/* $NetBSD: tga.c,v 1.15 1999/12/06 19:25:59 drochner Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __alpha__ #include #endif int tgamatch __P((struct device *, struct cfdata *, void *)); void tgaattach __P((struct device *, struct device *, void *)); int tgaprint __P((void *, const char *)); struct cfattach tga_ca = { sizeof(struct tga_softc), tgamatch, tgaattach, }; int tga_identify __P((tga_reg_t *)); const struct tga_conf *tga_getconf __P((int)); void tga_getdevconfig __P((bus_space_tag_t memt, pci_chipset_tag_t pc, pcitag_t tag, struct tga_devconfig *dc)); struct tga_devconfig tga_console_dc; int tga_ioctl __P((void *, u_long, caddr_t, int, struct proc *)); int tga_mmap __P((void *, off_t, int)); static void tga_copyrows __P((void *, int, int, int)); static void tga_copycols __P((void *, int, int, int, int)); static int tga_alloc_screen __P((void *, const struct wsscreen_descr *, void **, int *, int *, long *)); static void tga_free_screen __P((void *, void *)); static int tga_show_screen __P((void *, void *, int, void (*) (void *, int, int), void *)); static int tga_rop __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int, int, struct raster *, int, int)); static int tga_rop_nosrc __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int, int)); static int tga_rop_htov __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int, int, struct raster *, int, int )); static int tga_rop_vtov __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int, int, struct raster *, int, int )); struct wsdisplay_emulops tga_emulops = { rcons_cursor, /* could use hardware cursor; punt */ rcons_mapchar, rcons_putchar, tga_copycols, rcons_erasecols, tga_copyrows, rcons_eraserows, rcons_alloc_attr }; struct wsscreen_descr tga_stdscreen = { "std", 0, 0, /* will be filled in -- XXX shouldn't, it's global */ &tga_emulops, 0, 0, WSSCREEN_REVERSE }; const struct wsscreen_descr *_tga_scrlist[] = { &tga_stdscreen, /* XXX other formats, graphics screen? */ }; struct wsscreen_list tga_screenlist = { sizeof(_tga_scrlist) / sizeof(struct wsscreen_descr *), _tga_scrlist }; struct wsdisplay_accessops tga_accessops = { tga_ioctl, tga_mmap, tga_alloc_screen, tga_free_screen, tga_show_screen, 0 /* load_font */ }; void tga_blank __P((struct tga_devconfig *)); void tga_unblank __P((struct tga_devconfig *)); int tgamatch(parent, match, aux) struct device *parent; struct cfdata *match; void *aux; { struct pci_attach_args *pa = aux; if (PCI_VENDOR(pa->pa_id) != PCI_VENDOR_DEC || PCI_PRODUCT(pa->pa_id) != PCI_PRODUCT_DEC_21030) return (0); return (10); } void tga_getdevconfig(memt, pc, tag, dc) bus_space_tag_t memt; pci_chipset_tag_t pc; pcitag_t tag; struct tga_devconfig *dc; { const struct tga_conf *tgac; const struct tga_ramdac_conf *tgar; struct raster *rap; struct rcons *rcp; bus_size_t pcisize; int i, flags; dc->dc_memt = memt; dc->dc_pc = pc; dc->dc_pcitag = tag; /* XXX magic number */ if (pci_mapreg_info(pc, tag, 0x10, PCI_MAPREG_TYPE_MEM | PCI_MAPREG_MEM_TYPE_32BIT, &dc->dc_pcipaddr, &pcisize, &flags)) return; if ((flags & BUS_SPACE_MAP_CACHEABLE) == 0) /* XXX */ panic("tga memory not cacheable"); if (bus_space_map(memt, dc->dc_pcipaddr, pcisize, BUS_SPACE_MAP_CACHEABLE | BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR, &dc->dc_vaddr)) return; #ifdef __alpha__ dc->dc_paddr = ALPHA_K0SEG_TO_PHYS(dc->dc_vaddr); /* XXX */ #endif dc->dc_regs = (tga_reg_t *)(dc->dc_vaddr + TGA_MEM_CREGS); dc->dc_tga_type = tga_identify(dc->dc_regs); tgac = dc->dc_tgaconf = tga_getconf(dc->dc_tga_type); if (tgac == NULL) return; #if 0 /* XXX on the Alpha, pcisize = 4 * cspace_size. */ if (tgac->tgac_cspace_size != pcisize) /* sanity */ panic("tga_getdevconfig: memory size mismatch?"); #endif tgar = tgac->tgac_ramdac; switch (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VHCR] & 0x1ff) { /* XXX */ case 0: dc->dc_wid = 8192; break; case 1: dc->dc_wid = 8196; break; default: dc->dc_wid = (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VHCR] & 0x1ff) * 4; /* XXX */ break; } dc->dc_rowbytes = dc->dc_wid * (dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_phys_depth / 8); if ((dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VHCR] & 0x00000001) != 0 && /* XXX */ (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VHCR] & 0x80000000) != 0) { /* XXX */ dc->dc_wid -= 