.TH RCSMERGE 1L "" "Purdue University" .SH NAME rcsmerge \- merge RCS revisions .SH SYNOPSIS \fBrcsmerge\fR \fB\-r\fIrev1\fR [ \fB\-r\fIrev2\fR ] [ \fB\-p\fR ] file .SH DESCRIPTION .I Rcsmerge incorporates the changes between \fIrev1\fR and \fIrev2\fR of an RCS file into the corresponding working file. If \fB\-p\fR is given, the result is printed on the standard output, otherwise the result overwrites the working file. .PP A file name ending in ',v' is an RCS file name, otherwise a working file name. \fIMerge\fR derives the working file name from the RCS file name and vice versa, as explained in .IR co (1L). A pair consisting of both an RCS and a working file name may also be specified. .PP \fIRev1\fR may not be omitted. If \fIrev2\fR is omitted, the latest revision on the default branch (normally the highest branch on the trunk) is assumed. Both \fIrev1\fR and \fIrev2\fR may be given numerically or symbolically. .PP \fIRcsmerge\fR prints a warning if there are overlaps, and delimits the overlapping regions as explained in \fIco \-j\fR. The command is useful for incorporating changes into a checked-out revision. .SH EXAMPLES Suppose you have released revision 2.8 of f.c. Assume furthermore that you just completed revision 3.4, when you receive updates to release 2.8 from someone else. To combine the updates to 2.8 and your changes between 2.8 and 3.4, put the updates to 2.8 into file f.c and execute .sp .B " rcsmerge \-p \-r2.8 \-r3.4 f.c >f.merged.c .sp Then examine f.merged.c. Alternatively, if you want to save the updates to 2.8 in the RCS file, check them in as revision and execute \fIco \-j\fR: .sp .B " ci \-r2.8.1.1 f.c .br .B " co \-r3.4 \-j2.8: f.c .sp As another example, the following command undoes the changes between revision 2.4 and 2.8 in your currently checked out revision in f.c. .sp .B " rcsmerge \-r2.8 \-r2.4 f.c .sp Note the order of the arguments, and that f.c will be overwritten. .SH IDENTIFICATION .de VL \\$2 .. Author: Walter F. Tichy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907. .sp 0 Revision Number: .VL $Revision: $ ; Release Date: .VL $Date: 1993/03/21 09:45:37 $ \&. .sp 0 Copyright \(co 1982, 1988, 1989 by Walter F. Tichy. .SH SEE ALSO ci(1L), co(1L), merge(1L), ident(1L), rcs(1L), rcsdiff(1L), rlog(1L), rcsfile(5L), .br Walter F. Tichy, "Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Revision Control System," in \fIProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Engineering\fR, IEEE, Tokyo, Sept. 1982. .SH BUGS \fIRcsmerge\fR does not work on files that contain lines with a single `.'.