
239 lines
5.8 KiB

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <a.out.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/execbase.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <libraries/configregs.h>
#include <libraries/expansionbase.h>
#include <inline/exec.h>
#include <inline/expansion.h>
/* Get definitions for boothowto */
#include "reboot.h"
struct ExpansionBase *ExpansionBase;
#undef __LDPGSZ
#define __LDPGSZ 8192
void get_mem_config (void **fastmem_start, u_long *fastmem_size, u_long *chipmem_size);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
struct exec e;
int fd;
int boothowto = RB_SINGLE;
if (argc >= 2)
if ((fd = open (argv[1], 0)) >= 0)
if (read (fd, &e, sizeof (e)) == sizeof (e))
if (e.a_magic == NMAGIC)
u_char *kernel;
int text_size;
struct ConfigDev *cd;
int num_cd;
ExpansionBase= (struct ExpansionBase *) OpenLibrary ("expansion.library", 0);
if (! ExpansionBase) /* not supposed to fail... */
for (cd = 0, num_cd = 0; cd = FindConfigDev (cd, -1, -1); num_cd++) ;
text_size = (e.a_text + __LDPGSZ - 1) & (-__LDPGSZ);
kernel = (u_char *) malloc (text_size + e.a_data + e.a_bss
+ num_cd*sizeof(*cd) + 4);
if (kernel)
if (read (fd, kernel, e.a_text) == e.a_text
&& read (fd, kernel + text_size, e.a_data) == e.a_data)
int *knum_cd;
struct ConfigDev *kcd;
void *fastmem_start;
u_long fastmem_size, chipmem_size;
get_mem_config (&fastmem_start, &fastmem_size, &chipmem_size);
if (argc >= 3 && (!strcmp (argv[2], "-k")
|| !strcmp (argv[3], "-k")) )
fastmem_start += 4*1024*1024;
fastmem_size -= 4*1024*1024;
if (argc >= 3 && (!strcmp (argv[2], "-a")
|| !strcmp (argv[3], "-a")) )
boothowto = RB_AUTOBOOT;
printf ("Using %dM FASTMEM at 0x%x, %dM CHIPMEM\n",
fastmem_size>>20, fastmem_start, chipmem_size>>20);
/* give them a chance to read the information... */
bzero (kernel + text_size + e.a_data, e.a_bss);
knum_cd = (int *) (kernel + text_size + e.a_data + e.a_bss);
*knum_cd = num_cd;
if (num_cd)
for (kcd = (struct ConfigDev *) (knum_cd+1);
cd = FindConfigDev (cd, -1, -1);
*kcd++ = *cd) ;
startit (kernel,
text_size + e.a_data + e.a_bss + num_cd*sizeof(*cd) + 4,
e.a_entry, fastmem_start,
fastmem_size, chipmem_size,
boothowto );
fprintf (stderr, "Executable corrupt!\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory! (%d)\n", text_size + e.a_data + e.a_bss
+ num_cd*sizeof(*cd) + 4);
fprintf (stderr, "Unsupported executable: %o\n", e.a_magic);
fprintf (stderr, "Can't read header of %s\n", argv[1]);
close (fd);
perror ("open");
fprintf (stderr, "%s some-vmunix [-a] [-k]\n", argv[0]);
get_mem_config (void **fastmem_start, u_long *fastmem_size, u_long *chipmem_size)
extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
struct MemHeader *mh, *nmh;
*fastmem_size = 0;
*chipmem_size = 0;
/* walk thru the exec memory list */
Forbid ();
for (mh = (struct MemHeader *) SysBase->MemList.lh_Head;
nmh = (struct MemHeader *) mh->mh_Node.ln_Succ;
mh = nmh)
if (mh->mh_Attributes & MEMF_CHIP)
/* there should hardly be more than one entry for chip mem, but
handle it the same nevertheless */
if ((u_int)mh->mh_Upper - (u_int)mh->mh_Lower > *chipmem_size)
*chipmem_size = (u_int)mh->mh_Upper - (u_int)mh->mh_Lower;
/* round to multiple of 512K */
*chipmem_size = (*chipmem_size + 512*1024 - 1) & -(512*1024);
/* chipmem always starts at 0, so don't remember start
address */
if ((u_int)mh->mh_Upper - (u_int)mh->mh_Lower > *fastmem_size)
u_int start = (u_int) mh->mh_Lower;
u_int end = (u_int) mh->mh_Upper;
/* some heuristics.. */
start &= -__LDPGSZ;
/* get the mem back stolen by incore kickstart on A3000 with
V36 bootrom. */
if (end == 0x07f80000)
end = 0x08000000;
*fastmem_size = end - start;
*fastmem_start = (void *)start;
asm ("
.globl _startit
movel sp,a3
movel 4:w,a6
lea pc@(start_super-.+2),a5
jmp a6@(-0x1e) | supervisor-call
movew #0x2700,sr
| the BSD kernel wants values into the following registers:
| a0: fastmem-start
| d0: fastmem-size
| d1: chipmem-size
| d7: boothowto
movel a3@(4),a1 | loaded kernel
movel a3@(8),d2 | length of loaded kernel
movel a3@(12),a2 | entry point
movel a3@(16),a0 | fastmem-start
movel a3@(20),d0 | fastmem-size
movel a3@(24),d1 | chipmem-size
movel a3@(28),d7 | boothowto
subl a4,a4 | target, load to 0
lea pc@(zero-.+2),a3
pmove a3@,tc | Turn off MMU
lea pc@(nullrp-.+2),a3
pmove a3@,crp | Turn off MMU some more
pmove a3@,srp | Really, really, turn off MMU
| Turn off 68030 TT registers
btst #2,(ABSEXECBASE)@(0x129) | AFB_68030,SysBase->AttnFlags
beq nott | Skip TT registers if not 68030
lea pc@(zero-.+2),a3
.word 0xf013,0x0800 | pmove a3@,tt0 (gas only knows about 68851 ops..)
.word 0xf013,0x0c00 | pmove a3@,tt1 (gas only knows about 68851 ops..)
movew #(1<<9),0xdff096 | disable DMA
moveb a1@+,a4@+
subl #1,d2
bcc L0
jmp a2@
| A do-nothing MMU root pointer (includes the following long as well)
nullrp: .long 0x7fff0001
zero: .long 0