4; /* * XXX XXX turning off 'odd' shouldn't be necesssary, * XXX XXX but i can't make X work with the weird size. */ dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VHCR] &= ~0x80000001; dc->dc_rowbytes = dc->dc_wid * (dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_phys_depth / 8); } dc->dc_ht = (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VVCR] & 0x7ff); /* XXX */ /* XXX this seems to be what DEC does */ dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CCBR] = 0; dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VVBR] = 1; dc->dc_videobase = dc->dc_vaddr + tgac->tgac_dbuf[0] + 1 * tgac->tgac_vvbr_units; dc->dc_blanked = 1; tga_unblank(dc); /* * Set all bits in the pixel mask, to enable writes to all pixels. * It seems that the console firmware clears some of them * under some circumstances, which causes cute vertical stripes. */ dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_GPXR_P] = 0xffffffff; /* clear the screen */ for (i = 0; i < dc->dc_ht * dc->dc_rowbytes; i += sizeof(u_int32_t)) *(u_int32_t *)(dc->dc_videobase + i) = 0; /* initialize the raster */ rap = &dc->dc_raster; rap->width = dc->dc_wid; rap->height = dc->dc_ht; rap->depth = tgac->tgac_phys_depth; rap->linelongs = dc->dc_rowbytes / sizeof(u_int32_t); rap->pixels = (u_int32_t *)dc->dc_videobase; rap->data = (caddr_t)dc; /* initialize the raster console blitter */ rcp = &dc->dc_rcons; rcp->rc_sp = rap; rcp->rc_crow = rcp->rc_ccol = -1; rcp->rc_crowp = &rcp->rc_crow; rcp->rc_ccolp = &rcp->rc_ccol; rcons_init(rcp, 34, 80); tga_stdscreen.nrows = dc->dc_rcons.rc_maxrow; tga_stdscreen.ncols = dc->dc_rcons.rc_maxcol; } void tgaattach(parent, self, aux) struct device *parent, *self; void *aux; { struct pci_attach_args *pa = aux; struct tga_softc *sc = (struct tga_softc *)self; struct wsemuldisplaydev_attach_args aa; pci_intr_handle_t intrh; const char *intrstr; u_int8_t rev; int console; #ifdef __alpha__ console = (pa->pa_tag == tga_console_dc.dc_pcitag); #else console = 0; #endif if (console) { sc->sc_dc = &tga_console_dc; sc->nscreens = 1; } else { sc->sc_dc = (struct tga_devconfig *) malloc(sizeof(struct tga_devconfig), M_DEVBUF, M_WAITOK); bzero(sc->sc_dc, sizeof(struct tga_devconfig)); tga_getdevconfig(pa->pa_memt, pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_tag, sc->sc_dc); } if (sc->sc_dc->dc_vaddr == NULL) { printf(": couldn't map memory space; punt!\n"); return; } /* XXX say what's going on. */ intrstr = NULL; if (sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_intr != NULL) { if (pci_intr_map(pa->pa_pc, pa->pa_intrtag, pa->pa_intrpin, pa->pa_intrline, &intrh)) { printf(": couldn't map interrupt"); return; } intrstr = pci_intr_string(pa->pa_pc, intrh); sc->sc_intr = pci_intr_establish(pa->pa_pc, intrh, IPL_TTY, sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_intr, sc->sc_dc); if (sc->sc_intr == NULL) { printf(": couldn't establish interrupt"); if (intrstr != NULL) printf("at %s", intrstr); printf("\n"); return; } } /* * Initialize the RAMDAC and allocate any private storage it needs. * Initialization includes disabling cursor, setting a sane * colormap, etc. */ (*sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_init)(sc->sc_dc, 1); printf(": DC21030 "); rev = PCI_REVISION(pa->pa_class); switch (rev) { case 1: case 2: case 3: printf("step %c", 'A' + rev - 1); break; default: printf("unknown stepping (0x%x)", rev); break; } printf(", "); if (sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf == NULL) { printf("unknown board configuration\n"); return; } printf("board type %s\n", sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_name); printf("%s: %d x %d, %dbpp, %s RAMDAC\n", sc->sc_dev.dv_xname, sc->sc_dc->dc_wid, sc->sc_dc->dc_ht, sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_phys_depth, sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_name); if (intrstr != NULL) printf("%s: interrupting at %s\n", sc->sc_dev.dv_xname, intrstr); aa.console = console; aa.scrdata = &tga_screenlist; aa.accessops = &tga_accessops; aa.accesscookie = sc; config_found(self, &aa, wsemuldisplaydevprint); } int tga_ioctl(v, cmd, data, flag, p) void *v; u_long cmd; caddr_t data; int flag; struct proc *p; { struct tga_softc *sc = v; struct tga_devconfig *dc = sc->sc_dc; const struct tga_ramdac_conf *tgar = dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac; switch (cmd) { case WSDISPLAYIO_GTYPE: *(u_int *)data = WSDISPLAY_TYPE_TGA; return (0); case WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO: #define wsd_fbip ((struct wsdisplay_fbinfo *)data) wsd_fbip->height = sc->sc_dc->dc_ht; wsd_fbip->width = sc->sc_dc->dc_wid; wsd_fbip->depth = sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_phys_depth; wsd_fbip->cmsize = 256; /* XXX ??? */ #undef wsd_fbip return (0); case WSDISPLAYIO_GETCMAP: return (*tgar->tgar_get_cmap)(dc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_PUTCMAP: return (*tgar->tgar_set_cmap)(dc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_SVIDEO: if (*(u_int *)data == WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_OFF) tga_blank(sc->sc_dc); else tga_unblank(sc->sc_dc); return (0); case WSDISPLAYIO_GVIDEO: *(u_int *)data = dc->dc_blanked ? WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_OFF : WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_ON; return (0); case WSDISPLAYIO_GCURPOS: return (*tgar->tgar_get_curpos)(dc, (struct wsdisplay_curpos *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_SCURPOS: return (*tgar->tgar_set_curpos)(dc, (struct wsdisplay_curpos *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_GCURMAX: return (*tgar->tgar_get_curmax)(dc, (struct wsdisplay_curpos *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_GCURSOR: return (*tgar->tgar_get_cursor)(dc, (struct wsdisplay_cursor *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_SCURSOR: return (*tgar->tgar_set_cursor)(dc, (struct wsdisplay_cursor *)data); } return (-1); } int tga_mmap(v, offset, prot) void *v; off_t offset; int prot; { /* XXX NEW MAPPING CODE... */ #ifdef __alpha__ struct tga_softc *sc = v; if (offset >= sc->sc_dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_cspace_size || offset < 0) return -1; return alpha_btop(sc->sc_dc->dc_paddr + offset); #else return (-1); #endif } int tga_alloc_screen(v, type, cookiep, curxp, curyp, attrp) void *v; const struct wsscreen_descr *type; void **cookiep; int *curxp, *curyp; long *attrp; { struct tga_softc *sc = v; long defattr; if (sc->nscreens > 0) return (ENOMEM); *cookiep = &sc->sc_dc->dc_rcons; /* one and only for now */ *curxp = 0; *curyp = 0; rcons_alloc_attr(&sc->sc_dc->dc_rcons, 0, 0, 0, &defattr); *attrp = defattr; sc->nscreens++; return (0); } void tga_free_screen(v, cookie) void *v; void *cookie; { struct tga_softc *sc = v; if (sc->sc_dc == &tga_console_dc) panic("tga_free_screen: console"); sc->nscreens--; } int tga_show_screen(v, cookie, waitok, cb, cbarg) void *v; void *cookie; int waitok; void (*cb) __P((void *, int, int)); void *cbarg; { return (0); } int tga_cnattach(iot, memt, pc, bus, device, function) bus_space_tag_t iot, memt; pci_chipset_tag_t pc; int bus, device, function; { struct tga_devconfig *dcp = &tga_console_dc; long defattr; tga_getdevconfig(memt, pc, pci_make_tag(pc, bus, device, function), dcp); /* sanity checks */ if (dcp->dc_vaddr == NULL) panic("tga_console(%d, %d): couldn't map memory space", device, function); if (dcp->dc_tgaconf == NULL) panic("tga_console(%d, %d): unknown board configuration", device, function); /* * Initialize the RAMDAC but DO NOT allocate any private storage. * Initialization includes disabling cursor, setting a sane * colormap, etc. It will be reinitialized in tgaattach(). */ (*dcp->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_init)(dcp, 0); rcons_alloc_attr(&dcp->dc_rcons, 0, 0, 0, &defattr); wsdisplay_cnattach(&tga_stdscreen, &dcp->dc_rcons, 0, 0, defattr); return(0); } /* * Functions to blank and unblank the display. */ void tga_blank(dc) struct tga_devconfig *dc; { if (!dc->dc_blanked) { dc->dc_blanked = 1; dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VVVR] |= VVR_BLANK; /* XXX */ } } void tga_unblank(dc) struct tga_devconfig *dc; { if (dc->dc_blanked) { dc->dc_blanked = 0; dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VVVR] &= ~VVR_BLANK; /* XXX */ } } /* * Functions to manipulate the built-in cursor handing hardware. */ int tga_builtin_set_cursor(dc, cursorp) struct tga_devconfig *dc; struct wsdisplay_cursor *cursorp; { int count, error, v; v = cursorp->which; if (v & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCMAP) { error = (*dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_check_curcmap)(dc, cursorp); if (error) return (error); } if (v & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOSHAPE) { if ((u_int)cursorp->size.x != 64 || (u_int)cursorp->size.y > 64) return (EINVAL); /* The cursor is 2 bits deep, and there is no mask */ count = (cursorp->size.y * 64 * 2) / NBBY; if (!uvm_useracc(cursorp->image, count, B_READ)) return (EFAULT); } if (v & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOHOT) /* not supported */ return EINVAL; /* parameters are OK; do it */ if (v & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCUR) { if (cursorp->enable) dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VVVR] |= 0x04; /* XXX */ else dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VVVR] &= ~0x04; /* XXX */ } if (v & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOPOS) { dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CXYR] = ((cursorp->pos.y & 0xfff) << 12) | (cursorp->pos.x & 0xfff); } if (v & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCMAP) { /* can't fail. */ (*dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_set_curcmap)(dc, cursorp); } if (v & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOSHAPE) { count = ((64 * 2) / NBBY) * cursorp->size.y; dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CCBR] = (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CCBR] & ~0xfc00) | (cursorp->size.y << 10); copyin(cursorp->image, (char *)(dc->dc_vaddr + (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CCBR] & 0x3ff)), count); /* can't fail. */ } return (0); } int tga_builtin_get_cursor(dc, cursorp) struct tga_devconfig *dc; struct wsdisplay_cursor *cursorp; { int count, error; cursorp->which = WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOALL & ~(WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOHOT | WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCMAP); cursorp->enable = (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_VVVR] & 0x04) != 0; cursorp->pos.x = dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CXYR] & 0xfff; cursorp->pos.y = (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CXYR] >> 12) & 0xfff; cursorp->size.x = 64; cursorp->size.y = (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CCBR] >> 10) & 0x3f; if (cursorp->image != NULL) { count = (cursorp->size.y * 64 * 2) / NBBY; error = copyout((char *)(dc->dc_vaddr + (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CCBR] & 0x3ff)), cursorp->image, count); if (error) return (error); /* No mask */ } error = (*dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_ramdac->tgar_get_curcmap)(dc, cursorp); return (error); } int tga_builtin_set_curpos(dc, curposp) struct tga_devconfig *dc; struct wsdisplay_curpos *curposp; { dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CXYR] = ((curposp->y & 0xfff) << 12) | (curposp->x & 0xfff); return (0); } int tga_builtin_get_curpos(dc, curposp) struct tga_devconfig *dc; struct wsdisplay_curpos *curposp; { curposp->x = dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CXYR] & 0xfff; curposp->y = (dc->dc_regs[TGA_REG_CXYR] >> 12) & 0xfff; return (0); } int tga_builtin_get_curmax(dc, curposp) struct tga_devconfig *dc; struct wsdisplay_curpos *curposp; { curposp->x = curposp->y = 64; return (0); } /* * Copy columns (characters) in a row (line). */ void tga_copycols(id, row, srccol, dstcol, ncols) void *id; int row, srccol, dstcol, ncols; { struct rcons *rc = id; int y, srcx, dstx, nx; y = rc->rc_yorigin + rc->rc_font->height * row; srcx = rc->rc_xorigin + rc->rc_font->width * srccol; dstx = rc->rc_xorigin + rc->rc_font->width * dstcol; nx = rc->rc_font->width * ncols; tga_rop(rc->rc_sp, dstx, y, nx, rc->rc_font->height, RAS_SRC, rc->rc_sp, srcx, y); } /* * Copy rows (lines). */ void tga_copyrows(id, srcrow, dstrow, nrows) void *id; int srcrow, dstrow, nrows; { struct rcons *rc = id; int srcy, dsty, ny; srcy = rc->rc_yorigin + rc->rc_font->height * srcrow; dsty = rc->rc_yorigin + rc->rc_font->height * dstrow; ny = rc->rc_font->height * nrows; tga_rop(rc->rc_sp, rc->rc_xorigin, dsty, rc->rc_raswidth, ny, RAS_SRC, rc->rc_sp, rc->rc_xorigin, srcy); } /* Do we need the src? */ static int needsrc[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 }; /* A mapping between our API and the TGA card */ static int map_rop[16] = { 0x0, 0x8, 0x4, 0xc, 0x2, 