.TH ipmon 8 .SH NAME ipmon \- monitors /dev/ipl for logged packets .SH SYNOPSIS .B ipmon [ .B \-aFhnNsStvxX ] [ .B "\-f " ] [ .B ] .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \fBipmon\fP opens \fB/dev/ipl\fP for reading and awaits data to be saved from the packet filter. The binary data read from the device is reprinted in human readable for, however, IP#'s are not mapped back to hostnames, nor are ports mapped back to service names. The output goes to standard output by default or a filename, if given on the command line. Should the \fB\-s\fP option be used, output is instead sent to \fBsyslogd(8)\fP. Messages sent via syslog have the day, month and year removed from the message, but the time (including microseconds), as recorded in the log, is still included. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-a Open all of the device logfiles for reading log entries from. All entries are displayed to the same output 'device' (stderr or syslog). .TP .B "\-f " specify an alternative device/file from which to read the log information. .TP .B \-F Flush the current packet log buffer. The number of bytes flushed is displayed, even should the result be zero. .TP .B \-n IP addresses and port numbers will be mapped, where possible, back into hostnames and service names. .TP .B \-N Treat the logfile as being composed of NAT log records. .TP .B \-s Packet information read in will be sent through syslogd rather than saved to a file. The following levels are used: .IP .B LOG_INFO \- packets logged using the "log" keyword as the action rather than pass or block. .IP .B LOG_NOTICE \- packets logged which are also passed .IP .B LOG_WARNING \- packets logged which are also blocked .IP .B LOG_ERR \- packets which have been logged and which can be considered "short". .TP .B \-S Treat the logfile as being composed of state log records. .TP .B \-t read the input file/device in a manner akin to tail(1). .TP .B \-x show the packet data in hex. .TP .B \-X show the log header record data in hex. .SH DIAGNOSTICS \fBipmon\fP expects data that it reads to be consistant with how it should be saved and will abort if it fails an assertion which detects an anomoly in the recorded data. .SH FILES /dev/ipl .br /dev/ipnat .br /dev/ipstate .SH SEE ALSO ipl(4), ipf(8), ipfstat(8), ipnat(8) .SH BUGS