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IDN Working Group Edmon Chung & David Leung
Internet Draft Neteka Inc.
<draft-ietf-idn-dnsii-mdnr-01.txt> February 2001
DNSII Multilingual Domain Name Resolution
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of
six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
The reader is cautioned not to depend on the values that appear in
examples to be current or complete, since their purpose is primarily
educational. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
A copy of this particular draft is also archived at
This document outlines a resolution process that forms a framework
for the resolution of multilingual domain names. Additionally, a
tunneling mechanism utilizing additional RRs is introduced for the
transition to a fully multilingual capable name space.
The Internet-Draft for DNSII-MDNP was focused purely on discussing
the ultimate packet protocol that is being sent around the Internet
for multilingual domain names. This paper complements the previous
paper by outlining the contemplated resolution process with the DNSII
protocol throughout the DNS name resolution process.
Whether the DNSII protocol is implemented exactly as specified in
DNSII-MDNP is less relevant, rather it is the idea of having a
multilingual packet identifier and the fall back process that
matters. The DNSII-MDNR successfully addresses the transitional
issues at each node of the DNS resolution process providing a clear
migration path and strategy for the deployment of a multilingual
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
enabled DNS system. It also outlines the conformance levels required
for basic or complete implementations for applications, resolvers and
name servers.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction....................................................2
1.1 Terminology....................................................2
1.2 Multilingual Domain Name Resolution............................3
1.2 DNSII-MDNR.....................................................3
2. DNSII Proposal with respect to the DNS Layers...................3
3. The Resolution Process..........................................5
3.1 Steady State Resolution........................................5
3.2 Client-End or Inquirer Transitional Fall-Back Strategy.........6
3.2.1 Tunneling MDNP through DNSII RR..............................6
3.2.2 Tunneling ILET RRs...........................................8
3.3 Resolvers & Server-End Transitional Fallback Strategy..........9
3.3.1 Tunneling MDNP Responses through DNSII ANS RR................9
3.3.2 Reinsertion of ILET and DNSII Identifier....................10
4. DNSII Conformance Levels.......................................10
4.1 Application Conformance Levels................................11
4.2 Resolver Conformance Levels...................................11
4.3 Authoritative Server Conformance Levels.......................11
5. Transition Schedule & Strategy.................................12
6. Summary of Discussion..........................................12
6.1 Client/Application Resolution Strategy........................13
6.2 Resolver Resolution Strategy..................................13
6.3 Authoritative Name Server Resolution Strategy.................13
7. Security Considerations........................................14
8. Intellectual Property Considerations...........................14
9. References.....................................................14
1. Introduction
This Internet-Draft describes details of the contemplated resolution
process after the deployment of DNSII-MDNP, or other multilingual
domain name efforts containing a bit flag multilingual packet
identifier or otherwise InPacket identifications for that matter.
The reader is assumed to be familiar with the concepts discussed in
the DNSII-MDNP Internet-Draft <draft-ietf-idn-dnsii-mdnp.txt>.
1.1 Terminology
and "MAY" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC
2119 [RFC2119].
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
A number of multilingual characters are used in this document for
examples. Please select your view encoding type to Big-5
(Traditional Chinese) for them to be displayed properly.
1.2 Multilingual Domain Name Resolution
The original specifications for the DNS were designed to be open
enough for simple implementation of a multilingual naming system with
slight adjustments as laid out in DNSII-MDNP. The transition and
especially its resolution process during migration is however a
tricky problem. Several things that MUST be kept in mind is that
there is a initial phase, an intermediate phase and an ultimate
steady state phase. DNSII-MDNP only described the ideal protocol at
steady state, with incorporated flexibility for transition from the
present to multilingual as well as again towards future unknown
It is important to remember that the ultimate form SHOULD be
determined and then the transition scheme laid out. While an ASCII
translation system might seem favorable in the short-run, it
effectively creates an alternative universe which is counter to the
spirit of the DNS. However an ASCII translation is implemented, it
immediately creates a "human-multilingual" universe and a "machine-
ASCII" universe. This document introduces a tunneling mechanism to
transition the DNS from today's monolingual system, through an 8-bit
or 7-bit migration scheme towards a truly sustainable multilingual
name space, arriving at a DNSII type system.
