
353 lines
10 KiB

/* $NetBSD: rf_etimer.h,v 1.1 1998/11/13 04:20:29 oster Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
* All rights reserved.
* Author: Mark Holland
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
* its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
* rights to redistribute these changes.
/* rf_etimer.h -- header file for code related to accurate timing
* This code currently assumes that the elapsed time between START_TIMER
* and START_TIMER is less than the period of the cycle counter. This
* means the events you want to time must be less than:
* clock speed max time
* ---------- --------
* 175 MHz 24 sec
* 150 MHz 28 sec
* 125 MHz 34 sec
* :
* Log: rf_etimer.h,v
* Revision 1.32 1996/08/13 18:11:09 jimz
* want MACH&&!__osf__, not just MACH for mach timing (MACH defined under OSF/1)
* Revision 1.31 1996/08/12 20:11:38 jimz
* use read_real_time() on AIX4+
* Revision 1.30 1996/08/09 18:48:12 jimz
* for now, use gettimeofday() on MACH
* (should eventually use better clock stuff)
* Revision 1.29 1996/08/07 21:09:08 jimz
* add IRIX as a gettimeofday system
* Revision 1.28 1996/08/06 22:25:23 jimz
* add LINUX_I386
* Revision 1.27 1996/07/30 04:45:53 jimz
* add ultrix stuff
* Revision 1.26 1996/07/28 20:31:39 jimz
* i386netbsd port
* true/false fixup
* Revision 1.25 1996/07/27 23:36:08 jimz
* Solaris port of simulator
* Revision 1.24 1996/07/27 18:40:24 jimz
* cleanup sweep
* Revision 1.23 1996/07/22 19:52:16 jimz
* switched node params to RF_DagParam_t, a union of
* a 64-bit int and a void *, for better portability
* attempted hpux port, but failed partway through for
* lack of a single C compiler capable of compiling all
* source files
* Revision 1.22 1996/07/18 22:57:14 jimz
* port simulator to AIX
* Revision 1.21 1996/07/17 21:00:58 jimz
* clean up timer interface, tracing
* Revision 1.20 1996/07/17 14:26:28 jimz
* rf_scc -> rf_rpcc
* Revision 1.19 1996/06/14 21:24:48 jimz
* move out ConfigureEtimer
* Revision 1.18 1996/06/03 23:28:26 jimz
* more bugfixes
* check in tree to sync for IPDS runs with current bugfixes
* there still may be a problem with threads in the script test
* getting I/Os stuck- not trivially reproducible (runs ~50 times
* in a row without getting stuck)
* Revision 1.17 1996/05/30 23:22:16 jimz
* bugfixes of serialization, timing problems
* more cleanup
* Revision 1.16 1996/05/30 12:59:18 jimz
* make etimer happier, more portable
* Revision 1.15 1996/05/27 18:56:37 jimz
* more code cleanup
* better typing
* compiles in all 3 environments
* Revision 1.14 1996/05/23 21:46:35 jimz
* checkpoint in code cleanup (release prep)
* lots of types, function names have been fixed
* Revision 1.13 1996/05/23 00:33:23 jimz
* code cleanup: move all debug decls to rf_options.c, all extern
* debug decls to rf_options.h, all debug vars preceded by rf_
* Revision 1.12 1996/05/18 19:51:34 jimz
* major code cleanup- fix syntax, make some types consistent,
* add prototypes, clean out dead code, et cetera
* Revision 1.11 1995/12/01 18:10:40 root
* added copyright info
* Revision 1.10 1995/09/29 14:27:32 wvcii
* removed printfs from ConfigureEtimer()
* Revision 1.9 95/09/19 22:57:31 jimz
* added kernel version of ConfigureEtimer
* Revision 1.8 1995/09/14 13:03:04 amiri
* set default CPU speed to 125Mhz to avoid divide by zero problems.
