/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Hellmuth Michaelis. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * i4b daemon - curses fullscreen output * ------------------------------------- * * $Id: curses.c,v 1.9 2004/03/28 20:49:22 pooka Exp $ * * $FreeBSD$ * * last edit-date: [Thu Jun 1 16:24:43 2000] * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef USE_CURSES #include "isdnd.h" #define CHPOS(cfgp) (((cfgp)->isdncontrollerused*2) + (cfgp)->isdnchannelused) static void display_budget(void); static void display_cards(void); static void menuexit(WINDOW *menu_w); static int ncontroller = 0; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * init curses fullscreen display *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void init_screen(void) { char buffer[512]; int uheight, lheight; int i, j; struct cfg_entry *p; struct isdn_ctrl_state *ctrl; initscr(); /* curses init */ ncontroller = count_ctrl_states(); if ((COLS < 80) || (LINES < 24)) { logit(LL_ERR, "ERROR, minimal screensize must be 80x24, is %dx%d, terminating!",COLS, LINES); do_exit(1); } noecho(); raw(); uheight = ncontroller * 2; /* cards * b-channels */ lheight = LINES - uheight - 6 + 1; /* rest of display */ if ((upper_w = newwin(uheight, COLS, UPPER_B, 0)) == NULL) { logit(LL_ERR, "ERROR, curses init upper window, terminating!"); exit(1); } if ((mid_w = newwin(1, COLS, UPPER_B+uheight+1, 0)) == NULL) { logit(LL_ERR, "ERROR, curses init mid window, terminating!"); exit(1); } if ((lower_w = newwin(lheight, COLS, UPPER_B+uheight+3, 0)) == NULL) { logit(LL_ERR, "ERROR, curses init lower window, LINES = %d, lheight = %d, uheight = %d, terminating!", LINES, lheight, uheight); exit(1); } scrollok(lower_w, 1); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "----- isdn controller channel state ------------- isdnd %02d.%02d.%d [pid %d] -", VERSION, REL, STEP, (int)getpid()); while(strlen(buffer) < COLS && strlen(buffer) < sizeof(buffer) - 1) strlcat(buffer, "-", sizeof(buffer)); move(0, 0); standout(); addstr(buffer); standend(); move(1, 0); /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 */ addstr("# tei b remote iface dir outbytes obps inbytes ibps units"); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "----- isdn userland interface state ------------------------------------------"); while(strlen(buffer) < COLS && strlen(buffer) < sizeof(buffer) - 1) strlcat(buffer, "-", sizeof(buffer)); move(uheight+2, 0); standout(); addstr(buffer); standend(); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "----- isdnd logfile display --------------------------------------------------"); while(strlen(buffer) < COLS && strlen(buffer) < sizeof(buffer) - 1) strlcat(buffer, "-", sizeof(buffer)); move(uheight+4, 0); standout(); addstr(buffer); standend(); refresh(); for (ctrl = get_first_ctrl_state(), i=j=0; ctrl; ctrl = NEXT_CTRL(ctrl), i++, j+=2) { if (ctrl->tei == -1) mvwprintw(upper_w, j, H_CNTL, "%d --- 1 ", i); else mvwprintw(upper_w, j, H_CNTL, "%d %3d 1 ", i, ctrl->tei); mvwprintw(upper_w, j+1, H_CNTL, " L12 2 "); } wrefresh(upper_w); for (p = get_first_cfg_entry(), j=0; p; p = NEXT_CFE(p)) { mvwprintw(mid_w, 0, j, "%s%d ", p->usrdevicename, p->usrdeviceunit); p->fs_position = j; j += ((strlen(p->usrdevicename) + (p->usrdeviceunit > 9 ? 2 : 1) + 1)); } wrefresh(mid_w); wmove(lower_w, 0, 0); wrefresh(lower_w); curses_ready = 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * curses menu for fullscreen command mode *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void do_menu(void) { static char *menu[WMITEMS] = { "1 - (D)isplay refresh", "2 - (H)angup (choose a channel)", "3 - (R)eread config file", "4 - (S)how card types", "5 - (B)udget information", "6 - (Q)uit the program", }; WINDOW *menu_w; int c; int mpos; struct pollfd set[1]; /* create a new window in the lower screen area */ if ((menu_w = newwin(WMENU_HGT, WMENU_LEN, WMENU_POSLN, WMENU_POSCO )) == NULL) { logit(LL_WRN, "ERROR, curses init menu window!"); return; } /* create a border around the window */ box(menu_w, '|', '-'); /* add a title */ wstandout(menu_w); mvwaddstr(menu_w, 0, (WMENU_LEN / 2) - (strlen(WMENU_TITLE) / 2), WMENU_TITLE); wstandend(menu_w); /* fill the window with the menu options */ for (mpos=0; mpos <= (WMITEMS-1); mpos++) mvwaddstr(menu_w, mpos + 2, 2, menu[mpos]); /* highlight the first menu option */ mpos = 0; wstandout(menu_w); mvwaddstr(menu_w, mpos + 2, 2, menu[mpos]); wstandend(menu_w); /* input loop */ set[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; set[0].events = POLLIN; for (;;) { wrefresh(menu_w); /* if no char is available within timeout, exit menu*/ if ((poll(set, 1, WMTIMEOUT * 1000)) <= 0) goto mexit; c = wgetch(menu_w); switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': /* hilite next option */ mvwaddstr(menu_w, mpos + 2, 2, menu[mpos]); mpos++; if (mpos >= WMITEMS) mpos = 0; wstandout(menu_w); mvwaddstr(menu_w, mpos + 2, 2, menu[mpos]); wstandend(menu_w); break; case ('0'+WBUDGET+1): /* display budget info */ case 'B': case 'b': display_budget(); goto mexit; case ('0'+WREFRESH+1): /* display refresh */ case 'D': case 'd': wrefresh(curscr); goto mexit; case ('0'+WQUIT+1): /* quit program */ case 'Q': case 'q': menuexit(menu_w); do_exit(0); goto mexit; case ('0'+WHANGUP+1): /* hangup connection */ case 'H': case 'h': display_chans(); goto mexit; case ('0'+WREREAD+1): /* reread config file */ case 'R': case 'r': rereadconfig(42); goto mexit; case ('0'+WSHOW+1): /* reread config file */ case 'S': case 's': display_cards(); goto mexit; case '\n': case '\r': /* exec highlighted option */ switch (mpos) { case WREFRESH: wrefresh(curscr); break; case WQUIT: menuexit(menu_w); do_exit(0); break; case WHANGUP: display_chans(); break; case WREREAD: rereadconfig(42); break; case WBUDGET: display_budget(); break; case WSHOW: display_cards(); break; } goto mexit; break; default: goto mexit; break; } } mexit: menuexit(menu_w); } static void menuexit(WINDOW *menu_w) { int uheight = ncontroller * 2; /* cards * b-channels */ char buffer[512]; /* delete the menu window */ delwin(menu_w); /* re-display the original lower window contents */ touchwin(mid_w); wrefresh(mid_w); touchwin(lower_w); wrefresh(lower_w); touchwin(upper_w); wrefresh(upper_w); move(1, 0); /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 */ addstr("# tei b remote iface dir outbytes obps inbytes ibps units"); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "----- isdn userland interface state ------------------------------------------"); while(strlen(buffer) < COLS) strlcat(buffer, "-", sizeof(buffer)); move(uheight+2, 0); standout(); addstr(buffer); standend(); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "----- isdnd logfile display --------------------------------------------------"); while(strlen(buffer) < COLS) strlcat(buffer, "-", sizeof(buffer)); move(uheight+4, 0); standout(); addstr(buffer); standend(); refresh(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display the charge in units *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_charge(struct cfg_entry *cep) { mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_UNITS, "%d", cep->charge); wclrtoeol(upper_w); wrefresh(upper_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display the calculated charge in units *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_ccharge(struct cfg_entry *cep, int units) { mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_UNITS, "(%d)", units); wclrtoeol(upper_w); wrefresh(upper_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display accounting information *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_acct(struct cfg_entry *cep) { mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_OUT, "%-10d", cep->outbytes); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_OUTBPS, "%-4d", cep->outbps); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_IN, "%-10d", cep->inbytes); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_INBPS, "%-4d", cep->inbps); wrefresh(upper_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display connect information *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_connect(struct cfg_entry *cep) { char buffer[256]; /* remote telephone number */ if (aliasing) { if (cep->direction == DIR_IN) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", get_alias(cep->real_phone_incoming)); else snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", get_alias(cep->remote_phone_dialout)); } else { if (cep->direction == DIR_IN) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", cep->name, cep->real_phone_incoming); else snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", cep->name, cep->remote_phone_dialout); } buffer[H_IFN - H_TELN - 1] = '\0'; mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_TELN, "%s", buffer); /* interface */ mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_IFN, "%s%d ", cep->usrdevicename, cep->usrdeviceunit); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_IO, cep->direction == DIR_OUT ? "out" : "in"); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_OUT, "-"); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_OUTBPS, "-"); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_IN, "-"); mvwprintw(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_INBPS, "-"); if (do_bell) display_bell(); wrefresh(upper_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * erase line at disconnect time *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_disconnect(struct cfg_entry *cep) { wmove(upper_w, CHPOS(cep), H_TELN); wclrtoeol(upper_w); wrefresh(upper_w); if (do_bell) display_bell(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display interface up/down information *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_updown(struct cfg_entry *cep, int updown) { if (updown) wstandend(mid_w); else wstandout(mid_w); mvwprintw(mid_w, 0, cep->fs_position, "%s%d ", cep->usrdevicename, cep->usrdeviceunit); wstandend(mid_w); wrefresh(mid_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display interface up/down information *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_l12stat(int controller, int layer, int state) { if (controller > ncontroller) return; if (!(layer == 1 || layer == 2)) return; if (state) wstandout(upper_w); else wstandend(upper_w); if (layer == 1) { mvwprintw(upper_w, (controller*2)+1, H_TEI+1, "1"); if (!state) mvwprintw(upper_w, (controller*2)+1, H_TEI+2, "2"); } else if (layer == 2) { mvwprintw(upper_w, (controller*2)+1, H_TEI+2, "2"); if (state) mvwprintw(upper_w, (controller*2)+1, H_TEI+1, "1"); } wstandend(upper_w); wrefresh(upper_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display TEI *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_tei(int controller, int tei) { if (controller > ncontroller) return; if (tei == -1) mvwprintw(upper_w, controller*2, H_TEI, "---"); else mvwprintw(upper_w, controller*2, H_TEI, "%3d", tei); wrefresh(upper_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display bell :-) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_bell(void) { static char bell[1] = { 0x07 }; write(STDOUT_FILENO, &bell[0], 1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display channel information for shutdown *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void display_chans(void) { char buffer[80]; int i, j, cnt = 0; WINDOW *chan_w; int nlines, ncols, pos_x, pos_y; struct pollfd set[1]; struct cfg_entry *cep = NULL; struct isdn_ctrl_state *ctrl; /* need this later to close the connection */ struct ctlr_chan { int cntl; int chn; } *cc = NULL; for (ctrl = get_first_ctrl_state(); ctrl; ctrl = NEXT_CTRL(ctrl)) { if ((get_controller_state(ctrl)) != CTRL_UP) continue; for (j = 0; j < ctrl->nbch; j++) if ((ret_channel_state(ctrl, j)) == CHAN_RUN) cnt++; } if (cnt > 0) { if ((cc = (struct ctlr_chan *)malloc (cnt * sizeof (struct ctlr_chan))) == NULL) { return; } nlines = cnt + 4; ncols = 60; } else { nlines = 5; ncols = 22; } pos_y = WMENU_POSLN + 4; pos_x = WMENU_POSCO + 10; /* create a new window in the lower screen area */ if ((chan_w = newwin(nlines, ncols, pos_y, pos_x )) == NULL) { logit(LL_WRN, "ERROR, curses init channel window!"); if (cnt > 0) free(cc); return; } /* create a border around the window */ box(chan_w, '|', '-'); /* add a title */ wstandout(chan_w); mvwaddstr(chan_w, 0, (ncols / 2) - (strlen("Channels") / 2), "Channels"); wstandend(chan_w); /* no active channels */ if (cnt == 0) { mvwaddstr(chan_w, 2, 2, "No active channels"); wrefresh(chan_w); sleep(1); /* delete the channels window */ delwin(chan_w); return; } nlines = 2; ncols = 1; for (ctrl = get_first_ctrl_state(), i = 0; ctrl; ctrl = NEXT_CTRL(ctrl), i++) { if ((get_controller_state(ctrl)) != CTRL_UP) continue; for (j = 0; j < ctrl->nbch; i++) { if ((ret_channel_state(ctrl, j)) == CHAN_RUN) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d - Controller %d channel B%d", ncols, i, j); mvwaddstr(chan_w, nlines, 2, buffer); cc[ncols - 1].cntl = i; cc[ncols - 1].chn = j; nlines++; ncols++; } } } set[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; set[0].events = POLLIN; for (;;) { wrefresh(chan_w); /* if no char is available within timeout, exit menu*/ if ((poll(set, 1, WMTIMEOUT * 1000)) <= 0) break; ncols = wgetch(chan_w); if (!