/* $NetBSD: quot.c,v 1.28 2009/04/18 08:17:23 lukem Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 1991, 1994 Wolfgang Solfrank. * Copyright (C) 1991, 1994 TooLs GmbH. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. * 4. The name of TooLs GmbH may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TOOLS GMBH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: quot.c,v 1.28 2009/04/18 08:17:23 lukem Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* some flags of what to do: */ static char estimate; static char count; static char unused; static void (*func) __P((int, struct fs *, char *)); static long blocksize; static char *header; /* * Original BSD quot doesn't round to number of frags/blocks, * doesn't account for indirection blocks and gets it totally * wrong if the size is a multiple of the blocksize. * The new code always counts the number of DEV_BSIZE byte blocks * instead of the number of kilobytes and converts them to * kByte when done (on request). */ #ifdef COMPAT #define SIZE(n) ((long long)(n)) #else #define SIZE(n) howmany((long long)(n) * DEV_BSIZE, (long long)blocksize) #endif #define INOCNT(fs) ((fs)->fs_ipg) #define INOSZ(fs) \ (((fs)->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC ? sizeof(struct ufs1_dinode) : \ sizeof(struct ufs2_dinode)) * INOCNT(fs)) union dinode { struct ufs1_dinode dp1; struct ufs2_dinode dp2; }; #define DIP(fs, dp, field) \ (((fs)->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) ? \ (dp)->dp1.di_##field : (dp)->dp2.di_##field) static int cmpusers __P((const void *, const void *)); static void dofsizes __P((int, struct fs *, char *)); static void donames __P((int, struct fs *, char *)); static void douser __P((int, struct fs *, char *)); static union dinode *get_inode __P((int, struct fs*, ino_t)); static void ffs_oldfscompat __P((struct fs *)); static void initfsizes __P((void)); static void inituser __P((void)); static int isfree __P((struct fs *, union dinode *)); int main __P((int, char **)); void quot __P((char *, char *)); static void usage __P((void)); static struct user *user __P((uid_t)); static void uses __P((uid_t, daddr_t, time_t)); static void usrrehash __P((void)); static int virtualblocks __P((struct fs *, union dinode *)); static union dinode * get_inode(fd, super, ino) int fd; struct fs *super; ino_t ino; { static char *ipbuf; static ino_t last; if (fd < 0) { /* flush cache */ if (ipbuf) { free(ipbuf); ipbuf = NULL; } return 0; } if (!ipbuf || ino < last || ino >= last + INOCNT(super)) { if (!ipbuf && !(ipbuf = malloc(INOSZ(super)))) errx(1, "allocate inodes"); last = (ino / INOCNT(super)) * INOCNT(super); if (lseek(fd, (off_t)ino_to_fsba(super, last) << super->fs_fshift, 0) < 0 || read(fd, ipbuf, INOSZ(super)) != INOSZ(super)) errx(1, "read inodes"); } if (super->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) return ((union dinode *) &((struct ufs1_dinode *)ipbuf)[ino % INOCNT(super)]); return ((union dinode *) &((struct ufs2_dinode *)ipbuf)[ino % INOCNT(super)]); } #ifdef COMPAT #define actualblocks(fs, dp) (DIP(fs, dp, blocks) / 2) #else #define actualblocks(fs, dp) (DIP(fs, dp, blocks)) #endif static int virtualblocks(super, dp) struct