port. cesfic is a VME board with one or two mc68040 processors. See the README file for details. The port is working well with a.out userland, there are some problems with ELF still, like applications running out of memory where it is not expected. Some parts, in particular the pmap (which was taken from hp300 four years ago), need updating, but this is easier done within the NetBSD CVS tree.
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$NetBSD: README,v 1.1 2001/05/14 18:22:58 drochner Exp $
This is a port of NetBSD to the FIC8234 VME processor board, made by the
swiss company CES (Geneve). These boards are (or have been) popular in
high energy physics data acquisition (think of CERN!). See
for some technical data.
The highlights:
- MC68040 processor at 25 MHz (optional dual-processor)
- 8 or 32 MByte RAM
- 2 serial ports on Z85c30
- 79c900 (ILACC) ethernet
- 53c710 SCSI
The port is quite rudimentary at the moment. The kernel is started out of
a running OS-9 system. SCSI support is not present yet, so it only works
diskless with NFS (or ramdisk - not tested) root.
It is good enough for multiuser, self-hosting etc. however.
To start it:
- make OS image by "objcopy --output-target=binary netbsd <imagename>"
- load image to physical address 0x20100000 (RAM start + 1M)
- jump to 0x20100400
For questions and contributions, contact Matthias Drochner