While DNSII-MDNP describes the framework for the ultimate protocol
format of a multilingual DNS, DNSII-MDNR will discuss how the packet
SHOULD be transported and interpreted throughout the DNS. The
document will describe both the intended resolution process as well
as part of the transition strategy from the existing DNS to a DNSII
enabled system.
2. DNSII Proposal with respect to the DNS Layers
The following diagram illustrates the use of DNSII-MDNP at a steady
state. Section 3 will discuss the fallback strategies while Section
4 will talk about issues on conformance levels.
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
| | NamePrep:
| Application | Canonicalize in Form C/KC
| | Insert DNSII Identifier +---------------------+
| | Insert appropriate ILET | (Base data) |
+---------------+ +---------------------+
| |
| DNS Packet with DNSII | (no standard)
| Identifier & ILET | RECOMMENDS
| | UCS-2/4
+---------------+ |
| Resolver | Canonicalize, Case Fold +---------------------+
| | (for cache lookup) or | Auth DNS server |
+---------------+ leave as is & Resolve | (Canonicalize, |
| | Case Fold & Lookup) |
| Pass Along without +---------------------+
| Altering Case or Canonicalization |
| |
| <----- DNS service interface -----> |
| DNS service |
| +-----------------------+ +--------------------+ |
| | Forwarding DNS server | | Caching DNS server | |
| +-----------------------+ +--------------------+ |
| |
| +-------------------------+ |
| | Parent-zone DNS servers | |
| +-------------------------+ |
| |
| +-------------------------+ |
| | Root DNS servers | |
| +-------------------------+ |
| |
Please note that at each level, the domain name is being
canonicalized. This is to ensure that at the end, characters that
can be represented by a single code point will not be otherwise
compared resulting in inconsistent reply to a humanly identical name.
It is RECOMMENDED that applications SHOULD conduct canonicalization
while servers MUST. Duplicating the process is fine because if a
character is already composed, it will not compose again with another
This arrangement is very similar to the ASCII case folding
experienced in the DNS today. In the original specifications, it was
RECOMMENDED that query sent be left as they are and case folding done
only at the server end. Some application implementations however do
perform the case folding at the user end. As the query arrives at
the server, it is still case folded.
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
Case folding for multilingual domain names should follow the existing
implementations for ASCII names, where the application SHOULD and the
server MUST.
3. The Resolution Process
It is inevitable that at the end of the day, the entire DNS chain
SHOULD be updated in order for multilingual domain names to be as
efficiently resolved as names under the current DNS. DNSII strives
to provide a schema that ultimately brings the system to a desirable
steady state while carefully giving considerations to all the
transition issues. These include the considerations that at the
application end, there is already a preference and an installed base
of character encoding that may or may not conform to the desires of
the server end operations. The use of ILET is therefore highly
desirable and essential.
3.1 Steady State Resolution
At steady state, the resolution process of multilingual domain names
SHOULD be identical to the existing system. Additional steps of
going through alphanumeric translation are unnecessary and
With DNSII, the contemplated steady state process resembles the well-
known DNS model laid out in RFC1035.
Local Host | Foreign
+---------+ +----------+ | +---------+
| | user queries | |queries | | |
| |(DNSII identifier | | | | |
| | ILET=UCS without | | | | |
| User | Transformation) | | | | Foreign |
| Program |------------------>| Resolver |---------|->| Name |
| | | | | | Server |
| |<------------------| |<--------|--| |
| | user responses | |responses| | |
| | | | | | |
+---------+ +----------+ | +---------+
| ^ |
cache additions | | references |
v | |
+----------+ |
| cache | |
+----------+ |
Eventually, an ISO 10646 UCS without transformation is desired as the
common format. The benefits of having a uniform byte length encoding
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
far exceeds the seemingly easier transformation solution. Especially
considering that the DNS requires a label count that should reflect
the number of characters in a label. Of course there exists
combination characters in the ISO 10646 specifications as well, but
after canonicalization, only the ones that must use combinations
remain and they are usually meaningful depictions.
