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A. Gustafsson
M. Graff
<draft-msawyer-dnsext-edns-attributes-00.txt> 15 November 2000
Handling of unknown EDNS0 attributes
Status of this Memo
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as ``work in progress.''
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
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This draft expires on May 15, 2001.
This document provides a clarification of the EDNS0 protocol,
specifying the behavior of servers when they receive unknown EDNS
1.1 - Introduction
Familiarity with DNS [RFC1034, RFC1035] and DNS Extension Mechanisms
[RFC2671] is helpful.
EDNS0 [RFC2671] specifies a general framework for extending the
packet format used by the Domain Name System protocol. The framework
provides for a series of additional options, identified by a 16 bit
attribute ID and arbitrary sized payload. Any number of these
additional options can be specified in the DNS packet. As specified,
the current scheme has drawbacks:
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INTERNET-DRAFT Handling of unknown EDNS attributes October 2000
- It provides no way for implementers to deploy test systems with
experimental features prior to approval of the feature and assignment
of an attribute ID.
- It provides no specification on what an application should do when
receiving unrecognized options.
This draft proposes to clarify the original EDNS0 draft [RFC2671],
addressing these drawbacks.
1.2 - Requirements
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
2 - Protocol changes:
This document updates [RFC2671]. Conformance to this specification
is claimed by specifying EDNS version 1.
2.1 - Advisory and Required Options:
Some potential uses of EDNS options are advisory in nature, For
example, a hypothetical option indicating that "I understand frobozz
compression in responses" can be safely ignored by the recipient,
which will then simply not use frobozz compression. Others uses of
options, such as a hypothetical "send only cryptographically verified
data in responses" option, cannot be safely ignored, and should cause
the request to fail if not understood by the receiver.
This suggests that we need two types of options, "advisory" options
(that can be ignored) and "required" options (that can not). Because
a server needs to classify options as advisory or required even if
they were not yet defined when the server was implemented, the type
of an option must be evident without knowing its internal structure.
This is achieved by splitting the option type codes into two ranges:
options with type code 0x0000-0x7FFF are considered "advisory", and
options with type code 0x8000-0xFFFF are considered "required".
2.2 - Handling of Unknown and Unsupported EDNS Option Types
When a server receives an unknown or unsupported advisory option in a
request or response message, it MUST ignore the unknown option and
process the message as if the option was not present. In the reply,
it SHOULD include an advisory UNSUPPORTED option (TBD).
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When a server receives an unknown or unsupported required option in a
request message, it MUST NOT act on the request, and it MUST return
an error response with the extended result code BADOPT (TBD). In the
reply, it SHOULD include an advisory UNSUPPORTED option.
When a server receives an unknown or unsupported required option in a
response message, it MUST ignore the response. The server SHOULD
continue to parse options after the unknown option, including a list
of all unsupported options in the UNSUPPORTED option in the reply.
Servers MAY include SUPPORTED options in replies to messages, listing
option codes which they understand. This message SHOULD contain all
option codes the server understands. This facility MAY NOT be used
in place of the UNSUPPORTED option to identify unsupported options in
Clients MAY include SUPPORTED or UNSUPPORTED options in queries.
UNSUPPORTED options SHOULD only list those option codes which the
client has received in previous replies from the server, not an
inclusive list of all unsupported option codes.
2.3 - Use of Reserved Options for Development
Option codes in the range of 0x7FF0 to 0x7FFF and 0xFFF0 to 0xFFFF
are considered "reserved" and shall not be assigned to new protocols.
Software vendors SHOULD use these options for testing of protocols
under development, provided the following conditions are met:
- Vendors MUST NOT ship any versions of the software which use option
codes in this range. They MUST delay shipping software with the new
options until IANA has assigned permanent option codes.
- Vendors MUST NOT place development servers on the live internet
which send options in this range to remote servers or which
understand options in this range as having any meaning.
The SUPPORTED and UNSUPPORTED options contain a list of option codes
which the server or client does or doesn't support. The list
contains, in network byte order, the supported or unsupported 16 bit
option codes:
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
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| LENGTH (number of options * 2) |
/ /
Sending a SUPPORTED option with a zero-length payload indicates that
the server or client supports no EDNS options, so none should be
used. UNSUPPORTED options with zero-length payloads SHOULD NOT be
sent, as such a message is meaningless.
4 - IANA considerations
When allocating EDNS Option Codes, the IANA shall henceforth require
the RFC defining the new option to specify whether the option is an
"advisory" or a "required" option. The option code for an advisory
option shall be allocated from the range 0x0000-0x7FEF, and the code
for a required option shall be allocated from the range
Option codes in the ranges of 0x7FF0 to 0x7FFF and 0xFFF0 to 0xFFFF
are considered "reserved."
The IANA is hereby requested to assign EDNS Version Number 1 to this
specification, to assign a new extended RCODE value for BADOPT, and
to assign advisory option codes for UNSUPPORTED and SUPPORTED.
5 - Security considerations
This document provides a mechanism for users to override the default
behavior of the server when accessing data from its internal zone
databases. Software developers and administrators should use some
care when enabling these options, as they may provide outside users
the ability to retrieve information otherwise not available.
6 - Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Olafur Gudmundsson for his input on
this draft.
7 - References
[RFC2119] S. Brander, ``Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels,'' RFC 2119, ISI, November 1997.
[RFC2671] P. Vixie, ``Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0),'' RFC
2671, ISI, August, 1999
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Author's Address
Michael Sawyer
Nominum, Inc.
950 Charter St.
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: +1-650-779-6021
Andreas Gustafsson
Nominum, Inc.
950 Charter St.
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: +1-650-779-6004
Michael Graff
Nominum, Inc.
950 Charter St.
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: +1-650-779-6034
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