
190 lines
5.8 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.144 2001/10/29 19:48:35 tv Exp $
# This is the top-level makefile for building NetBSD. For an outline of
# how to build a snapshot or release, as well as other release engineering
# information, see
# Not everything you can set or do is documented in this makefile. In
# particular, you should review the files in /usr/share/mk (especially
# bsd.README) for general information on building programs and writing
# Makefiles within this structure, and see the comments in src/etc/Makefile
# for further information on installation and release set options.
# Variables listed below can be set on the make command line (highest
# priority), in /etc/mk.conf (middle priority), or in the environment
# (lowest priority).
# Variables:
# DESTDIR is the target directory for installation of the compiled
# software. It defaults to /. Note that programs are built against
# libraries installed in DESTDIR.
# MKMAN, if set to `no', will prevent building of manual pages.
# MKOBJDIRS, if not set to `no', will build object directories at
# an appropriate point in a build.
# MKSHARE, if set to `no', will prevent building and installing
# anything in /usr/share.
# NBUILDJOBS is the number of jobs to start in parallel during a
# `make build'. It defaults to 1.
# UPDATE, if defined, will avoid a `make cleandir' at the start of
# `make build', as well as having the effects listed in
# /usr/share/mk/bsd.README.
# NOCLEANDIR, if defined, will avoid a `make cleandir' at the start
# of the `make build'.
# NOINCLUDES will avoid the `make includes' usually done by `make build'.
# Targets:
# build:
# Builds a full release of NetBSD in DESTDIR. If BUILD_DONE is
# set, this is an empty target.
# release:
# Does a `make build,' and then tars up the DESTDIR files
# into RELEASEDIR, in release(7) format. (See etc/Makefile for
# more information on this.)
# regression-tests:
# Runs the regression tests in "regress" on this host.
# Targets invoked by `make build,' in order:
# obj: creates object directories.
# cleandir: cleans the tree.
# do-make-tools: builds host toolchain.
# do-distrib-dirs: creates the distribution directories.
# includes: installs include files.
# do-lib-csu: builds and installs prerequisites from lib/csu.
# do-lib: builds and installs prerequisites from lib.
# do-gnu-lib: builds and installs prerequisites from gnu/lib.
# do-build: builds and installs the entire system.
.include "${.CURDIR}/share/mk/"
# Sanity check: make sure that "make build" is not invoked simultaneously
# with a standard recursive target.
.if make(build) || make(release) || make(snapshot)
.for targ in ${TARGETS:Nobj:Ncleandir}
.if make(${targ}) && !target(.BEGIN)
@echo 'BUILD ABORTED: "make build" and "make ${targ}" are mutually exclusive.'
.if defined(NBUILDJOBS)
.if ${USETOOLS} == "yes"
_SUBDIR+= tools
_SUBDIR+= lib include gnu bin games libexec sbin usr.bin \
usr.sbin share sys etc distrib regress
# Weed out directories that don't exist.
.for dir in ${_SUBDIR}
.if exists(${dir}/Makefile)
SUBDIR+= ${dir}
.if exists(regress)
@echo Running regression tests...
@cd ${.CURDIR}/regress && ${MAKE} ${_M} regress
.if ${MKMAN} != "no"
afterinstall: whatis.db
cd ${.CURDIR}/share/man && ${MAKE} ${_M} makedb
# Targets (in order!) called by "make build".
.if ${MKOBJDIRS:Uno} != "no"
.if !defined(UPDATE) && !defined(NOCLEANDIR)
.if ${USETOOLS} == "yes"
BUILDTARGETS+= do-make-tools
.if !defined(NODISTRIBDIRS)
BUILDTARGETS+= do-distrib-dirs
.if !defined(NOINCLUDES)
BUILDTARGETS+= do-lib-csu do-lib do-gnu-lib do-build
# Enforce proper ordering of some rules.
includes-lib: includes-include includes-sys
includes-gnu: includes-lib
# Build the system and install into DESTDIR.
.if defined(BUILD_DONE)
@echo "Build already installed into ${DESTDIR}"
@echo -n "Build started at: " && date
@${MAKE} ${_J} ${_M} ${BUILDTARGETS}
@echo -n "Build finished at: " && date
# Build a release or snapshot (implies "make build").
release snapshot: build
cd ${.CURDIR}/etc && ${MAKE} ${_M} INSTALL_DONE=1 release
# Special components of the "make build" process.
cd ${.CURDIR}/tools && ${MAKE} ${_M} build
cd ${.CURDIR}/etc && ${MAKE} ${_M} DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} distrib-dirs
.for dir in lib/csu lib gnu/lib
.for targ in dependall install
cd ${.CURDIR}/${dir} && \
${MAKE} ${_M} ${_J} MKSHARE=no MKLINT=no ${targ}
${MAKE} ${_M} ${_J} dependall
${MAKE} ${_M} ${_J} install
# Speedup stubs for some subtrees that don't need to run these rules.
# (Tells <> not to recurse for them.)
includes-bin includes-games includes-libexec includes-regress \
includes-sbin includes-usr.sbin includes-tools \
dependall-tools depend-tools all-tools install-tools install-regress \
dependall-distrib depend-distrib all-distrib install-distrib includes-distrib:
.include "${.CURDIR}/share/mk/"
_M:= -m ${.CURDIR}/share/mk
# Rules for building the BUILDING.* documentation files.
build-docs: ${.CURDIR}/BUILDING.txt ${.CURDIR}/BUILDING.html
.SUFFIXES: .mdoc .html .txt
.mdoc.html: ${.CURDIR}/Makefile
groff -mdoc2html -Tlatin1 -P-b -P-u -P-o -ww -mtty-char $< >$@
# The awk expression changes line endings from LF to CR-LF to make
# this readable on many more platforms than just Un*x.
.mdoc.txt: ${.CURDIR}/Makefile
groff -mdoc -Tascii -P-b -P-u -P-o $< | \
awk 'BEGIN{ORS="\r\n"}{print}' >$@