The files in this directory with suffixes `.t', `.d', `.r' and `.err' are used for testing ed. To run the tests, set the ED variable in the Makefile for the path name of the program to be tested (e.g., /bin/ed), and type `make'. The tests do not exhaustively verify POSIX compliance. The output of the tests is written to the two files err.o and scripts.o. At the end of the tests, these files are grep'ed for error messages, which look like: *** The script u.ed exited abnormally *** or: *** Output u.o of script u.ed is incorrect *** It is assumed that the ed being tested processes escapes (\) in file names. This is so that a name starting with bang (!) can be read, via: r \!file Without the escape, a POSIX ed would attempt to read the output of the shell command `file'. If the ed being tested does not support escape processing on file names, then the script `' should be modified accordingly. The POSIX requirement that an address range not be used where at most a single address is expected has been relaxed in this version of ed. Therefore, the following scripts which test for compliance with this POSIX rule exit abnormally: =-err.ed a1-err.ed i1-err.ed k1-err.ed r1-err.ed