */
#define M 0x7fffffff /* 2^31-1 */
CELL *bi_srand(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
{ CELL c ;
if ( sp->type == 0 ) /* seed off clock */
{ (void) cellcpy(sp, &cseed) ;
cell_destroy(&cseed) ;
cseed.type = C_DOUBLE ;
cseed.dval = (double) time((time_t*) 0) ;
else /* user seed */
{ sp-- ;
/* swap cseed and *sp ; don't need to adjust ref_cnts */
c = *sp ; *sp = cseed ; cseed = c ;
/* The old seed is now in *sp ; move the value in cseed to
seed in range 1 to M */
(void) cellcpy(&c, &cseed) ;
if ( c.type == C_NOINIT ) cast1_to_d(&c) ;
seed = c.type == C_DOUBLE ? (d_to_i(c.dval) & M) % M + 1 :
hash(string(&c)->str) % M + 1 ;
cell_destroy(&c) ;
/* crank it once so close seeds don't give a close
first result */
#define A 16807
#define Q 127773 /* M/A */
#define R 2836 /* M%A */
seed = A * (seed%Q) - R * (seed/Q) ;
if ( seed <= 0 ) seed += M ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_rand(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
register long test ;
test = A * (seed%Q) - R * (seed/Q) ;
if ( test <= 0 ) test += M ;
(++sp)->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = (double)( seed = test ) / (double) M ;
return sp ;
#undef A
#undef M
#undef Q
#undef R
miscellaneous builtins
close, system and getline
CELL *bi_close(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
{ int x ;
if ( sp->type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
x = file_close( (STRING *) sp->ptr) ;
free_STRING( string(sp) ) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = (double) x ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_system(sp)
CELL *sp ;
{ int pid ;
unsigned ret_val ;
if ( sp->type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
fflush(stdout) ; fflush(stderr) ;
switch( pid = fork() )
{ case -1 : /* fork failed */
errmsg(errno, "could not create a new process") ;
ret_val = 127 ;
break ;
case 0 : /* the child */
(void) execl(shell, shell, "-c", string(sp)->str, (char *) 0) ;
/* if get here, execl() failed */
errmsg(errno, "execute of %s failed", shell) ;
fflush(stderr) ;
_exit(127) ;
default : /* wait for the child */
ret_val = wait_for(pid) ;
break ;
cell_destroy(sp) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = (double) ret_val ;
return sp ;
#endif /* HAVE_REAL_PIPES */
#ifdef THINK_C
CELL *bi_system( sp )
register CELL *sp ;
{ rt_error("no system call for the Macintosh Toy Operating System!!!") ;
return sp ;
CELL *bi_system( sp )
register CELL *sp ;
{ int retval ;
if ( sp->type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
retval = DOSexec(string(sp)->str) ;
free_STRING(string(sp)) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = (double) retval ;
return sp ;
/* getline() */
/* if type == 0 : stack is 0 , target address
if type == F_IN : stack is F_IN, expr(filename), target address
if type == PIPE_IN : stack is PIPE_IN, target address, expr(pipename)
CELL *bi_getline(sp)
register CELL *sp ;
CELL tc , *cp ;
char *p ;
unsigned len ;
FIN *fin_p ;
switch( sp->type )
case 0 :
sp-- ;
if ( ! main_fin ) open_main() ;
if ( ! (p = FINgets(main_fin, &len)) )
goto eof ;
cp = (CELL *) sp->ptr ;
if ( TEST2(NR) != TWO_DOUBLES ) cast2_to_d(NR) ;
NR->dval += 1.0 ;
FNR->dval += 1.0 ;
break ;
case F_IN :
sp-- ;
if ( sp->type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
fin_p = (FIN *) file_find(sp->ptr, F_IN) ;
free_STRING(string(sp) ) ;
sp-- ;
if ( ! fin_p ) goto open_failure ;
if ( ! (p = FINgets(fin_p, &len)) )
FINsemi_close(fin_p) ;
goto eof ;
cp = (CELL *) sp->ptr ;
break ;
case PIPE_IN :
sp -= 2 ;
if ( sp->type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(sp) ;
fin_p = (FIN *) file_find(sp->ptr, PIPE_IN) ;
free_STRING(string(sp)) ;
if ( ! fin_p ) goto open_failure ;
if ( ! (p = FINgets(fin_p, &len)) )
FINsemi_close(fin_p) ;
/* reclaim process slot */
(void) wait_for(0) ;
goto eof ;
cp = (CELL *) (sp+1)->ptr ;
break ;
default : bozo("type in bi_getline") ;
/* we've read a line , store it */
if ( len == 0 )
{ tc.type = C_STRING ;
tc.ptr = (PTR) &null_str ;
null_str.ref_cnt++ ;
{ tc.type = C_MBSTRN ;
tc.ptr = (PTR) new_STRING((char *) 0, len) ;
(void) memcpy( string(&tc)->str, p, SIZE_T(len)) ;
slow_cell_assign(cp, &tc) ;
cell_destroy(&tc) ;
sp->dval = 1.0 ; goto done ;
open_failure :
sp->dval = -1.0 ; goto done ;
eof :
sp->dval = 0.0 ; /* fall thru to done */
done :
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
return sp ;
sub() and gsub()
/* entry: sp[0] = address of CELL to sub on
