drisavar.h pretends to provide a few bus.h macros, hardwired to that chip. This should eventually be replaced by attachment code for the normal com.c driver, once that one is split up into chip core driver and attachment code, and once we have busxxx macros in NetBSD/Amiga.
23 lines
665 B
23 lines
665 B
/* $NetBSD: drisavar.h,v 1.1 1996/11/30 00:43:05 is Exp $ */
#ifndef DRISAVAR_H
#ifndef DRCCADDR
#include <amiga/amiga/drcustom.h>
#define i2drabs(io) (DRCCADDR + NBPG * DRSUPIOPG + (io << 2) + 1)
#define i2drrel(ioh,io) (ioh + (io << 2))
#define bus_chipset_tag_t void *
#define bus_io_handle_t vm_offset_t
#define bus_io_map(bc, iob, n, iohp) (*(iohp) = i2drabs(iob), 0)
#define bus_io_unmap(bc, ioh, n) do {(void)bc; (void)ioh; (void)n;} while (0)
#define bus_io_read_1(bt, ioh, off) ((void)bc, *(u_int8_t *)i2drrel(ioh, off))
#define bus_io_write_1(bt, ioh, off, val) do {\
(void)bt; *(u_int8_t *)i2drrel(ioh, off) = (val); } while (0)