1995-09-22 15:29:33 +00:00
1995-09-22 15:29:33 +00:00

	$NetBSD: README,v 1995/07/25 23:11:53 chuck Exp $

NetBSD/mvme68k port

supported environment:

	Motorola makes a number of m68k VME cards.  This port
currently only works on the m68030 based VME147 card (diskless only
for now).

	- VME147 card
	- a machine to connect the console to
	- network connection
	- NFS server (to serve root and swap)

future plans:
	- VME147 scsi disk support
	- hopefully, support for the VME162 card

how to boot:
	Booting NetBSD/mvme68k on a VME147 is somewhat painful because
the ROM doesn't know how to talk to the ethernet chip.   I have solved
this problem by downloading a bootstrap into RAM via the console line.

	First, you will need a m68k8k NFS mountable /usr and root
directory.  NetBSD/sun3 binaries will run fine on the mvme68k system
for the most part (the exception being kvm stuff).  These binaries can
be ftp'd from ftp.netbsd.org.  You will also need a NetBSD/mvme68k
kernel and related bootstraps.   For now these can be obtained from
dworkin.wustl.edu in /dist/netbsd/mvme68k_boot.tar.gz (once I get set
up I will put these plus a snapshot on ftp.netbsd.org).

	Put the mvme68k "netbsd" binary in NFS root directory.  Put
boot.vme147 in /tftpboot of your NFS server machine.  Make a symbolic
link from the hex encoding of your IP address to that file.  For

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root     11 Apr 13 17:27 80FCA93F.147 -> boot.vme147

[80FCA93F is the IP address ( of my vme147.]

Make sure you've got the right info in /etc/ethers and /etc/bootparams 
on your server.

Now, bring up your 147.  You should have the "bug" prompt:

COLD Start

Onboard  RAM start = $00000000,  stop = $007FFFFF


Make sure the "stop" looks ok (if you've got 8MB you should have the
same value as I).  Also make sure the clock is ticking:

Sunday   5/30/27   16:25:14
Sunday   5/30/27   16:25:15

Looks good.  you now need to download "sboot" into RAM.  you can
either do that through the console line or through a 2nd serial
connection.  I have my 147 connected to a sun4/110 and I access it via
"tip".  to load that way do this:

lo 0
~Ccat sboot
go 4000

which will look like this:
147-Bug>lo 0
~CLocal command? cat sboot

away for 11 seconds 

147-Bug>g 4000
Effective address: 00004000 

sboot: serial line bootstrap program (&end = 5fd8)


Now, if you want to do it through serial line 1, then connect serial
line one to a machine.  At the "147-Bug> " prompt do this "tm
1"... you should then login to what ever machine it is connected to.
Then hit "^A" to escape to Bug.  do "lo 1;x=cat sboot" ... then when
that is done you can reconnect "tm 1" and logout.  Then do "go 4000"
and you've got ">>> " prompt of sboot.

Once you've got the ">>> " prompt you can do commands such as:
"b"		- boot "netbsd" multiuser
"b gennetbsd"	- boot "gennetbsd" multiuser
"b -s"		- boot "netbsd" single user
"b gennetbsd -s"- boot "gennetbsd" single user

A typical boot looks like this:

>>> b
le0: ethernet address: 8:0:3e:20:cb:87
My ip address is:
Server ip address is:
Download was a success!
Start @ 0x8000 ... 
>> NetBSD netboot [$Revision: $]
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: vme147
root addr= path=/export/root/vme147
Start @ 0x88aa ...
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 1.0A (VME147) #17: Sat Jul  1 00:07:04 CDT 1995
Motorola MVME147 MC68030 CPU+MMU, ???MHz MC68882 FPU)
real mem = 8388608
avail mem = 6832128
using 102 buffers containing 417792 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
iio0 at mainbus0 addr 0xfffe0000
pcc0 at iio0 offset 0x1000 rev 0 intbvr 0x40
clock0 at iio0 offset 0x7f8 ipl 5
zs0 at iio0 offset 0x3000 ipl 4
le0 at iio0 offset 0x1800 ipl 2 ler2 0x94000 address 08:00:3e:20:cb:87
nfs_boot: using network interface 'le0'
nfs_boot: client_addr=0x80fca93f
nfs_boot: server_addr=0x80fca902
nfs_boot: hostname=vme147
root on dworkin:/export/root/vme147
root time: 0x2ffc6859
WARNING: clock gained 18 days -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!
swap on dworkin:/export/swap/vme147
swap size: 0x4000 (blocks)
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.

good luck!