`ld -r -x' now supported on all object files. Support for long archive member names (AR_EFMT1 format), thanks to Bill Sommerfeld/Mark Eichin Do the right(?) thing with symbol aliases (N_INDR) for POSIX lover, especially when equiping shared libraries with these (this was *not* fun). Handle silly archives (.sa) for people who needs them; turn on by `-Bsilly'.
18 lines
349 B
18 lines
349 B
* $Id: md-static-funcs.c,v 1.2 1993/12/08 10:14:44 pk Exp $
* Called by ld.so when onanating.
* This *must* be a static function, so it is not called through a jmpslot.
static void
md_relocate_simple(r, relocation, addr)
struct relocation_info *r;
long relocation;
char *addr;
if (r->r_relative)
*(long *)addr += relocation;