descriptive comments. The guts of hostprog, lib, and prog are mostly unchanged; this will be done in another pass. Make several things work properly with UNPRIVILEGED set, and make the install-time "cmp" logic work for MANZ. Also reimplement INCS{DIR,NAME}_foo (requested by wiz) in a backwards compatible way. Reviewed by christos.
12 lines
326 B
12 lines
326 B
# $NetBSD: bsd.init.mk,v 1.1 2001/11/02 05:21:50 tv Exp $
# <bsd.init.mk> includes Makefile.inc and <bsd.own.mk>; this is used at the
# top of all <bsd.*.mk> files which actually "build something".
.if !target(__initialized__)
.-include "${.CURDIR}/../Makefile.inc"
.include <bsd.own.mk>
.MAIN: all