
110 lines
2.8 KiB

# $NetBSD: nanpa.awk,v 1.3 2023/01/28 13:12:16 jmcneill Exp $
# todo:
# parse ""
# instead of scraping HTML.
function trim(s)
gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "", s);
return s;
function mapinit(postdb)
while ((getline < postdb) > 0) {
sub(/#.*/, "");
if (length($0)==0) continue;
NF=split($0, f);
location[f[1]] = f[2];
flocation[tolower(f[2])] = f[2];
country[f[1]] = f[4];
fcountry[tolower(f[2])] = f[4];
function countrymap(s)
if (s == "CA") return "Canada";
if (s == "US") return "USA";
return s;
function locationmap(s, t)
if (s in location) {
t = location[s];
if (s in country) {
t = t " (" countrymap(country[s]) ")";
} else if (tolower(s) in flocation) {
t = flocation[tolower(s)];
if (tolower(s) in fcountry) {
t = t " (" countrymap(fcountry[tolower(s)]) ")";
} else {
t = s;
return t;
function parse(file, ispipe, isplanning, i, planinit, t)
planinit = 0;
while((ispipe?(file | getline):(getline < file)) > 0) {
sub(/#.*/, "");
if (length($0)==0) continue;
if (isplanning) {
NF=split($0, f);
if (!planinit && f[2]=="New NPA") {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
} else if (planinit && length(f[fnames["New NPA"]])>1) {
t = locationmap(trim(f[fnames["Location"]])) FS;
if (trim(f[fnames["Overlay?"]])=="Yes")
t = t "Overlay of " trim(f[fnames["Old NPA"]]);
else if (f[fnames["Old NPA"]])
t = t "Split of " trim(f[fnames["Old NPA"]]);
if (f[fnames["Status"]])
t = t " (" trim(f[fnames["Status"]]) ")";
if (length(f[fnames["In Service Date"]]) > 1)
t = t " effective " \
trim(f[fnames["In Service Date"]]);
data[trim(f[fnames["New NPA"]]) "*"] = t;
} else {
# digits only
match($0, /^[0-9]/);
if (RSTART==0) continue;
i=index($0, FS);
data[substr($0, 1, i-1)]=locationmap(trim(substr($0,i+1)));
print "# $""NetBSD: $";
print "# Generated from";
print "# (with local exceptions)";
print "# ";
print "# format:";
print "# Area Code : Description : Detail : State/Province Abbrev.";
print "# (3rd and 4th fields optional)";
print "# A * in the Area Code field indicates a future area code."
print "# ";
parse("ftp -o - " \
"" \
" | sed -f nanpa.sed", 1, 0);
parse("ftp -o - " \
"" \
" | sed -f nanpa.sed", 1, 0);
parse("ftp -o - " \
"" \
" | sed -f nanpa.sed", 1, 1);
parse("", 0, 0);
sort="sort -n";
for (i in data)
print i FS data[i] | sort