0xa, 0x6, 0xe, 0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0xd, 0x3, 0xb, 0x7, 0xf }; /* * Generic TGA raster op. * This covers all possible raster ops, and * clips the sizes and all of that. */ static int tga_rop(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy) struct raster *dst; int dx, dy, w, h, rop; struct raster *src; int sx, sy; { if (!dst) return -1; if (dst->data == NULL) return -1; /* we should be writing to a screen */ if (needsrc[RAS_GETOP(rop)]) { if (src == (struct raster *) 0) return -1; /* We want a src */ /* Clip against src */ if (sx < 0) { w += sx; sx = 0; } if (sy < 0) { h += sy; sy = 0; } if (sx + w > src->width) w = src->width - sx; if (sy + h > src->height) h = src->height - sy; } else { if (src != (struct raster *) 0) return -1; /* We need no src */ } /* Clip against dst. We modify src regardless of using it, * since it really doesn't matter. */ if (dx < 0) { w += dx; sx -= dx; dx = 0; } if (dy < 0) { h += dy; sy -= dy; dy = 0; } if (dx + w > dst->width) w = dst->width - dx; if (dy + h > dst->height) h = dst->height - dy; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return 0; /* Vacuously true; */ if (!src) return tga_rop_nosrc(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop); if (src->data == NULL) return tga_rop_htov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy); else return tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy); } /* * No source raster ops. * This function deals with all raster ops that don't require a src. */ static int tga_rop_nosrc(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop) struct raster *dst; int dx, dy, w, h, rop; { return raster_op(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, NULL, 0, 0); } /* * Host to Video raster ops. * This function deals with all raster ops that have a src that is host memory. */ static int tga_rop_htov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy) struct raster *dst; int dx, dy, w, h, rop; struct raster *src; int sx, sy; { return raster_op(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy); } /* * Video to Video raster ops. * This function deals with all raster ops that have a src and dst * that are on the card. */ static int tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy) struct raster *dst; int dx, dy, w, h, rop; struct raster *src; int sx, sy; { struct tga_devconfig *dc = (struct tga_devconfig *)dst->data; tga_reg_t *regs0 = dc->dc_regs; tga_reg_t *regs1 = regs0 + 16 * 1024; /* register alias 1 */ tga_reg_t *regs2 = regs1 + 16 * 1024; /* register alias 2 */ tga_reg_t *regs3 = regs2 + 16 * 1024; /* register alias 3 */ int srcb, dstb; int x, y; int xstart, xend, xdir, xinc; int ystart, yend, ydir, yinc; int offset = 1 * dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_vvbr_units; /* * I don't yet want to deal with unaligned guys, really. And we don't * deal with copies from one card to another. */ if (dx % 8 != 0 || sx % 8 != 0 || src != dst) return raster_op(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy); if (sy >= dy) { ystart = 0; yend = h; ydir = 1; } else { ystart = h; yend = 0; ydir = -1; } if (sx >= dx) { xstart = 0; xend = w * (dst->depth / 8); xdir = 1; } else { xstart = w * (dst->depth / 8); xend = 0; xdir = -1; } xinc = xdir * 4 * 64; yinc = ydir * dst->linelongs * 4; ystart *= dst->linelongs * 4; yend *= dst->linelongs * 4; srcb = offset + sy * src->linelongs * 4 + sx; dstb = offset + dy * dst->linelongs * 4 + dx; regs3[TGA_REG_GMOR] = 0x0007; /* Copy mode */ regs3[TGA_REG_GOPR] = map_rop[rop]; /* Set up the op */ for (y = ystart; (ydir * y) < (ydir * yend); y += yinc) { for (x = xstart; (xdir * x) < (xdir * xend); x += xinc) { regs0[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 3 * 64; regs0[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 3 * 64; regs1[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 2 * 64; regs1[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 2 * 64; regs2[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 1 * 64; regs2[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 1 * 64; regs3[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 0 * 64; regs3[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 0 * 64; } } regs0[TGA_REG_GOPR] = 0x0003; /* op -> dst = src */ regs0[TGA_REG_GMOR] = 0x0000; /* Simple mode */ return 0; }