sp[-1] = substitution CELL
sp[-2] = regular expression to match
CELL *bi_sub( sp )
register CELL *sp ;
{ CELL *cp ; /* pointer to the replacement target */
CELL tc ; /* build the new string here */
CELL sc ; /* copy of the target CELL */
char *front, *middle, *back ; /* pieces */
unsigned front_len, middle_len, back_len ;
sp -= 2 ;
if ( sp->type != C_RE ) cast_to_RE(sp) ;
if ( sp[1].type != C_REPL && sp[1].type != C_REPLV )
cast_to_REPL(sp+1) ;
cp = (CELL *) (sp+2)->ptr ;
/* make a copy of the target, because we won't change anything
including type unless the match works */
(void) cellcpy(&sc, cp) ;
if ( sc.type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(&sc) ;
front = string(&sc)->str ;
if ( middle = REmatch(front, sp->ptr, &middle_len) )
front_len = middle - front ;
back = middle + middle_len ;
back_len = string(&sc)->len - front_len - middle_len ;
if ( (sp+1)->type == C_REPLV )
{ STRING *sval = new_STRING((char *) 0, middle_len) ;
(void) memcpy(sval->str, middle, SIZE_T(middle_len)) ;
(void) replv_to_repl(sp+1, sval) ;
free_STRING(sval) ;
tc.type = C_STRING ;
tc.ptr = (PTR) new_STRING((char *) 0,
front_len + string(sp+1)->len + back_len ) ;
{ char *p = string(&tc)->str ;
if ( front_len )
{ (void) memcpy(p, front, SIZE_T(front_len)) ;
p += front_len ;
if ( string(sp+1)->len )
{ (void) memcpy(p, string(sp+1)->str, SIZE_T(string(sp+1)->len)) ;
p += string(sp+1)->len ;
if ( back_len ) (void) memcpy(p, back, SIZE_T(back_len)) ;
slow_cell_assign(cp, &tc) ;
free_STRING(string(&tc)) ;
free_STRING(string(&sc)) ;
repl_destroy(sp+1) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = middle != (char *) 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0 ;
return sp ;
static unsigned repl_cnt ; /* number of global replacements */
/* recursive global subsitution
dealing with empty matches makes this mildly painful
static STRING *gsub( re, repl, target, flag)
PTR re ;
CELL *repl ; /* always of type REPL or REPLV,
destroyed by caller */
char *target ;
int flag ; /* if on, match of empty string at front is OK */
{ char *front, *middle ;
STRING *back ;
unsigned front_len, middle_len ;
STRING *ret_val ;
CELL xrepl ; /* a copy of repl so we can change repl */
if ( ! (middle = REmatch(target, re, &middle_len)) )
return new_STRING(target) ; /* no match */
(void) cellcpy(&xrepl, repl) ;
if ( !flag && middle_len == 0 && middle == target )
{ /* match at front that's not allowed */
if ( *target == 0 ) /* target is empty string */
{ repl_destroy(&xrepl) ;
null_str.ref_cnt++ ;
return & null_str ;
{ char xbuff[2] ;
front_len = 0 ;
/* make new repl with target[0] */
repl_destroy(repl) ;
xbuff[0] = *target++ ; xbuff[1] = 0 ;
repl->type = C_REPL ;
repl->ptr = (PTR) new_STRING( xbuff ) ;
back = gsub(re, &xrepl, target, 1) ;
else /* a match that counts */
{ repl_cnt++ ;
front = target ;
front_len = middle - target ;
if ( *middle == 0 ) /* matched back of target */
{ back = &null_str ; null_str.ref_cnt++ ; }
else back = gsub(re, &xrepl, middle + middle_len, 0) ;
/* patch the &'s if needed */
if ( repl->type == C_REPLV )
{ STRING *sval = new_STRING((char *) 0, middle_len) ;
(void) memcpy(sval->str, middle, SIZE_T(middle_len)) ;
(void) replv_to_repl(repl, sval) ;
free_STRING(sval) ;
/* put the three pieces together */
ret_val = new_STRING((char *)0,
front_len + string(repl)->len + back->len);
{ char *p = ret_val->str ;
if ( front_len )
{ (void) memcpy(p, front, SIZE_T(front_len)) ; p += front_len ; }
if ( string(repl)->len )
{ (void) memcpy(p, string(repl)->str, SIZE_T(string(repl)->len)) ;
p += string(repl)->len ;
if ( back->len ) (void) memcpy(p, back->str, SIZE_T(back->len)) ;
/* cleanup, repl is freed by the caller */
repl_destroy(&xrepl) ;
free_STRING(back) ;
return ret_val ;
/* set up for call to gsub() */
CELL *bi_gsub( sp )
register CELL *sp ;
{ CELL *cp ; /* pts at the replacement target */
CELL sc ; /* copy of replacement target */
CELL tc ; /* build the result here */
sp -= 2 ;
if ( sp->type != C_RE ) cast_to_RE(sp) ;
if ( (sp+1)->type != C_REPL && (sp+1)->type != C_REPLV )
cast_to_REPL(sp+1) ;
(void) cellcpy(&sc, cp = (CELL *)(sp+2)->ptr) ;
if ( sc.type < C_STRING ) cast1_to_s(&sc) ;
repl_cnt = 0 ;
tc.ptr = (PTR) gsub(sp->ptr, sp+1, string(&sc)->str, 1) ;
if ( repl_cnt )
tc.type = C_STRING ;
slow_cell_assign(cp, &tc) ;
/* cleanup */
free_STRING(string(&sc)) ; free_STRING(string(&tc)) ;
repl_destroy(sp+1) ;
sp->type = C_DOUBLE ;
sp->dval = (double) repl_cnt ;
return sp ;