fs *super; union dinode *dp; { off_t nblk, sz; sz = DIP(super, dp, size); #ifdef COMPAT if (lblkno(super, sz) >= NDADDR) { nblk = blkroundup(super, sz); if (sz == nblk) nblk += super->fs_bsize; } return sz / 1024; #else /* COMPAT */ if (lblkno(super, sz) >= NDADDR) { nblk = blkroundup(super, sz); sz = lblkno(super, nblk); sz = howmany(sz - NDADDR, NINDIR(super)); while (sz > 0) { nblk += sz * super->fs_bsize; /* One block on this level is in the inode itself */ sz = howmany(sz - 1, NINDIR(super)); } } else nblk = fragroundup(super, sz); return nblk / DEV_BSIZE; #endif /* COMPAT */ } static int isfree(fs, dp) struct fs *fs; union dinode *dp; { #ifdef COMPAT return (DIP(fs, dp, mode) & IFMT) == 0; #else /* COMPAT */ switch (DIP(fs, dp, mode) & IFMT) { case IFIFO: case IFLNK: /* should check FASTSYMLINK? */ case IFDIR: case IFREG: return 0; default: return 1; } #endif } static struct user { uid_t uid; char *name; daddr_t space; long count; daddr_t spc30; daddr_t spc60; daddr_t spc90; } *users; static int nusers; static void inituser() { int i; struct user *usr; if (!nusers) { nusers = 8; if (!(users = (struct user *)calloc(nusers, sizeof(struct user)))) errx(1, "allocate users"); } else { for (usr = users, i = nusers; --i >= 0; usr++) { usr->space = usr->spc30 = usr->spc60 = usr->spc90 = 0; usr->count = 0; } } } static void usrrehash() { int i; struct user *usr, *usrn; struct user *svusr; svusr = users; nusers <<= 1; if (!(users = (struct user *)calloc(nusers, sizeof(struct user)))) errx(1, "allocate users"); for (usr = svusr, i = nusers >> 1; --i >= 0; usr++) { for (usrn = users + (usr->uid&(nusers - 1)); usrn->name; usrn--) { if (usrn <= users) usrn = users + nusers; } *usrn = *usr; } } static struct user * user(uid) uid_t uid; { struct user *usr; int i; struct passwd *pwd; while (1) { for (usr = users + (uid&(nusers - 1)), i = nusers; --i >= 0; usr--) { if (!usr->name) { usr->uid = uid; if (!(pwd = getpwuid(uid))) { if ((usr->name = (char *)malloc(7)) != NULL) sprintf(usr->name, "#%d", uid); } else { if ((usr->name = (char *)malloc( strlen(pwd->pw_name) + 1)) != NULL) strcpy(usr->name, pwd->pw_name); } if (!usr->name) errx(1, "allocate users"); return usr; } else if (usr->uid == uid) return usr; if (usr <= users) usr = users + nusers; } usrrehash(); } } static int cmpusers(u1, u2) const void *u1, *u2; { return ((const struct user *)u2)->space - ((const struct user *)u1)->space; } #define sortusers(users) (qsort((users), nusers, sizeof(struct user), \ cmpusers)) static void uses(uid, blks, act) uid_t uid; daddr_t blks; time_t act; { static time_t today; struct user *usr; if (!today) time(&today); usr = user(uid); usr->count++; usr->space += blks; if (today - act > 90L * 24L * 60L * 60L) usr->spc90 += blks; if (today - act > 60L * 24L * 60L * 60L) usr->spc60 += blks; if (today - act > 30L * 24L * 60L * 60L) usr->spc30 += blks; } #ifdef COMPAT #define FSZCNT 500 #else #define FSZCNT 512 #endif struct fsizes { struct fsizes *fsz_next; daddr_t fsz_first, fsz_last; ino_t fsz_count[FSZCNT]; daddr_t fsz_sz[FSZCNT]; } *fsizes; static void initfsizes() { struct fsizes *fp; int i; for (fp = fsizes; fp; fp = fp->fsz_next) { for (i = FSZCNT; --i >= 0;) { fp->fsz_count[i] = 0; fp->fsz_sz[i] = 0; } } } static void dofsizes(fd, super, name) int fd; struct fs *super; char *name; { ino_t inode, maxino; union dinode *dp; daddr_t sz, ksz; struct fsizes *fp, **fsp; int i; maxino = super->fs_ncg * super->fs_ipg - 1; #ifdef COMPAT if (!