program/tool from "FOO" to "TOOL_FOO". The new variables are: TOOL_ASN1_COMPILE TOOL_CAP_MKDB TOOL_CAT TOOL_CKSUM TOOL_COMPILE_ET TOOL_CONFIG TOOL_CRUNCHGEN TOOL_CTAGS TOOL_DB TOOL_EQN TOOL_FGEN TOOL_GENCAT TOOL_GROFF TOOL_HEXDUMP TOOL_INDXBIB TOOL_INSTALLBOOT TOOL_INSTALL_INFO TOOL_M4 TOOL_MAKEFS TOOL_MAKEINFO TOOL_MAKEWHATIS TOOL_MDSETIMAGE TOOL_MENUC TOOL_MKCSMAPPER TOOL_MKESDB TOOL_MKLOCALE TOOL_MKMAGIC TOOL_MKTEMP TOOL_MSGC TOOL_MTREE TOOL_PAX TOOL_PIC TOOL_PREPMKBOOTIMAGE TOOL_PWD_MKDB TOOL_REFER TOOL_ROFF_ASCII TOOL_ROFF_DVI TOOL_ROFF_HTML TOOL_ROFF_PS TOOL_ROFF_RAW TOOL_RPCGEN TOOL_SOELIM TOOL_SUNLABEL TOOL_TBL TOOL_UUDECODE TOOL_VGRIND TOOL_ZIC For each, provide default in <bsd.sys.mk> of the form: TOOL_FOO?= foo and for the ${USETOOLS}=="yes" case in <bsd.own.mk>, provide override: TOOL_FOO= ${TOOLDIR}/bin/${_TOOL_PREFIX}foo Document all of these in bsd.README. This cleans up a chunk of potential (and actual) namespace collision within our build infrastructure, as well as improves consistency in the share/mk documentation and provision of appropriate defaults for each of these variables.
# $NetBSD: README,v 1.2 1998/01/09 06:34:28 perry Exp $ The documentation contained here is horribly out of date and not to be trusted. However, it's probably better than nothing at all.