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NOTE: In the following examples you will see references to
disk devices. For those not familiar with NetBSD, the following
prefixes are used to denote drive types:
sd SCSI disk
rd HP-IB disk
In the examples that follow, `rd' will be used. The steps are
exactly the same for `sd' disks. Only the names have changed
to protect the innocent.
Assuming you have read this document thoroughly and kept good notes
about your partitions, the rest should be fairly straight forward.
Before you begin, you must have already prepared the target disk
as detailed in the section on preparing your system for install.
The following is a walk-through of the steps necessary to finish
what the preparation process has already begun. You may choose to
stop the process at any time, but if you do, it's recommended that
you start over from scratch.
First you need to boot off of the target disk which
you have made in the preparation process. To do this,
halt HP-UX, power-cycle your machine, and hit the space
bar during the boot ROM's probing/testing sequence.
You should eventually be presented with a list of systems
from which to boot. You want the one called `SYS_PBOOT'.
After selecting `SYS_PBOOT', your system should load the
NetBSD boot block and ask you for a kernel to load.
Enter the following to boot NetBSD into single-user mode.
(Note: it will come into single-user anyway, as there is
not yet an fstab, but this makes it happen more gracefully.)
netbsd -s
The kernel will now load, and configure your hardware.
Make a note of the device it lists when mounting the
root filesystem. It should look something like this:
Changing root device to rd0a
The message above is an example only. Your message may
be different.
Check the root filesystem. Use the raw flavor of the
device listed during the `Changing root device...'
message. Example:
fsck -p /dev/rrd0a
Mount the root filesystem:
mount /dev/rd0a /
It's now time to newfs all of the other partitions you
listed in your disk label. So, for example, if rd0e and
rd0f were to have filesystems put on them, you would
do the following:
newfs /dev/rrd0e
newfs /dev/rrd0f
Ensure that the mount-points for these filesystems are clean.
If these filesystems are to be /var and /usr, respectively,
just check that there are no files in those directories.
There shouldn't be. Once you've made sure, go ahead and
mount those filesystems.
It's now time to get the distribution sets onto the root
or other filesystem. There are several programs in /ibin
to help you with this. At your disposal, you have:
Except for extract, which is just a script to help the
process along, these are statically-linked versions of
themselves, which normally appear in /usr/bin.
If you placed the distribution sets on tape, go to the
directory where you wish to temporarily place them and
extract them from tape, using /dev/nrstX for SCSI tapes
or /dev/nrctX for HP-IB cartridge tapes, where X is the
unit number of the tape, probably 0.
tar xvf /dev/nrst0
If this extracts the sets directly into your current
directory, terrific. Otherwise, go to the directory in
which they live. Skip on to extracting the sets.
If you will be grabbing the sets off of the network somehow,
configure your network interface:
ifconfig le0 inet <ipaddr> <netmask> <broadcast>
route add default <addr-of-default-router>
If you will be ftp'ing the sets from one of the NetBSD ftp
sites, go to the directory where you wish to temporarily
place them and download them from the ftp site of your choice.
Since you haven't yet created a resolv.conf, you'll need to
use the IP address.
/ibin/ftp <ftp_ipaddr>
If you will be getting the sets from an NFS server, mount
the filesystem on the server which has the sets, and go
to the directory that has them. Again, you'll need to use
the IP address of the server.
mount -t nfs <serv_ipaddr>:<server_dir> <mount_point>
At this point, you have everything necessary to label any
additional disks that you wish to label. If you created
additional labels in the preparation phase, and have
access to them now, go ahead and label the disks they
correspond to:
disklabel -W rd1
disklabel -r -R rd1 rd1.label
rd1 additional disk you wish to label
rd1.label file containing disk label information
You may check these labels once they are on the disk:
disklabel -r rd1
rd1 additional disk you wish to label
A problem with a partition (such as overlaps or not falling
on a cylinder boundary) will be noted with a `*'. If you see
these, re-edit your label by the method of your choice (on
another machine, perhaps, or with ed(1), for the brave),
transfer it to a place that's usable (if necessary) and
label the disk again.
Once these disks have been labeled, you may newfs the
partitions that are to contain filesystems and mount them.
You should now be ready to extract the filesets. The program
/ibin/extract should help you with this. For example:
/ibin/extract base
-or- /ibin/extract base.tar.gz
Do this for all of the filesets you wish to extract. As your disk
fills up, you may wish to remove the sets once you have extracted
You should have everything necessary to use an editor by now.
Set your TERM environment variable:
setenv TERM hp300h (csh)
-or- export TERM=hp300h (sh)
hp300h is the terminal type for the HP 9000/300 ITE console.
If you are using a serial console, change the TERM variable
appropriately. Now, initialize the terminal:
You should be able to use vi now.
Create an /etc/fstab. Example fstabs are provided in
/etc/ and /etc/fstab.rd.
Edit your host table, /etc/hosts. In it, place the IP
address of this host and the IP address of your default
Edit the file /etc/myname. In it, place the symbolic name
of your machine.
Edit the file /etc/defaultdomain. In it, place the name
of your YP domain. If you will not be using YP, simply
enter the domain name of your site.
Edit the file /etc/mygate. In it, place the name of
your default router, as your listed it in /etc/hosts.
Edit the file /etc/hostname.le0. In it, place the following
inet <> <netmask> <broadcast>
<> is the name corresponsing to
the IP address for that interface, as you listed in
<netmask> is the netmask for your network.
<broadcast> is the broadcast address for your network.
Repeat this step for any additional network interfaces you
may have.
Edit the file /etc/ttys. Make sure that the entries are
correct for whichever console type you have. /dev/console
is correct for ITE, /dev/tty0 for console on dca, and
/dev/tty00 for console on dcm. You may get more information
about /etc/ttys by doing `man ttys', providing you have
installed the system manual set.
Ok, cross your fingers and reboot:
sync; sync; sync; reboot
Providing you entered all information correctly, your
machine will boot into multi-user mode. Your system
will need a few tweaks here and there (like /etc/
and /etc/netstart, perhaps), but that's the easy stuff.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully installed NetBSD
onto your hp300! Pat yourself on the back. This might also
be a good time to remove /ibin, as you will no longer need
it, and it is provided solely for bootstrapping purposes.