(fsizes = (struct fsizes *)malloc(sizeof(struct fsizes)))) errx(1, "alloc fsize structure"); #endif /* COMPAT */ for (inode = 0; inode < maxino; inode++) { errno = 0; if ((dp = get_inode(fd, super, inode)) #ifdef COMPAT && ((DIP(super, dp, mode) & IFMT) == IFREG || (DIP(dp, mode) & IFMT) == IFDIR) #else /* COMPAT */ && !isfree(super, dp) #endif /* COMPAT */ ) { sz = estimate ? virtualblocks(super, dp) : actualblocks(super, dp); #ifdef COMPAT if (sz >= FSZCNT) { fsizes->fsz_count[FSZCNT-1]++; fsizes->fsz_sz[FSZCNT-1] += sz; } else { fsizes->fsz_count[sz]++; fsizes->fsz_sz[sz] += sz; } #else /* COMPAT */ ksz = SIZE(sz); for (fsp = &fsizes; (fp = *fsp) != NULL; fsp = &fp->fsz_next) { if (ksz < fp->fsz_last) break; } if (!fp || ksz < fp->fsz_first) { if (!(fp = (struct fsizes *) malloc(sizeof(struct fsizes)))) errx(1, "alloc fsize structure"); fp->fsz_next = *fsp; *fsp = fp; fp->fsz_first = (ksz / FSZCNT) * FSZCNT; fp->fsz_last = fp->fsz_first + FSZCNT; for (i = FSZCNT; --i >= 0;) { fp->fsz_count[i] = 0; fp->fsz_sz[i] = 0; } } fp->fsz_count[ksz % FSZCNT]++; fp->fsz_sz[ksz % FSZCNT] += sz; #endif /* COMPAT */ } else if (errno) errx(1, "%s", name); } sz = 0; for (fp = fsizes; fp; fp = fp->fsz_next) { for (i = 0; i < FSZCNT; i++) { if (fp->fsz_count[i]) printf("%ld\t%ld\t%lld\n", (long)(fp->fsz_first + i), (long)fp->fsz_count[i], SIZE(sz += fp->fsz_sz[i])); } } } static void douser(fd, super, name) int fd; struct fs *super; char *name; { ino_t inode, maxino; struct user *usr, *usrs; union dinode *dp; int n; maxino = super->fs_ncg * super->fs_ipg - 1; for (inode = 0; inode < maxino; inode++) { errno = 0; if ((dp = get_inode(fd, super, inode)) && !isfree(super, dp)) uses(DIP(super, dp, uid), estimate ? virtualblocks(super, dp) : actualblocks(super, dp), DIP(super, dp, atime)); else if (errno) errx(1, "%s", name); } if (!(usrs = (struct user *)malloc(nusers * sizeof(struct user)))) errx(1, "allocate users"); memmove(usrs, users, nusers * sizeof(struct user)); sortusers(usrs); for (usr = usrs, n = nusers; --n >= 0 && usr->count; usr++) { printf("%5lld", SIZE(usr->space)); if (count) printf("\t%5ld", usr->count); printf("\t%-8s", usr->name); if (unused) printf("\t%5lld\t%5lld\t%5lld", SIZE(usr->spc30), SIZE(usr->spc60), SIZE(usr->spc90)); printf("\n"); } free(usrs); } static void donames(fd, super, name) int fd; struct fs *super; char *name; { int c; ino_t inode, inode1; ino_t maxino; union dinode *dp; maxino = super->fs_ncg * super->fs_ipg - 1; /* first skip the name of the filesystem */ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && (c < '0' || c > '9')) while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n'); ungetc(c, stdin); inode1 = -1; while (scanf("%" SCNu64, &inode) == 1) { if (inode > maxino) { #ifndef COMPAT warnx("invalid inode %" PRIu64, inode); #endif return; } #ifdef COMPAT if (inode < inode1) continue; #endif