The importance of this count value is further demonstrated by
scrambling efforts to extend the size of this field or to compress
character encoding to accommodate multilingual characters. With
DNSII, this no longer constitutes an issue because any language will
be able to share the same number of characters thanks to the use of
ISO 10646. As a matter of fact, the desire to use uniform byte
length characters formed part of the original intent of the ISO 10646
initiative anyway.
3.2 Client-End or Inquirer Transitional Fall-Back Strategy
For a DNSII aware Client, it will be able to create DNSII packets
which provides precise character data of the domain name in question.
However, if it encounters a non-compliant resolver, it MUST be able
to fallback to a format acceptable by current resolvers.
+---------+ +----------+
| | (1) user queries | | (2) if Resolver is
| | (DNSII identifier | | DNSII compliant,
| | ILET=UCS without | | Packet is resolved
| User | Transformation) | | accordingly. If
| Program |----------------------->| Resolver | not fallback to (3)
| | | |
| |<-----------------------| |
| | (3) Upon the detection | |
| | of the DNSII Flag | |
| | resolver will reply | |
| | with _Format Error_ | |
| | | |
| |----------------------->| | (5) Current resolu-
| | (4) Send QNAME using | | tion process begins
| | local encoding or | | with the DNSII RR
| | UTF-8 with or without | | passed along as an
| | Additional DNSII RR | | Additional RR
+---------+ +----------+
3.2.1 Tunneling MDNP through DNSII RR
An additional DNSII RR would be tunneled through using the format of
a TXT RR with the RDATA part containing the multilingual labels in a
DNSII compliant format. The TTL of the RR MUST be set to zero to
avoid caching.
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
It is not feasible to have a new RR type just for DNSII because the
resolver might reject RRs with unknown types. For the name used in
the QNAME as well as the NAME field of the DNSII RR UTF-8 MAY be used
as the default fallback encoding. However, an arbitrary ASCII name
MAY also be used just for the purpose of tunneling. The TTL for
responses to tunneled requests MUST be set to zero to avoid caching
at any level in the DNS. More detailed description in Section 3.4.
For older DNS servers, requests with a non-empty additional
information section MAY produce error returns, however since the
deployment of DNSSEC, especially for TSIG considerations, this no-
longer constitutes a problem. Basic security prepared servers such
as BIND 4 or 8 is already capable of bearing the tunneled DNSII RR.
It is possible to use ACE/RACE type translations at this level,
however it is more advisable to use a truly arbitrary label such as
_-for-tunneling-only-_. So doing requires only reserving one
arbitrary name while ACE/RACE creates one more arbitrary name for
each new multilingual name registered, which will eventually
contribute to the fracturing of the DNS.
As an example, a tunneling packet for the domain name: host. <20><><EFBFBD>W<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD><74>
.tld. (4host4<74><34><EFBFBD>W<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD><74>3 tld0) will be represented as:
(in the QNAME field)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
12|0 0| 4 | h | o | s |
16| t | 20 | - | f |
20| 0 | r | - | t |
24| u | n | n | e |
28| l | i | n | g |
32| - | o | n | l |
36| y | - | 3 | t |
40| l | d | 0 |...
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
(The Additional DNSII RR Tunneled in TXT RR form)
: :
/ /
80|1 1| 12 | TYPE = TXT = 16 |
84| CLASS = IN = 1 | TTL |
88| = 0 | RDLENGTH = 22 |
92|0 0| 4 | h | o | s |
96| t |1 0|0 0| UCS-2=1000 | 4 |
100|1 1| 13 |1 0|z| ILET=2 | 4 |
104| <20><> (U+57DF) | <20>W (U+540D) |
108| <20>t (U+7CFB) | <20><> (U+7D71) |
112|1 1| 38 |
The reason a DNSII RR is attached is to alert the authoritative DNS
server that the query is DNSII compliant while being able to tunnel
the request through non-compliant resolvers without any loss of
3.2.2 Tunneling ILET RRs
Another fallback strategy is to tunnel just the ILET instead of the
entire DNSII label. If UTF-8 or a local encoding is used as the
QNAME, then the arbitrary ASCII label is no longer necessary. The
tunneled RR therefore need only consist of an ILET indicating the
encoding format used.
