
101 lines
2.9 KiB

/* $NetBSD: gcc_cast_union.c,v 1.4 2023/07/07 19:45:22 rillig Exp $ */
# 3 "gcc_cast_union.c"
* Test the GCC extension for casting to a union type.
* As of GCC 10.3.0, GCC only prints a generic warning without any details:
* error: cast to union type from type not present in union
* No idea why it neither mentions the union type nor the actual type.
/* lint1-extra-flags: -e -X 351 */
union anything {
_Bool m_bool;
char m_char;
signed char m_signed_char;
unsigned char m_unsigned_char;
short m_short;
unsigned short m_unsigned_short;
int m_int;
unsigned int m_unsigned_int;
long m_long;
unsigned long m_unsigned_long;
long long m_long_long;
unsigned long long m_unsigned_long_long;
/* skip __int128_t and __uint128_t for now */
float m_float;
double m_double;
long double m_long_double;
struct m_struct {
int member;
} m_struct;
union m_union {
int member;
} m_union;
enum m_enum1 {
} m_enum1;
enum m_enum2 {
} m_enum2;
const char *m_const_char_pointer;
double m_double_array[5];
void (*m_function)(void *);
void (*m_function_varargs)(void *, ...);
float _Complex m_float_complex;
double _Complex m_double_complex;
long double _Complex m_long_double_complex;
enum other_enum {
union anything any;
any = (union anything)(_Bool)0;
any = (union anything)(char)'\0';
any = (union anything)(signed char)'\0';
any = (union anything)(unsigned char)'\0';
any = (union anything)(short)'\0';
any = (union anything)(unsigned short)'\0';
any = (union anything)(int)'\0';
any = (union anything)(unsigned int)'\0';
any = (union anything)(long)'\0';
any = (union anything)(unsigned long)'\0';
any = (union anything)(long long)'\0';
any = (union anything)(unsigned long long)'\0';
any = (union anything)0.0F;
any = (union anything)0.0;
any = (union anything)0.0L;
any = (union anything)(struct m_struct){ 0 };
any = (union anything)(union m_union){ 0 };
any = (union anything)E1;
any = (union anything)E2;
/* GCC allows enum mismatch even with -Wenum-conversion */
/* expect+1: error: type 'enum other_enum' is not a member of 'union anything' [329] */
any = (union anything)OTHER;
/* expect+1: error: type 'pointer to char' is not a member of 'union anything' [329] */
any = (union anything)"char *";
any = (union anything)(const char *)"char *";
/* expect+1: error: type 'pointer to double' is not a member of 'union anything' [329] */
any = (union anything)(double[5]){ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
/* expect+1: error: type 'pointer to double' is not a member of 'union anything' [329] */
any = (union anything)(double[4]){ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
/* expect+1: error: type 'pointer to int' is not a member of 'union anything' [329] */
any = (union anything)(int[5]){ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
any = (union anything)(float _Complex)0.0F;
any = (union anything)(double _Complex)0.0;
any = (union anything)(long double _Complex)0.0L;
any = any;