#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # # Author: Jefferson Ogata (JO317) # Date: 2000/04/10 # Version: 0.8 # # Please feel free to use or redistribute this program if you find it useful. # If you have suggestions, or even better, bits of new code, send them to me # and I will add them when I have time. The current version of this script # can always be found at the URL: # # http://pobox.com/~ogata/webtools/plog.txt # # Parse ipmon output into a coherent form. This program only handles the # lines regarding filter actions. It does not parse nat and state lines. # # Present lines from ipmon to this program on standard input. # # EXAMPLES # # plog -A block,log < /var/log/ipf # # Generate source and destination reports of all packets logged with # block or log actions. # # plog -S -s ./services www.example.com < /var/log/ipf # # Generate a source report of traffic to or from www.example.com using # the additional services defined in ./services. # # plog -nSA block < /var/log/ipf # # Generate a source report of all blocked packets with no hostname # lookups. This is handy for an initial pass to identify portscans or # other aggressive traffic. # # TODO # # - Handle output from ipmon -v. # - Handle timestamps from other locales. Anyone with a timestamp problem # please email me the format of your timestamps. # - It looks as though short TCP or UDP packets will break things, but I # haven't seen any yet. # # CHANGES # # 2000/04/12 (0.9): # - Wasn't handling underscore in hostname,servicename fields; these may be # logged using ipmon -n. Observation by . # - Hadn't properly attributed observation and fix for repetition counter in # 0.8 change log. Added John Ladwig to attribution. Thanks, John. # # 2000/04/10 (0.8): # - Service names can also have hyphens, dummy. I wasn't allowing these # either. Observation and fix thanks to Taso N. Devetzis # . # - IP Filter now logs a repetition counter. Observation and fixes (changed # slightly) from Andy Kreiling and John Ladwig # . # - Added fix to handle new Solaris log format, e.g.: # Nov 30 04:49:37 raoul ipmon[121]: [ID 702911 local0.warning] 04:49:36.420 541 hme0 @0:34 b,58596 ->,113 PR tcp len 20 44 # Fix thanks to Taso N. Devetzis . # - Added services map option. # - Added options for generating only source/destination tables. # - Added verbosity option. # - Added option for reporting traffic for specific hosts. # - Added some more ICMP unreachable codes, and made code and type names # match the ones in IP Filter parse.c. # - Condensed output format somewhat. # - Various minor improvements, perhaps slight speed improvements. # - Documented new options in usage() and tried to improve wording. # # 1999/08/02 (0.7): # - Hostnames can have hyphens, dummy. I wasn't allowing them in the syslog # line. Fix from Antoine Verheijen . # # 1999/05/05 (0.6): # - IRIX syslog prefixes the hostname with a severity code. Handle it. Fix # from John Ladwig . # # 1999/05/05 (0.5): # - Protocols other than TCP, UDP, or ICMP have packet lengths reported in # parentheses for some reason. The script now handles this. Thanks to # Dispatcher . # - I had mixed up info-request and info-reply ICMP codes, and omitted the # traceroute code. Sorted this out. I had also missed code 0 for type 6 # (alternate address for host). Thanks to John Ladwig . # # 1999/05/03: # - Now accepts hostnames in the source and destination address fields, as # well as port names in the port fields. This allows the people who are # using ipmon -n to still use plog. Note that if you are logging # hostnames, you are vulnerable to forgery of DNS information, modified # DNS information, and your log files will be larger also. If you are # using this program you can have it look up the names for you (still # vulnerable to forgery) and keep your logged addresses all in numeric # format, so that packets from the same source will always show the same # source address regardless of what's up with DNS. Obviously, I don't # favor using ipmon -n. Nevertheless, some people wanted this, so here it # is. # - Added S and n flags to %acts hash. Thanks to Stephen J. Roznowski # . # - Stopped reporting host IPs twice when numeric output was requested. # Thanks, yet again, to Stephen J. Roznowski . # - Number of minor tweaks that might speed it up a bit, and some comments. # - Put the script back up on the web site. I had moved the site and # forgotten to move the tool. # # 1999/02/04: # - Changed log line parser to accept fully-qualified name in the logging # host field. Thanks to Stephen J. Roznowski . # # 1999/01/22: # - Changed high port strategy to use 65536 for unknown high ports so that # they are sorted last. # # 1999/01/21: # - Moved icmp parsing to output loop. # - Added parsing of icmp codes, and more types. # - Changed packet sort routine to sort by port number rather than service # name. # # 1999/01/20: # - Fixed problem matching ipmon log lines. Sometimes they have "/ipmon" in # them, sometimes just "ipmon". # - Added numeric parse option to turn off hostname lookups. # - Moved summary to usage() sub. use strict; use Socket; use IO::File; select STDOUT; $| = 1; my %hosts; my $me = $0; $me =~ s/^.*\///; # Map of log codes for various actions. Not all of these can occur, but # I've included everything in print_ipflog() from ipmon.c. my %acts = ( 'p' => 'pass', 'P' => 'pass', 'b' => 'block', 'B' => 'block', 'L' => 'log', 'S' => 'short', 'n' => 'nomatch', ); # Map of ICMP types and their relevant codes. my %icmpTypeMap = ( 0 => +{ name => 'echorep', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 3 => +{ name => 'unreach', codes => +{ 0 => 'net-unr', 1 => 'host-unr', 2 => 'proto-unr', 3 => 'port-unr', 4 => 'needfrag', 5 => 'srcfail', 6 => 'net-unk', 7 => 'host-unk', 8 => 'isolate', 9 => 'net-prohib', 10 => 'host-prohib', 11 => 'net-tos', 12 => 'host-tos', 13 => 'filter-prohib', 14 => 'host-preced', 15 => 'preced-cutoff', }, }, 4 => +{ name => 'squench', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 5 => +{ name => 'redir', codes => +{ 0 => 'net', 1 => 'host', 2 => 'tos', 3 => 'tos-host', }, }, 6 => +{ name => 'alt-host-addr', codes => +{ 0 => 'alt-addr' }, }, 8 => +{ name => 'echo', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 9 => +{ name => 'routerad', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 10 => +{ name => 'routersol', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 11 => +{ name => 'timex', codes => +{ 0 => 'in-transit', 1 => 'frag-assy', }, }, 12 => +{ name => 'paramprob', codes => +{ 0 => 'ptr-err', 1 => 'miss-opt', 2 => 'bad-len', }, }, 13 => +{ name => 'timest', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 14 => +{ name => 'timestrep', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 15 => +{ name => 'inforeq', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 16 => +{ name => 'inforep', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 17 => +{ name => 'maskreq', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 18 => +{ name => 'maskrep', codes => +{0 => undef}, }, 30 => +{ name => 'tracert', codes => +{ }, }, 31 => +{ name => 'dgram-conv-err', codes => +{ }, }, 32 => +{ name => 'mbl-host-redir', codes => +{ }, }, 33 => +{ name => 'ipv6-whereru?', codes => +{ }, }, 34 => +{ name => 'ipv6-iamhere', codes => +{ }, }, 35 => +{ name => 'mbl-reg-req', codes => +{ }, }, 36 => +{ name => 'mbl-reg-rep', codes => +{ }, }, ); # Arguments we will parse from argument list. my $numeric = 0; # Don't lookup hostnames. my $verbosity = 0; # Bla' bla' bla'. my $sTable = 0; # Generate source table. my $dTable = 0; # Generate destination table. my $services = undef; # Preload services table. my %selectHosts; # Limit report to these hosts. my %selectActs; # Limit report to these actions. # Parse argument list. while (defined ($_ = shift)) { if (s/^-//) { while (s/^([nSD\?hsA])//) { my $flag = $1; if ($flag eq 'v') { ++$verbosity; } elsif ($flag eq 'n') { $numeric = 1; } elsif ($flag eq 'S') { $sTable = 1; } elsif ($flag eq 'D') { $dTable = 1; } elsif (($flag eq '?') || ($flag eq 'h')) { &usage (0); } else { my $arg = shift; defined ($arg) || &usage (1, qq{-$flag requires an argument}); if ($flag eq 's') { defined ($services) && &usage (1, qq{too many service maps} ); $services = $arg; } elsif ($flag eq 'A') { my @acts = split (/,/, $arg); my $a; foreach $a (@acts) { my $aa; my $match = 0; foreach $aa (keys (%acts)) { if ($acts{$aa} eq $a) { ++$match; $selectActs{$aa} = $a; } } $match || &usage (1, qq{unknown action $a}); } } } } &usage (1, qq{unknown option: -$_}) if (length); next; } # Add host to hash of hosts we're interested in. my $addr = &hostNumber ($_); defined ($addr) || &usage (1, qq{cannot resolve hostname $_}); $selectHosts{$addr} = undef; } # Which tables will we generate? $dTable = $sTable = 1 unless ($dTable || $sTable); my @dirs; push (@dirs, 'd') if ($dTable); push (@dirs, 's') if ($sTable); # Are we interested in specific hosts? my $selectHosts = scalar (keys (%selectHosts)); # Are we interested in specific actions? if (scalar (keys (%selectActs)) == 0) { %selectActs = %acts; } # We use this hash to cache port name -> number and number -> name mappings. # Isn't it cool that we can use the same hash for both? my %pn; # Preload any services map. if (defined ($services)) { my $sf = new IO::File ($services, "r"); defined ($sf) || &quit (1, qq{cannot open services file $services}); while (defined ($_ = $sf->getline ())) { my $text = $_; chomp; s/#.*$//; s/\s+$//; next unless (length); my ($name, $spec, @aliases) = split (/\s+/); ($spec =~ /^([\w\-]+)\/([\w\-]+)$/) || &quit (1, qq{$services:$.: invalid definition: $text}); my ($pnum, $proto) = ($1, $2); # Enter service definition in pn hash both forwards and backwards. my $port; my $pname; foreach $port ($name, @aliases) { $pname = "$pnum/$proto"; $pn{$pname} = $port; } $pname = "$name/$proto"; $pn{$pname} = $pnum; } $sf->close (); } # Again, we can use the same hash for both host name -> IP mappings and # IP -> name mappings. my %ip; # Hash for protocol number <--> name mappings. my %pr; # Under IPv4 port numbers are unsigned shorts. The value below is higher # than the maximum value of an unsigned short, and is used in place of # high port numbers that don't correspond to known services. This makes # high ports get sorted behind all others. my $highPort = 0x10000; while () { chomp; # For ipmon output that came through syslog, we'll have an asctime # timestamp, an optional severity code (IRIX), the hostname, # "ipmon"[process id]: prefixed to the line. For output that was # written directly to a file by ipmon, we'll have a date prefix as # dd/mm/yyyy (no y2k problem here!). Both formats then have a packet # timestamp and the log info. my ($log); if (s/^\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+(?:\d\w:)?[\w\.\-]+\s+\S*ipmon\[\d+\]:\s+( ?:\[ID\s+\d+\s+[\w\.]+\]\s+)?\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+\s+//) { $log = $_; } elsif (s/^(?:\d+\/\d+\/\d+)\s+(?:\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+)\s+//) { $log = $_; } else { # It don't look like no ipmon output to me, baby. next; } next unless (defined ($log)); print STDERR "$log\n" if ($verbosity); # Parse the log line. We're expecting interface name, rule group and # number, an action code, a source host name or IP with possible port # name or number, a destination host name or IP with possible port # number, "PR", a protocol name or number, "len", a header length, a # packet length (which will be in parentheses for protocols other than # TCP, UDP, or ICMP), and maybe some additional info. my @fields = ($log =~ /^(?:(\d+)x)?\s*(\w+)\s+@(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\w)\s+([\w\-\ ..,]+)\s+->\s+([\w\-\.,]+)\s+PR\s+(\w+)\s+len\s+(\d+)\s+\(?(\d+)\)?\s*(.*)$/ox); unless (scalar (@fields)) { print STDERR "$me:$.: cannot parse: $_\n"; next; } my ($count, $if, $group, $rule, $act, $src, $dest, $proto, $hlen, $len, $mo re) = @fields; # Skip actions we're not interested in. next unless (exists ($selectActs{$act})); # Packet count defaults to 1. $count = 1 unless (defined ($count)); my ($sport, $dport); if ($proto eq 'icmp') { if ($more =~ s/^icmp (\d+)\/(\d+)\s*//) { # We save icmp type and code in both sport and dport. This # allows us to sort icmp packets using the normal port-sorting # code. $dport = $sport = "$1.