* Revision 1.7 1995/09/11 19:04:36 wvcii
* timer autoconfigs using pdl routine to check cpu speed
* value may still be overridden via config debug var timerTicksPerSec
#ifndef _RF__RF_TIMER_H_
#define _RF__RF_TIMER_H_
#include "rf_options.h"
#ifdef _KERNEL
#define KERNEL
#ifdef __NetBSD__
#ifdef KERNEL
extern unsigned int rpcc(void);
#define rf_read_cycle_counter rpcc
#else /* KERNEL */
#ifndef __NetBSD__
/* XXX does this function even exist anywhere??? GO */
extern unsigned int rf_rpcc();
#define rf_read_cycle_counter rf_rpcc
#endif /* KERNEL */
typedef struct RF_EtimerVal_s {
unsigned ccnt; /* cycle count */
} RF_EtimerVal_t;
struct RF_Etimer_s {
RF_EtimerVal_t st;
RF_EtimerVal_t et;
unsigned long ticks; /* elapsed time in ticks */
extern long rf_timer_max_val;
extern long rf_timer_ticks_per_second;
extern unsigned long rf_timer_ticks_per_usec;
#define RF_ETIMER_TICKS2US(_tcks_) ( (_tcks_) / rf_timer_ticks_per_usec )
#define RF_ETIMER_START(_t_) { (_t_).st.ccnt = rf_read_cycle_counter(); }
#define RF_ETIMER_STOP(_t_) { (_t_).et.ccnt = rf_read_cycle_counter(); }
#define RF_ETIMER_EVAL(_t_) { \
if ((_t_).st.ccnt < (_t_).et.ccnt) \
(_t_).ticks = (_t_).et.ccnt - (_t_).st.ccnt; \
else \
(_t_).ticks = rf_timer_max_val - ((_t_).st.ccnt - (_t_).et.ccnt); \
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_TICKS(_t_) ((_t_).ticks)
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(_t_) (RF_ETIMER_TICKS2US((_t_).ticks))
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_MS(_t_) (RF_ETIMER_TICKS2US((_t_).ticks)/1000)
#endif /* __NetBSD__ */
#if defined(__alpha) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
#ifdef KERNEL
extern unsigned int rpcc();
#define rf_read_cycle_counter rpcc
#else /* KERNEL */
extern unsigned int rf_rpcc();
#define rf_read_cycle_counter rf_rpcc
#endif /* KERNEL */
typedef struct RF_EtimerVal_s {
unsigned ccnt; /* cycle count */
} RF_EtimerVal_t;
struct RF_Etimer_s {
RF_EtimerVal_t st;
RF_EtimerVal_t et;
unsigned long ticks; /* elapsed time in ticks */
extern long rf_timer_max_val;
extern long rf_timer_ticks_per_second;
extern unsigned long rf_timer_ticks_per_usec;
#define RF_ETIMER_TICKS2US(_tcks_) ( (_tcks_) / rf_timer_ticks_per_usec )
#define RF_ETIMER_START(_t_) { (_t_).st.ccnt = rf_read_cycle_counter(); }
#define RF_ETIMER_STOP(_t_) { (_t_).et.ccnt = rf_read_cycle_counter(); }
#define RF_ETIMER_EVAL(_t_) { \
if ((_t_).st.ccnt < (_t_).et.ccnt) \
(_t_).ticks = (_t_).et.ccnt - (_t_).st.ccnt; \
else \
(_t_).ticks = rf_timer_max_val - ((_t_).st.ccnt - (_t_).et.ccnt); \
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_TICKS(_t_) ((_t_).ticks)
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(_t_) (RF_ETIMER_TICKS2US((_t_).ticks))
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_MS(_t_) (RF_ETIMER_TICKS2US((_t_).ticks)/1000)
#endif /* __alpha */
#ifdef _IBMR2
extern void rf_rtclock(unsigned int *secs, unsigned int *nsecs);
#define RF_MSEC_PER_SEC 1000
