
248 lines
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/* G K E R M I T . H -- GNU Kermit header */
Frank da Cruz
The Kermit Project
Columbia University
612 West 115th Street
New York NY 10025-7799 USA
Copyright (C) 1999,
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _GKERMIT_H
#define _GKERMIT_H
#include <stdio.h>
/* Kermit protocol definitions */
#define MAXTRY 10 /* Packet retry limit */
#ifndef SMALL /* Define small systems here */
#ifdef pdp11 /* PDP-11 (64K address space) */
#define SMALL
#endif /* pdp11 */
#endif /* SMALL */
#ifdef SMALL /* Buffer sizes for small systems */
#define MAXSP 4000
#define MAXRP 4000
#define DEFRP 1000
#define MAXPATHLEN 255
#define DEVNAMLEN 64
#define MAXRECORD 255
#else /* 32-bit and 64-bit platforms... */
#ifndef MAXSP
#define MAXSP 9000 /* Maximum send packet size */
#endif /* MAXSP */
#ifndef MAXRP /* Maximum receive packet size */
#define MAXRP 9000
#endif /* MAXRP */
#ifndef DEFRP /* Default receive packet size */
#define DEFRP 4000
#endif /* DEFRP */
#endif /* SMALL */
#define CTTNAM "/dev/tty" /* Default terminal name */
/* Sizes for file/device-name and file i/o buffers */
#ifndef MAXPATHLEN /* Maximum file specification length */
#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
#endif /* MAXPATHLEN */
#ifndef MAXNAMLEN /* Maximum file name length */
#define MAXNAMLEN 256
#endif /* MAXNAMLEN */
#ifndef DEVNAMLEN /* Maximum device name length */
#define DEVNAMLEN 1024
#endif /* DEVNAMLEN */
#ifndef MAXRECORD /* Text file input buffer length */
#define MAXRECORD 4080
#endif /* MAXRECORD */
#ifdef __STDC__
#define VOID void
#define VOID int
#endif /* __STDC__ */
/* SVORPOSIX = System V or POSIX */
#ifdef POSIX
#ifdef SYSV
#endif /* SYSV */
#endif /* POSIX */
#endif /* SVORPOSIX */
/* Signal type */
#ifndef SIG_V
#ifndef SIG_I
#define SIG_V
#define SIG_I
#endif /* SVORPOSIX */
#endif /* SIG_I */
#endif /* SIG_V */
#ifdef SIG_I
#define SIGRETURN return(0)
#ifndef SIGTYP
#define SIGTYP int
#endif /* SIGTYP */
#ifdef SIG_V
#define SIGRETURN return
#ifndef SIGTYP
#define SIGTYP void
#endif /* SIGTYP */
#endif /* SIG_V */
#endif /* SIG_I */
/* WHATAMI bit definitions */
#define WMI_FMODE 2 /* File transfer mode */
#define WMI_FNAME 4 /* File name conversion */
#define WMI_STREAM 8 /* I have a reliable transport */
#define WMI_CLEAR 16 /* I have a clear channel */
#define WMI_FLAG 32 /* Flag that WHATAMI field is valid */
#define WMI2_XMODE 1 /* Transfer mode auto(0)/manual(1) */
#define WMI2_RECU 2 /* Transfer is recursive */
#define WMI2_FLAG 32 /* Flag that WHATAMI2 field is valid */
/* Data types */
#ifndef CHAR
#define CHAR unsigned char
#endif /* CHAR */
#ifndef ULONG
#define ULONG unsigned long
#endif /* ULONG */
/* Pointer and character constants */
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0 /* NULL pointer */
#endif /* NULL */
#define NUL '\000' /* ASCII NUL character */
#define LF '\012' /* ASCII Linefeed */
#define CR '\015' /* ASCII Carriage Return */
#define SP '\040' /* ASCII space character */
#define DEL 127 /* ASCII DEL */
/* Macros */
#define tochar(ch) ((ch) + SP ) /* Number to character */
#define xunchar(ch) ((ch) - SP ) /* Character to number */
#define ctl(ch) ((ch) ^ 64 ) /* Controllify/Uncontrollify */
#define zgetc(a) (((--zincnt)>=0) ? ((int)(*zinptr++) & 0xff) : zfillbuf(a))
/* Function prototype macro works for both ANSI and K&R C */
#ifdef __STDC__
#define _MYPROTOTYPE( func, parms ) func parms
#define _MYPROTOTYPE( func, parms ) func()
#endif /* __STDC__ */
/* Function prototypes */
_MYPROTOTYPE( SIGTYP doexit, (int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID sysinit, (void) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( char dopar, (char) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID tmsg, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID tmsgl, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ttopen, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ttpkt, (int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ttres, (void) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ttinl, (char *, int, int, char, char, int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ttol, (char *, int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ttchk, (void) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ttflui, (void) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( long zchki, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zchko, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zopeni, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zopeno, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zclosi, (void) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zcloso, (int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zfillbuf, (int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID zltor, (char *, char *, int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zrtol, (char *, char *, int, int) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int zbackup, (char *) );
_MYPROTOTYPE( int input, (void) ); /* Input to state machine (like lex) */
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID nxtpkt, (void) ); /* Increment packet number */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ack, (void) ); /* Send empty Acknowledgment */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int ack1, (char *) ); /* Send data-bearing Acknowledgment */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int nak, (void) ); /* Send Negative acknowledgement */
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID tinit, (void) ); /* Transaction initialization */
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID errpkt, (char *) ); /* Send error packet */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int sinit, (char) ); /* Send S packet */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int sfile, (void) ); /* Send File header packet */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int sdata, (void) ); /* Send Data packet */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int seof, (char *) ); /* Send EOF packet */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int seot, (void) ); /* Send EOT packet */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int resend, (void) ); /* Resend a packet */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int decode, (int) ); /* Decode packet data field */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int encstr, (char *) ); /* Encode a memory string */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int gattr, (char *) ); /* Get incoming file attributes */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int sattr, (void) ); /* Send file attributes */
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID ginit, (void) ); /* Transaction initialization */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int scmd, (char, char *) ); /* Send command to Kermit server */
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID rinit, (void) ); /* Receive initialization */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int gnfile, (void) ); /* Get next filename */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int rcvfil, (void) ); /* Receive incoming file */
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID spar, (char *) ); /* Set parameters from other Kermit */
_MYPROTOTYPE( char *rpar, (void) ); /* Tell parameters to other Kermit */
_MYPROTOTYPE( VOID usage, (void) ); /* Give usage message */
_MYPROTOTYPE( int gwart, (void) ); /* State table switcher */
/* Externs */
#ifdef ERRNO_H
#include <errno.h>
extern int errno;
#endif /* ERRNO_H */
#ifndef _GKERMIT_C
extern int debug;
#endif /* _GKERMIT_C */
#endif /* _GKERMIT_H */
/* End gkermit.h */