was developed as part of Google's Summer of Code 2005 program. This change adds the kernel code, the mount_tmpfs utility, a regression test suite and does all other related changes to integrate these. The file-system is still *experimental*. Therefore, it is disabled by default in all kernels. However, as typically done, a commented-out entry is added in them to ease its setup. Note that I haven't commited the required mountd(8) changes to be able to export tmpfs file-systems because NFS support is still very unstable and because, before enabling it, I'd like to do some other changes. OK'ed by my project mentor, William Studenmund (wrstuden@).
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.95 2005/09/10 19:20:48 jmmv Exp $
# @(#)Makefile 8.5 (Berkeley) 3/31/94
# Not ported: XNSrouted enpload scsiformat startslip
# Missing: icheck ncheck
.include <bsd.own.mk>
SUBDIR= atactl badsect bim brconfig ccdconfig disklabel dkctl dmesg \
drvctl edlabel fastboot fdisk fsck fsirand ifconfig init ldconfig \
lmcctl mbrlabel mknod modload modunload mount newbtconf nologin \
pdisk ping pppoectl raidctl reboot rcorder rndctl route routed \
savecore scan_ffs scsictl shutdown slattach swapctl sysctl ttyflags \
umount veriexecctl vinum wdogctl wsconsctl
# support for various file systems
SUBDIR+= fsck_ext2fs
SUBDIR+= newfs fsck_ffs fsdb dump restore clri tunefs
SUBDIR+= newfs_lfs fsck_lfs dump_lfs resize_lfs
SUBDIR+= newfs_msdos fsck_msdos
SUBDIR+= mount_ados
SUBDIR+= mount_cd9660
SUBDIR+= mount_ext2fs
SUBDIR+= mount_fdesc
SUBDIR+= mount_filecore
SUBDIR+= mount_ffs
SUBDIR+= mount_kernfs
SUBDIR+= mount_lfs
SUBDIR+= mount_msdos
SUBDIR+= mount_nfs
SUBDIR+= mount_ntfs
SUBDIR+= mount_null
SUBDIR+= mount_overlay
SUBDIR+= mount_portal
SUBDIR+= mount_procfs
SUBDIR+= mount_ptyfs
SUBDIR+= mount_smbfs
SUBDIR+= mount_tmpfs
SUBDIR+= mount_umap
SUBDIR+= mount_union
.if (${MKCRYPTO} != "no")
SUBDIR+= cgdconfig
.if (${USE_INET6} != "no")
SUBDIR+= ping6 rtsol
# IPsec
SUBDIR+= setkey
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>