$2"; } else { $sport = ''; $dport = ''; } } else { if ($src =~ s/,([\-\w]+)$//) { $sport = &portSimplify ($1, $proto); } else { $sport = ''; } if ($dest =~ s/,([\-\w]+)$//) { $dport = &portSimplify ($1, $proto); } else { $dport = ''; } } # Make sure addresses are numeric at this point. We want to sort by # IP address later. This has got to do some weird things, but if you # want to use ipmon -n, be ready for weirdness. my $x; $x = &hostNumber ($src); unless (defined ($x)) { print STDERR "$me:$.: cannot resolve hostname $src\n"; next; } $src = $x; $x = &hostNumber ($dest); unless (defined ($x)) { print STDERR "$me:$.: cannot resolve hostname $dest\n"; next; } $dest = $x; # Skip hosts we're not interested in. next if ($selectHosts && !(exists ($selectHosts{$src}) || exists ($selectHo sts{$dest}))); # Convert proto to proto number. $proto = &protoNumber ($proto); sub countPacket { my ($host, $dir, $peer, $proto, $count, $packet) = @_; # Make sure host is in the hosts hash. $hosts{$host} = +{ 'd' => +{ }, 's' => +{ }, } unless (exists ($hosts{$host})); # Get the source/destination traffic hash for the host in question. my $trafficHash = $hosts{$host}->{$dir}; # Make sure there's a hash for the peer. $trafficHash->{$peer} = +{ } unless (exists ($trafficHash->{$peer})); # Make sure the peer hash has a hash for the protocol number. my $peerHash = $trafficHash->{$peer}; $peerHash->{$proto} = +{ } unless (exists ($peerHash->{$proto})); # Make sure there's a counter for this packet type in the proto hash. my $protoHash = $peerHash->{$proto}; $protoHash->{$packet} = 0 unless (exists ($protoHash->{$packet})); # Increment the counter. $protoHash->{$packet} += $count; } # Count the packet as outgoing traffic from the source address. &countPacket ($src, 's', $dest, $proto, $count, "$sport:$dport:$if:$act") i f ($sTable); # Count the packet as incoming traffic to the destination address. &countPacket ($dest, 'd', $src, $proto, $count, "$dport:$sport:$if:$act") i f ($dTable); } my $dir; foreach $dir (@dirs) { my $order = ($dir eq 's' ? 'source' : 'destination'); my $arrow = ($dir eq 's' ? '->' : '<-'); print "###\n"; print "### Traffic by $order address:\n"; print "###\n"; sub ipSort { my @a = split (/\./, $a); my @b = split (/\./, $b); $a[0] <=> $b[0] || $a[1] <=> $b[1] || $a[2] <=> $b[2] || $a[3] <=> $b[3 ]; } sub packetSort { my ($asport, $adport, $aif, $aact) = split (/:/, $a); my ($bsport, $bdport, $bif, $bact) = split (/:/, $b); $bact cmp $aact || $aif cmp $bif || $asport <=> $bsport || $adport <=> $bdport; } my $host; foreach $host (sort ipSort (keys %hosts)) { my $traffic = $hosts{$host}->{$dir}; # Skip hosts with no traffic. next unless (scalar (keys (%{$traffic}))); if ($numeric) { print "$host\n"; } else { print &hostName ($host), " \[$host\]\n"; } my $peer; foreach $peer (sort ipSort (keys %{$traffic})) { my $peerHash = $traffic->{$peer}; my $peerName = &hostName ($peer); my $proto; foreach $proto (sort (keys (%{$peerHash}))) { my $protoHash = $peerHash->{$proto}; my $protoName = &protoName ($proto); my $packet; foreach $packet (sort packetSort (keys %{$protoHash})) { my ($sport, $dport, $if, $act) = split (/:/, $packet); my $count = $protoHash->{$packet}; $act = '?' unless (defined ($act = $acts{$act})); if (($protoName eq 'tcp') || ($protoName eq 'udp')) { printf (" %-6s %7s %4d %4s %16s %2s %s.