Within the RDATA of an ILET RR masked as a TXT RR the first 4 bytes
will be used to indicate that it is an ILET and the following 4 bytes
to reflect the MIBenum of the encoding used.
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
Following the example given in 3.2.1, the QNAME would be in UTF-8
(MIBenum = 106), while the additional ILET RR would be in the form:
: :
/ /
80|1 1| 12 | TYPE = TXT = 16 |
84| CLASS = IN = 1 | TTL |
88| = 0 | RDLENGTH = 22 |
92| I | L | E | T |
96| 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 |
3.3 Resolvers & Server-End Transitional Fallback Strategy
The tunneling scheme described in Section 3.2 assumes that the
authoritative server is fully DNSII compliant. This assertion is
laid out in Section 4.3 where it is discussed that only fully
compliant servers SHOULD serve multilingual names directly under
their authoritative zone. In any other case, the arbitrary domain
"-for-tunneling-only-" should result in an NXDomain response.
For security aware servers, an NXT RR of the last name wrapped by its
first name in the zone records will be returned because of the
leading "-" for the tunneling label.
If the application end is not DNSII compliant, the fallback
resolution strategy for resolvers would simply be to pass along the
labels in their 8-bit format and determine the existence of the
requested name as usual. If a tunneled DNSII RR is detected, by way
of a label constituting entirely of _-for-tunneling-only-_ and the
existence of a valid DNSII RR, the resolver should attempt to resolve
the name according to the DNSII specification and tunnel the answer
back to the inquirer.
3.3.1 Tunneling MDNP Responses through DNSII ANS RR
To tunnel a DNSII compliant answer through a non-compliant resolver,
another DNSII ANS RR is tunneled. Also using the TXT RR format as a
mask. TXT RRs are best used because it is a valid RR and its RDATA
is an unrestricted byte stream determined only by the RDLENGTH. The
RDATA for a DNSII ANS RR would be the entire content of a regular
response RR attached to a DNSII format name.
Continuing on the example given in Section 3.2, suppose an A record
is requested and the IP address returned for the domain host.<2E><><EFBFBD>W<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD><74>
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
.tld. is, then an additional DNSII ANS RR (TXT) in the
following form will be included:
: :
/ /
114|1 1| 12 | TYPE = TXT = 16 |
118| CLASS = IN = 1 | TTL |
122| = 0 | RDLENGTH = 16 |
126|1 1| 92 | TYPE = A = 1 |
130| CLASS = IN = 1 | TTL |
134| = 3600 | RDLENGTH = 4 |
138| 123 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Note that compression is available in the DNSII RRs. While the
tunneling TXT mask uses the ASCII tunneling name and therefore points
back to the QNAME at offset 12, the tunneled A Record response uses
the offset corresponding to the DNSII compliant labels at 92. While
the TTL of the TXT mask MUST be zero, the tunneled A Record RR
contains a regular TTL, in this case 3600.
3.3.2 Reinsertion of ILET and DNSII Identifier
When a resolver receives an incoming query with a tunneled DNSII/ILET
RR, it SHOULD reconfigure the query into a fully compliant format
before engaging in further resolution. If a "00" query is received,
the resolver should convert the label into UTF-8, set the DNSII
identifier "10" on and set the ILET to UTF-8.
In the scenario where the client end is not DNSII compliant, either a
local encoding 8-bit stream or a UTF-8 encoded stream without the
DNSII flag nor ILET will be transported. During the transition
period, should this occur, the above forced UTF-8 conversion and ILET
insertion would take place and it would be up to the authoritative
server to determine the existence of the requested domain. InZone
DNSII handling mechanism will serve to take care of these
transitional exceptions.
