This is xchat V1.1 (Tue Sep 1 15:50:56 1992) Introduction: ------------ Xchat is a general-purpose dialing and login program designed for use with Taylor UUCP as a "chat-program", taking the place (or augmenting) the built-in chat scripting facility. It provides the ability to closely control timeouts, multiple simultaneous expect strings with separate actions, extended terminal control, modem command character pacing, and more. When used in conjunction with Taylor UUCP's configuration features, xchat can provide you the ability to manage the most intricate login, dial and hangup needs. The scripts are written in a shell-like (well, sort-of) style with labels, commands, and parameters, easing the task of writing procedures for complex terminal communications situations. Installation: ------------ (1) Copy xc-conf.h-dist to xc-conf.h, then edit xc-conf.h to reflect your condifuration. A description of the settings is in that file. (2) Copy Makefile.xchat to Makefile and edit it to set BIN to where you want xchat installed. (2) Do a 'make' to build xchat. (3) Do a 'make install' to install it. (4) Format and print xchat.8, and install it if you want. (5) Print out copies of the scripts in the ./scripts subdirectory. (6) Read xchat.8 and the scripts together. Author: ------ Robert B. Denny (