#define RF_USEC_PER_SEC 1000000
#define RF_NSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000
typedef struct RF_EtimerVal_s {
unsigned int secs;
unsigned int nsecs;
} RF_EtimerVal_t;
struct RF_Etimer_s {
RF_EtimerVal_t start;
RF_EtimerVal_t end;
RF_EtimerVal_t elapsed;
#if RF_AIXVERS >= 4
#include <sys/time.h>
#define RF_ETIMER_START(_t_) { \
timebasestruct_t tb; \
tb.flag = 1; \
read_real_time(&tb, TIMEBASE_SZ); \
(_t_).start.secs = tb.tb_high; \
(_t_).start.nsecs = tb.tb_low; \
#define RF_ETIMER_STOP(_t_) { \
timebasestruct_t tb; \
tb.flag = 1; \
read_real_time(&tb, TIMEBASE_SZ); \
(_t_).end.secs = tb.tb_high; \
(_t_).end.nsecs = tb.tb_low; \
#else /* RF_AIXVERS >= 4 */
#define RF_ETIMER_START(_t_) { \
rf_rtclock(&((_t_).start.secs), &((_t_).start.nsecs)); \
#define RF_ETIMER_STOP(_t_) { \
rf_rtclock(&((_t_).end.secs), &((_t_).end.nsecs)); \
#endif /* RF_AIXVERS >= 4 */
#define RF_ETIMER_EVAL(_t_) { \
if ((_t_).end.nsecs >= (_t_).start.nsecs) { \
(_t_).elapsed.nsecs = (_t_).end.nsecs - (_t_).start.nsecs; \
(_t_).elapsed.secs = (_t_).end.secs - (_t_).start.nsecs; \
} \
else { \
(_t_).elapsed.nsecs = RF_NSEC_PER_SEC + (_t_).end.nsecs; \
(_t_).elapsed.nsecs -= (_t_).start.nsecs; \
(_t_).elapsed.secs = (_t_).end.secs - (_t_).start.secs + 1; \
} \
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(_t_) (((_t_).elapsed.secs*RF_USEC_PER_SEC)+((_t_).elapsed.nsecs/1000))
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_MS(_t_) (((_t_).elapsed.secs*RF_MSEC_PER_SEC)+((_t_).elapsed.nsecs/1000000))
#endif /* _IBMR2 */
* XXX investigate better timing for these
#if defined(hpux) || defined(sun) || defined(NETBSD_I386) || defined(ultrix) || defined(LINUX_I386) || defined(IRIX) || (defined(MACH) && !defined(__osf__))
#include <sys/time.h>
#define RF_USEC_PER_SEC 1000000
struct RF_Etimer_s {
struct timeval start;
struct timeval end;
struct timeval elapsed;
#ifndef __NetBSD__
#define RF_ETIMER_START(_t_) { \
gettimeofday(&((_t_).start), NULL); \
#define RF_ETIMER_STOP(_t_) { \
gettimeofday(&((_t_).end), NULL); \
#define RF_ETIMER_START(_t_) { \
/* XXX these just drop off the end of the world... */
#define RF_ETIMER_STOP(_t_) { \
#define RF_ETIMER_EVAL(_t_) { \
if ((_t_).end.tv_usec >= (_t_).start.tv_usec) { \
(_t_).elapsed.tv_usec = (_t_).end.tv_usec - (_t_).start.tv_usec; \
(_t_).elapsed.tv_sec = (_t_).end.tv_sec - (_t_).start.tv_usec; \
} \
else { \
(_t_).elapsed.tv_usec = RF_USEC_PER_SEC + (_t_).end.tv_usec; \
(_t_).elapsed.tv_usec -= (_t_).start.tv_usec; \
(_t_).elapsed.tv_sec = (_t_).end.tv_sec - (_t_).start.tv_sec + 1; \
} \
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(_t_) (((_t_).elapsed.tv_sec*RF_USEC_PER_SEC)+(_t_).elapsed.tv_usec)
#define RF_ETIMER_VAL_MS(_t_) (((_t_).elapsed.tv_sec*RF_MSEC_PER_SEC)+((_t_).elapsed.tv_usec/1000))
#endif /* hpux || sun || NETBSD_I386 || ultrix || LINUX_I386 || IRIX || (MACH && !__osf__) */
#endif /* !_RF__RF_TIMER_H_ */