4. DNSII Conformance Levels
DNSII is designed for a smooth transition from the existing ASCII
based DNS to a multilingual capable DNS. Therefore, it is not
necessary for all servers and applications to be switched to
multilingual capable before starting the deployment.
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
4.1 Application Conformance Levels
The BASIC compliancy for applications would be to remove validity
checks for domain names. The resolution process will determine a
non-existing domain name, so there really is no need to prevent a DNS
packet with multilingual labels to be sent through the wires.
The INTERMEDIATE compliancy for applications involves the insertion
of the DNSII identifier as well as the ILET according to the local
inputting and screen scheme. If a user is using a JIS format scheme,
it should set the ILET to reflect it being used. At the same time,
the tunneling mechanism discussed in Section 3.2 MUST also be in
FULLY compliant applications will send all DNS packets with the DNSII
identifier and the ILET set to UCS-2/4. The fallback scheme discussed
in Section 3.2 MUST also be in place. InZone DNSII mechanisms SHOULD
also be available to deal with local encoding exceptions.
4.2 Resolver Conformance Levels
The BASIC compliancy for resolvers would be to allow an 8-bit clean
approach to name resolution. Also, it should be made sure that the
additional DNSII RR (TXT) will not be truncated during resolution.
The INTERMEDIATE compliant resolvers MUST understand how to process
the DNSII identifier as well as not reject the ILET. Interpretation
of the name is not required so it is NOT necessary for the resolvers
to be able to map all or any of the ILET values (with the alternative
approach in DNSII-MDNP, the ILET value corresponds to the byte length
of the characters contained in the label, which makes the count
workable even if the ILET value is not known by the resolver). In
this scenario caching will be for exact comparison only (label to
label with ILET intact). The important criteria is for the resolver
to be able to pass along the DNS query to the corresponding
authoritative server and obtain a correct response.
FULLY compliant resolvers will be able to process the DNSII identifer
and know all the ILET values for full function name mapping. Cache
name lookup will be fully enabled and inquiry fallback mechanism
discussed in Section 3.2.2 SHOULD be performed in the event of
encountering a non-compliant server.
4.3 Authoritative Server Conformance Levels
Authoritative servers MUST be fully compliant before attempting to
serve multilingual sub-domains under its authoritative zone. They
should however prepare for the transition towards a multilingual name
space even if they do not intend to deploy it right away.
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
The BASIC compliancy for authoritative name servers is to allow an 8-
bit clean approach towards sub-domains that are not directly under
its authority (i.e. sub-sub-domains).
The INTERMEDIATE compliant name server will be able to process the
DNSII identifier and ILET without rejecting the query. The
authoritative zone as well as its direct sub-domains however SHOULD
not include the use of the DNSII flags because ILET values are not
understood at this compliancy level.
FULLY compliant name servers will be able to handle DNSII compliant
label formats at its sub-domain levels. That is, fully compliant
root servers will be able to serve multilingual TLDs, fully compliant
TLD servers will be able to serve multilingual SLDs, etc.
5. Transition Schedule & Strategy
DNSII is designed to allow a gradual adoption of multilingual domain
names on the Internet. The transition strategy is therefore geared
to be demand-pull instead of a technology-push incentive. However,
to provide a platform for a demand-pull approach, it is required for
operators to first safeguard their system. The simple approach as
laid out in Section 4 is to propose that servers take a 8-bit clean
approach on name resolution.
As discussed in DNSII-MDNP, it is reasonable for the deployment of
DNSII-MDNP at the registry level first to draw demand for the service
and let the host level DNSs with multilingual names to begin
migration first. DNS operators around the world should however
prepare for the transition and begin the deployment of DNSII
depending on their interest in serving multilingual domain names,
according to the conformance levels laid out in Section 4, beginning
from BASIC compliancy for operators that are least interested to a
FULLY compliant server for operators who wishes to provide
multilingual capabilities for their users.
