# # $NetBSD: README.NetBSD,v 1.2 2008/10/20 12:09:15 martti Exp $ # # Author: Martti Kuparinen # # This file contains copy-pastable commands to import a new IPFilter release # into the NetBSD repository. Before importing the code into the official # NetBSD repository, you'll import the code into your own local test # repository, resolve the conflicts and make sure everything works as expected. # # Steps in this document: # 1) Get the IPFilter dist file and a copy of the CVS repository # 2) Create a local test repository for the test imports # 3) Import the new IPFilter release into the test repository # 4) Resolve conflicts and make other adjustments # 5) Save the required modifications # 6) Re-create a local test repository for the final test import # 7) Import the new IPFilter release into the test repository # 8) Apply the fixes # 9) Compile everything and make sure the new version really works # 10) Update your /usr/src (cd /usr/src && cvs update -dPA) # 11) Import the new IPFilter release into the NetBSD repository # 12) Apply the fixes # 13) Update your /usr/src one more time (cd /usr/src && cvs update -dPA) # 14) Compile and install everything # 15) Update src/doc/3RDPARTY and src/doc/CHANGES # 16) Send an announcement to current-users # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # COMMON SETTINGS FOR EVERYTHING BELOW ############################################################################### ############################################################################### export NETBSDUSERNAME="fixthis" export VERSION="4.1.31" export VEROLD="v4-1-29" export VERNEW="v4-1-31" export VERTAG="`echo ${VERSION} | sed 's+\.+_+g'`" export ORIG="${HOME}/netbsd/orig" export WORK="${HOME}/netbsd/work" export FIXES="${HOME}/netbsd/fixes/${VERSION}" export EXTRACTED="/tmp/destdir" export TGZ="${ORIG}/ip_fil${VERSION}.tar.gz" export IPF="/tmp/ip_fil${VERSION}" export RSYNC_RSH="ssh -4" export RSYNC="rsync -avzr --delete" ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Fetch the official IPF distfile ############################################################################### ############################################################################### cd ${ORIG} ftp http://coombs.anu.edu.au/~avalon/ip_fil${VERSION}.tar.gz ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # GET COPY OF THE CVS REPOSITORY FOR LOCAL TEST IMPORTS ############################################################################### ############################################################################### RSYNC_RSH="ssh -4" RSYNC="rsync -avzr --delete -e ssh" S="${NETBSDUSERNAME}@cvs.netbsd.org::cvsroot" D="${ORIG}/cvsroot" ${RSYNC} ${S}/src/ ${D}/src ${RSYNC} --exclude 'commitlog*' --exclude 'history*' ${S}/CVSROOT/ ${D}/CVSROOT ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # TEST IMPORT 1 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Get a new repository mkdir -p ${WORK} ${RSYNC} ${ORIG}/cvsroot ${WORK} rm -f ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/commitinfo* rm -f ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/loginfo* touch ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/commitinfo touch ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/loginfo sed 's+/cvslock+/tmp/cvslock+' < ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config \ > ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config.1 mv -f ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config.1 ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config mkdir -p /tmp/cvslock export CVSROOT="${WORK}/cvsroot" # Checkout a working copy cd ${WORK} rm -rf src cvs co -P src or cd ${WORK}/src rm -rf dist/ipf regress/sys/kern sys/lkm sys/dist/ipf sys/netinet usr.sbin/ipf cvs update -dPA or cd ${WORK}/src rm -rf dist/ipf regress/sys/kern sys/lkm sys/dist/ipf sys/netinet usr.sbin/ipf cvs update -dPA dist/ipf regress/sys/kern sys/lkm sys/dist/ipf \ sys/netinet usr.sbin/ipf # Prepare the files for import rm -rf ${IPF} tar xpzf ${TGZ} -C `dirname ${IPF}` cd ${IPF} rm -rf ${EXTRACTED} mkdir -p ${EXTRACTED} cd ${EXTRACTED} /usr/src/dist/ipf/ipf2netbsd ${IPF} ${EXTRACTED} # cvs tag cd ${WORK}/src for i in dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl \ regress/sys/kern/ipf usr.sbin/ipf do (cd $i && cvs tag BEFORE-IPF-${VERTAG}) done # Import the new version cd ${EXTRACTED}/src cvs import -I ! -I CVS -m "Import IPFilter ${VERSION}" src DARRENR ${VERNEW} # src/dist/ipf cd ${WORK}/src/dist/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d A=`cvs update | grep ^C | awk '{ print $2 }'` cvs update | grep ^C ##vim $A ##for i in $A; do mkdir -p ${FIXES}/1/src/dist/ipf/`dirname $i`; done ##for i in $A; do cp $i ${FIXES}/1/src/dist/ipf/$i; done cvs diff -u -kk -rDARRENR $A | less cvs diff -u -kk -rDARRENR | less # src/sys/dist/ipf cd ${WORK}/src/sys/dist/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d B=`cvs update | grep ^C | awk '{ print $2 }'` cvs update | grep ^C ##vim $B ##for i in $B; do mkdir -p ${FIXES}/1/src/sys/dist/ipf/`dirname $i`; done ##for i in $B; do cp $i ${FIXES}/1/src/sys/dist/ipf/$i; done cvs diff -u -rDARRENR $B | less cvs diff -u -rDARRENR | less # src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl cd ${WORK}/src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d C=`cvs update | grep ^C | awk '{ print $2 }'` cvs update | grep ^C ##vim $C ##for i in $C; do mkdir -p ${FIXES}/1/src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl/`dirname $i`; done ##for i in $C; do cp $i ${FIXES}/1/src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl/$i; done cvs diff -u -rDARRENR | less # src/regress/sys/kern/ipf cd ${WORK}/src/regress/sys/kern/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d D=`cvs update | grep ^C | awk '{ print $2 }'` cvs update | grep ^C ##vim $D ##for i in $D; do mkdir -p ${FIXES}/1/src/regress/sys/kern/ipf/`dirname $i`; done ##for i in $D; do cp $i ${FIXES}/1/src/regress/sys/kern/ipf/$i; done cvs diff -u -rDARRENR | less # Commit changes cd ${WORK}/src cvs ci -m "Upgraded IPFilter to ${VERSION}" \ dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl regress/sys/kern/ipf cvs update -dPA dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl \ regress/sys/kern/ipf # See the changes cd ${WORK}/src cvs diff -u -kk -rDARRENR \ dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl regress/sys/kern/ipf \ usr.sbin/ipf | less ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # TEST IMPORT 2 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Settings export WORK="${HOME}/netbsd/work" export CVSROOT="${WORK}/cvsroot" # Get a new repository mkdir -p ${WORK} ${RSYNC} ${ORIG}/cvsroot ${WORK} rm -f ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/commitinfo* rm -f ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/loginfo* touch ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/commitinfo touch ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/loginfo sed 's+/cvslock+/tmp/cvslock+' < ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config \ > ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config.1 mv -f ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config.1 ${WORK}/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config mkdir -p /tmp/cvslock export CVSROOT="${WORK}/cvsroot" cd ${WORK}/src rm -rf dist/ipf regress/sys/kern sys/lkm sys/dist/ipf sys/netinet usr.sbin/ipf cvs update -dPA dist/ipf regress/sys/kern sys/lkm sys/dist/ipf \ sys/netinet usr.sbin/ipf # cvs tag cd ${WORK}/src for i in dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl \ regress/sys/kern/ipf usr.sbin/ipf do (cd $i && cvs tag BEFORE-IPF-${VERTAG}) done # Prepare the files for import rm -rf ${IPF} tar xpzf ${TGZ} -C `dirname ${IPF}` cd ${IPF} rm -rf ${EXTRACTED} mkdir -p ${EXTRACTED} cd ${EXTRACTED} /usr/src/dist/ipf/ipf2netbsd ${IPF} ${EXTRACTED} # Import the new version cd ${EXTRACTED}/src cvs import -I ! -I CVS -m "Import IPFilter ${VERSION}" src DARRENR ${VERNEW} # Merge and fix conflicts cd ${WORK}/src/dist/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${WORK}/src/sys/dist/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${WORK}/src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${WORK}/src/regress/sys/kern/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${FIXES}/1 && tar cf - * | tar xvf - -C ${WORK} cd ${WORK}/src cvs ci -m "Upgraded IPFilter to ${VERSION}" \ dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl regress/sys/kern/ipf cvs update -dPA dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl \ regress/sys/kern/ipf cd ${FIXES}/2 && tar cf - * | tar xvf - -C ${WORK} cd ${WORK}/src cvs ci -m "Sync with official IPFilter" \ dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl regress/sys/kern/ipf # Now build and verify everything before doing the real import... ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # FINAL IMPORT INTO THE NETBSD REPOSITORY ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Settings export WORK="/usr" export CVSROOT="${NETBSDUSERNAME}@cvs.netbsd.org:/cvsroot" # Update the local copy first cd ${WORK}/src cvs update -dPA dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl \ regress/sys/kern/ipf # cvs tag cd ${WORK}/src for i in dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl \ regress/sys/kern/ipf usr.sbin/ipf do (cd $i && cvs tag BEFORE-IPF-${VERTAG}) done # Prepare the files for import rm -rf ${IPF} tar xpzf ${TGZ} -C `dirname ${IPF}` cd ${IPF} rm -rf ${EXTRACTED} mkdir -p ${EXTRACTED} cd ${EXTRACTED} /usr/src/dist/ipf/ipf2netbsd ${IPF} ${EXTRACTED} # Import the new version cd ${EXTRACTED}/src cvs import -I ! -I CVS -m "Import IPFilter ${VERSION}" src DARRENR ${VERNEW} # Merge and fix conflicts cd ${WORK}/src/dist/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${WORK}/src/sys/dist/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${WORK}/src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${WORK}/src/regress/sys/kern/ipf cvs update -kk -j${VEROLD} -j${VERNEW} -d cvs update | grep ^C cd ${FIXES}/1 && tar cf - * | tar xvf - -C ${WORK} cd ${WORK}/src cvs ci -m "Upgraded IPFilter to ${VERSION}" \ dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl regress/sys/kern/ipf cvs update -dPA dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl \ regress/sys/kern/ipf cd ${FIXES}/2 && tar cf - * | tar xvf - -C ${WORK} cd ${WORK}/src cvs ci -m "Sync with official IPFilter" \ dist/ipf sys/dist/ipf sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl regress/sys/kern/ipf # fix doc/3RDPARTY and doc/CHANGES # send mail to current-users@ HEADSUP ======= Hi! I have just upgraded IPFilter to the latest version (4.1.31) on NetBSD -current. You must recompile kernel and the ipf tools to use the new version: cd /usr/src ./build.sh tools kernel=GENERIC ./build.sh releasekernel=GENERIC (cd share/mk && make install) (cd sys && make includes) (cd usr.sbin/ipf && make dependall install) After reboot you may want to check the version number and run the regression tests: ipf -V (cd regress/sys/kern/ipf && make && make clean) If you detect errors (or have improvements), please send a problem report with the send-pr tool. Changes since 4.1.29 ====================