errno = 0; if ((dp = get_inode(fd, super, inode)) && !isfree(super, dp)) { printf("%s\t", user(DIP(super, dp, uid))->name); /* now skip whitespace */ while ((c = getchar()) == ' ' || c == '\t'); /* and print out the remainder of the input line */ while (c != EOF && c != '\n') { putchar(c); c = getchar(); } putchar('\n'); inode1 = inode; } else { if (errno) errx(1, "%s", name); /* skip this line */ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n'); } if (c == EOF) break; } } static void usage() { #ifdef COMPAT fprintf(stderr, "usage: quot [-nfcvha] [filesystem ...]\n"); #else /* COMPAT */ fprintf(stderr, "usage: quot [ -acfhknv ] [ filesystem ... ]\n"); #endif /* COMPAT */ exit(1); } /* * Sanity checks for old file systems. * Stolen from */ static void ffs_oldfscompat(fs) struct fs *fs; { int i; if (fs->fs_old_inodefmt < FS_44INODEFMT) { quad_t sizepb = fs->fs_bsize; fs->fs_maxfilesize = fs->fs_bsize * NDADDR - 1; for (i = 0; i < NIADDR; i++) { sizepb *= NINDIR(fs); fs->fs_maxfilesize += sizepb; } fs->fs_qbmask = ~fs->fs_bmask; fs->fs_qfmask = ~fs->fs_fmask; } } /* * Possible superblock locations ordered from most to least likely. */ static int sblock_try[] = SBLOCKSEARCH; static char superblock[SBLOCKSIZE]; void quot(name, mp) char *name, *mp; { int fd, i; struct fs *fs; int sbloc; get_inode(-1, 0, 0); /* flush cache */ inituser(); initfsizes(); if ((fd = open(name, 0)) < 0) { warn("%s", name); return; } for (i = 0; ; i++) { sbloc = sblock_try[i]; if (sbloc == -1) { warnx("%s: not a BSD filesystem", name); close(fd); return; } if (pread(fd, superblock, SBLOCKSIZE, sbloc) != SBLOCKSIZE) continue; fs = (struct fs *)superblock; if (fs->fs_magic != FS_UFS1_MAGIC && fs->fs_magic != FS_UFS2_MAGIC) continue; if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS2_MAGIC || fs->fs_old_flags & FS_FLAGS_UPDATED) { /* Not the main superblock */ if (fs->fs_sblockloc != sbloc) continue; } else { /* might be a first alt. id blocksize 64k */ if (sbloc == SBLOCK_UFS2) continue; } if (fs->fs_bsize > MAXBSIZE || fs->fs_bsize < sizeof(struct fs)) continue; break; } ffs_oldfscompat((struct fs *)superblock); printf("%s:", name); if (mp) printf(" (%s)", mp); putchar('\n'); (*func)(fd, fs, name); close(fd); } int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { char all = 0; struct statvfs *mp; char dev[MNAMELEN + 1]; char *nm; int cnt; func = douser; #ifndef COMPAT header = getbsize(NULL, &blocksize); #endif while (--argc > 0 && **++argv == '-') { while (*++*argv) { switch (**argv) { case 'n': func = donames; break; case 'c': func = dofsizes; break; case 'a': all = 1; break; case 'f': count = 1; break; case 'h': estimate = 1; break; #ifndef COMPAT case 'k': blocksize = 1024; break; #endif /* COMPAT */ case 'v': unused = 1; break; default: usage(); } } } if (all) { cnt = getmntinfo(&mp, MNT_NOWAIT); for (; --cnt >= 0; mp++) { if (!strncmp(mp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_FFS, sizeof(mp->f_fstypename))) { if ((nm = strrchr(mp->f_mntfromname, '/')) != NULL) { sprintf(dev, "/dev/r%s", nm + 1); nm = dev; } else nm = mp->f_mntfromname; quot(nm, mp->f_mntonname); } } } while (--argc >= 0) quot(*argv++, 0); return 0; }