The root servers could easily be adjusted to be a BASIC compliant
authoritative name server. Once the demand is proven and the
stability of the system tested, they too could transition to fully
compliant authoritative servers so that multilingual TLDs could be
rolled out.
6. Summary of Discussion
This document introduces the contemplated transition and steady state
resolution process for multilingual domain names with a DNSII
compliant format. Two tunneling mechanisms using the TXT RR was
introduced for the preservation of information during transitional
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
6.1 Client/Application Resolution Strategy
Send Query in DNSII format
IF RCODE = Format Error
THEN send query in UTF-8/Local Encoding AND append DNSII RR
IF RCODE = Format Error
THEN send Query in ASCII with _-for-tunneling-only-_ label
AND check for DNSII ANS RR in response
ELSE proceed and check for DNSII ANS RR in response
ELSE proceed as usual
6.2 Resolver Resolution Strategy
(*)IF incoming request is in pure DNSII format
THEN resolve according to ILET in cache and by recursive lookup
IF encounter RCODE = Format Error
THEN send query in UTF-8 AND append DNSII RR
IF RCODE = Format Error
THEN send query in ASCII with _-for-tunneling-only-_
AND check for DNSII ANS RR in response
ELSE proceed and check for DNSII ANS RR in response
ELSE proceed as usual with pure DNSII Format (*)
AND respond in pure DNSII format
ELSE IF incoming request has tunneled MDNP information
THEN resolve using the information in the appended DNSII RR
Reset Query using DNSII Format and go through (*)
AND convert back to tunneling format before responding to query
With DNSII ANS RR appended to response
AND set TTL for regular RRs in the Answer field to be = 0
ElSE IF incoming request is in the original "00" label format
AND no tunneled information is included
AND the label contains characters beyond A-z, 0-9 or "-"
THEN force convert all labels to UTF-8
AND query using DNSII Format and go through (*)
ELSE proceed as usual (existing ASCII based names)
6.3 Authoritative Name Server Resolution Strategy
IF incoming request is in pure DNSII format
THEN resolve according to ILET
AND respond in pure DNSII format
ELSE IF incoming request has tunneled MDNP information
THEN resolve using the information in the appended DNSII RR
AND convert back to tunneling format before responding to query
With DNSII ANS RR appended to response
AND set TTL for regular RRs in the Answer field to be = 0
ELSE use InZone DNSII mechanisms AND use 8-bit clean approach
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
7. Security Considerations
DNSII RRs will be secured through transaction authentication, while
DNSII ANS RRs could have their own SIG RRs. In general, the DNSII-
MDNR should not constitute any extra burden on DNS security.
8. Intellectual Property Considerations
It is the intention of Neteka to submit the DNSII protocol and other
elements of the multilingual domain name server software to IETF for
review, comment or standardization.
Neteka Inc. has applied for one or more patents on the technology
related to multilingual domain name server software and multilingual
email server software suite. If a standard is adopted by IETF and
any patents are issued to Neteka with claims that are necessary for
practicing the standard, any party will be able to obtain the right
to implement, use and distribute the technology or works when
implementing, using or distributing technology based upon the
specific specifications under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory
Other DNSII related documents and discussions could be found at
9. References
[DNSII-MDNP] E. Chung & D. Leung "DNSII Multilingual Domain Name
Protocol", August 2000
[RFC1700] J. Reynolds, J. Postel, "ASSIGNED NUMBERS", RFC
1700, October 1994.
[ISO10646] ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000. International Standard --
Information technology -- Universal Multiple-Octet Coded
Character Set (UCS)
[RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and
Facilities," STD 13, RFC 1034, USC/ISI, November 1987
[RFC1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
Specification," STD 13, RFC 1035, USC/ISI, November
[RFC2119] S. Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels," RFC 2119, March 1997
DNSII-MDNR Multilingual Domain Name Resolution August 2000
Edmon Chung
Neteka Inc.
2462 Yonge St. Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M4P 2H5
David Leung
Neteka Inc.
2462 Yonge St. Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M4P 2H5