dependencies if they _can_ be installed. I.e. if a package wants version X installed, but version Y is already installed, pkg_adding that required pkg will blow up later (probably some pkg_add recursions down, given what we keep in the depends list). Now, it stopps right away: noon# pkg_add /usr/pkgsrc/packages/i386ELF/All/xdaemon-1.0.tgz pkg_add: pkg `xteddy-1.*' required, but `xteddy-2.0.1' found installed. Please resolve this conflict! The idea of this is from Thomas Klausner, further inputs from Alistair Crooks. * allow pkg names without versions given to "pkg_admin check" * Use sizeof() instead of hardcoding the buffers' size in some places
Some of the options of this utility (add, delete) are *not* intended for public release. Any work regarding the consistancy of the pkgdb should be put into pkg_add/pkg_delete, instead of a brute-force "rebuild". The "rebuild" should be only needed wen upgrading from non-pkgdb- pkg_* tools to pkgdb-pkg_* tools. - hubertf