(isdigit(ncols))) { display_bell(); continue; } nlines = ncols - '0'; if ((nlines == 0) || (nlines > cnt)) { display_bell(); continue; } if ((cep = get_cep_by_cc(cc[nlines-1].cntl, cc[nlines-1].chn)) != NULL) { logit(LL_CHD, "%05d %s manual disconnect (fullscreen menu)", cep->cdid, cep->name); cep->hangup = 1; break; } } free(cc); /* delete the channels window */ delwin(chan_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display card type information *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void display_cards(void) { WINDOW *chan_w; int nlines, ncols, pos_x, pos_y; struct pollfd set[1]; int i; struct isdn_ctrl_state *ctrl; nlines = 6+ncontroller; ncols = 60; pos_y = WMENU_POSLN; pos_x = WMENU_POSCO; /* create a new window in the lower screen area */ if ((chan_w = newwin(nlines, ncols, pos_y, pos_x )) == NULL) { logit(LL_WRN, "ERROR, curses init channel window!"); return; } /* create a border around the window */ box(chan_w, '|', '-'); /* add a title */ wstandout(chan_w); mvwaddstr(chan_w, 0, (ncols / 2) - (strlen("Cards") / 2), "Cards"); wstandend(chan_w); mvwprintw(chan_w, 2, 2, "ctrl device"); mvwprintw(chan_w, 3, 2, "---- ----------------------------------------------"); for (i = 0, ctrl = get_first_ctrl_state(); ctrl; ctrl = NEXT_CTRL(ctrl), i++) { mvwprintw(chan_w, 4+i, 2, " #%d %s: %s", i, ctrl->device_name, ctrl->controller); } wrefresh(chan_w); set[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; set[0].events = POLLIN; if ((poll(set, 1, WMTIMEOUT*2 * 1000)) <= 0) { delwin(chan_w); return; } wgetch(chan_w); delwin(chan_w); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display budget info *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void display_budget(void) { WINDOW *bud_w; int nlines, ncols, pos_x, pos_y; struct pollfd set[1]; int j; struct cfg_entry *cep; time_t now; double uptime; int minutes; int hours; int days; nlines = 0; ncols = 73; pos_y = WMENU_POSLN; pos_x = WMENU_POSCO-3; for (cep = get_first_cfg_entry(), j=0; cep; cep = NEXT_CFE(cep)) { if (cep->budget_callbackperiod && cep->budget_callbackncalls) nlines++; if (cep->budget_calloutperiod && cep->budget_calloutncalls) nlines++; } if (nlines == 0) return; nlines += 6; /* create a new window in the lower screen area */ if ((bud_w = newwin(nlines, ncols, pos_y, pos_x )) == NULL) { logit(LL_WRN, "ERROR, curses init budget window!"); return; } now = time(NULL); uptime = difftime(now, starttime); minutes = (time_t) (uptime / 60) % 60; hours = (time_t) (uptime / (60*60)) % (60*60); days = (time_t) (uptime / (60*60*24)) % (60*60*24); uptime = uptime / (60*60); /* create a border around the window */ box(bud_w, '|', '-'); /* add a title */ wstandout(bud_w); mvwaddstr(bud_w, 0, (ncols / 2) - (strlen("Budget") / 2), "Budget"); wstandend(bud_w); mvwprintw(bud_w, 1, 2, "isdnd uptime: %d %s - %d %s - %d %s", days, days == 1 ? "day" : "days", hours, hours == 1 ? "hour" : "hours", minutes, minutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes"); mvwprintw(bud_w, 2, 2, "name t period rest ncall rest rqsts /hr rdone /hr rrjct /hr "); mvwprintw(bud_w, 3, 2, "-------- - ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----"); for (cep = get_first_cfg_entry(), j=4; cep; cep = NEXT_CFE(cep)) { if (cep->budget_calloutperiod && cep->budget_calloutncalls) { mvwprintw(bud_w, j, 2, "%-8s %c %-6d %-6ld %-5d %-5d %-5d %-4.1f %-5d %-4.1f %-5d %-4.1f", cep->name, 'o', cep->budget_calloutperiod, (long)(cep->budget_calloutperiod_time - now), cep->budget_calloutncalls, cep->budget_calloutncalls_cnt, cep->budget_callout_req, (double)cep->budget_callout_req / uptime, cep->budget_callout_done, (double)cep->budget_callout_done / uptime, cep->budget_callout_rej, (double)cep->budget_callout_rej / uptime); j++; } if (cep->budget_callbackperiod && cep->budget_callbackncalls) { mvwprintw(bud_w, j, 2, "%-8s %c %-6d %-6ld %-5d %-5d %-5d %-4.1f %-5d %-4.1f %-5d %-4.1f", (cep->budget_calloutperiod && cep->budget_calloutncalls) ? "" : cep->name, 'b', cep->budget_callbackperiod, (long)(cep->budget_callbackperiod_time - now), cep->budget_callbackncalls, cep->budget_callbackncalls_cnt, cep->budget_callback_req, (double)cep->budget_callback_req / uptime, cep->budget_callback_done, (double)cep->budget_callback_done / uptime, cep->budget_callback_rej, (double)cep->budget_callback_rej / uptime); j++; } } wrefresh(bud_w); set[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; set[0].events = POLLIN; if ((poll(set, 1, WMTIMEOUT*3 * 1000)) <= 0) { delwin(bud_w); return; } wgetch(bud_w); delwin(bud_w); } #endif /* EOF */