%s\n", $if, $ act, $count, $protoName, &portName ($sport, $protoName), $arrow, $peerName, &po rtName ($dport, $protoName)); } elsif ($protoName eq 'icmp') { printf (" %-6s %7s %4d %4s %16s %2s %s\n", $if, $act , $count, $protoName, &icmpType ($sport), $arrow, $peerName); } else { printf (" %-6s %7s %4d %4s %16s %2s %s\n", $if, $act , $count, $protoName, '', $arrow, $peerName); } } } } } print "\n"; } exit (0); # Translates a numeric port/named protocol to a port name. Reserved ports # that do not have an entry in the services database are left numeric. High # ports that do not have an entry in the services database are mapped # to ''. sub portName { my $port = shift; my $proto = shift; my $pname = "$port/$proto"; unless (exists ($pn{$pname})) { my $name = getservbyport ($port, $proto); $pn{$pname} = (defined ($name) ? $name : ($port <= 1023 ? $port : '')); } return $pn{$pname}; } # Translates a named port/protocol to a port number. sub portNumber { my $port = shift; my $proto = shift; my $pname = "$port/$proto"; unless (exists ($pn{$pname})) { my $number = getservbyname ($port, $proto); unless (defined ($number)) { # I don't think we need to recover from this. How did the port # name get into the log file if we can't find it? Log file from # a different machine? Fix /etc/services on this one if that's # your problem. die ("Unrecognized port name \"$port\" at $."); } $pn{$pname} = $number; } return $pn{$pname}; } # Convert all unrecognized high ports to the same value so they are treated # identically. The protocol should be by name. sub portSimplify { my $port = shift; my $proto = shift; # Make sure port is numeric. $port = &portNumber ($port, $proto) unless ($port =~ /^\d+$/); # Look up port name. my $portName = &portName ($port, $proto); # Port is an unknown high port. Return a value that is too high for a # port number, so that high ports get sorted last. return $highPort if ($portName eq ''); # Return original port number. return $port; } # Translates a dotted quad into a hostname. Don't pass names to this # function. sub hostName { my $ip = shift; return $ip if ($numeric); unless (exists ($ip{$ip})) { my $addr = inet_aton ($ip); my $name = gethostbyaddr ($addr, AF_INET); if (defined ($name)) { $ip{$ip} = $name; # While we're at it, cache the forward lookup. $ip{$name} = $ip; } else { # Just map the IP address to itself. There's no reverse. $ip{$ip} = $ip; } } return $ip{$ip}; } # Translates a hostname or dotted quad into a dotted quad. sub hostNumber { my $name = shift; if ($name =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/) { # Return original value for dotted quads. my $or = int ($1) | int ($2) | int ($3) | int ($4); return $name if ($or == ($or & 0xff)); } unless (exists ($ip{$name})) { my $addr = inet_aton ($name); unless (defined ($addr)) { # Again, I don't think we need to recover from this. If we can't # resolve a hostname that ended up in the log file, punt. We # want to be able to sort hosts by IP address later, and letting # hostnames through will snarl up that code. Users of ipmon -n # will have to grin and bear it for now. return undef; } my $ip = inet_ntoa ($addr); $ip{$name} = $ip; # While we're at it, cache the reverse lookup. $ip{$ip} = $name; } return $ip{$name}; } # Translates a protocol number into a protocol name, or a number if no name # is found in the protocol database. sub protoName { my $code = shift; return $code if ($code !~ /^\d+$/); unless (exists ($pr{$code})) { my $name = scalar (getprotobynumber ($code)); if (defined ($name)) { $pr{$code} = $name; } else { $pr{$code} = $code; } } return $pr{$code}; } # Translates a protocol name or number into a protocol number. sub protoNumber { my $name = shift; return $name if ($name =~ /^\d+$/); unless (exists ($pr{$name})) { my $code = scalar (getprotobyname ($name)); if (defined ($code)) { $pr{$name} = $code; } else { $pr{$name} = $name; } } return $pr{$name}; } sub icmpType { my $typeCode = shift; my ($type, $code) = split ('\.', $typeCode); return "?" unless (defined ($code)); my $info = $icmpTypeMap{$type}; return "\(type=$type/$code?\)" unless (defined ($info)); my $typeName = $info->{name}; my $codeName; if (exists ($info->{codes}->{$code})) { $codeName = $info->{codes}->{$code}; $codeName = (defined ($codeName) ? "/$codeName" : ''); } else { $codeName = "/$code"; } return "$typeName$codeName"; } sub quit { my $ec = shift; my $msg = shift; print STDERR "$me: $msg\n"; exit ($ec); } sub usage { my $ec = shift; my @msg = @_; if (scalar (@msg)) { print STDERR "$me: ", join ("\n", @msg), "\n\n"; } print STDERR <