version into different directories. Which version a given port uses is controlled by the SOFTFLOAT_BITS make variable. This is set to 64 (which uses the same code we had before) by default. 32-bit platforms that don't need extended precision support might get better performance by using 32. Set the ARM port to use the 32-bit version of SoftFloat, since this is more than a factor of two faster than the 64-bit version. This should get the floating-point performance back to what it was in 1.5.
9 lines
367 B
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367 B
$NetBSD: README.NetBSD,v 1.2 2002/05/21 23:51:05 bjh21 Exp $
This is a modified version of part of John Hauser's SoftFloat 2a package.
This version has been heavily modified to support its use with GCC to
implement built-in floating-point operations, but compiling
softfloat.c without SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC defined should get you the same
results as from the original.