/* $NetBSD: isa_machdep.h,v 1.3 1999/03/19 05:04:42 cgd Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include /* * Types provided to machine-independent ISA code. */ typedef struct alpha_isa_chipset *isa_chipset_tag_t; struct alpha_isa_chipset { void *ic_v; struct isa_dma_state ic_dmastate; void (*ic_attach_hook) __P((struct device *, struct device *, struct isabus_attach_args *)); void *(*ic_intr_establish) __P((void *, int, int, int, int (*)(void *), void *)); void (*ic_intr_disestablish) __P((void *, void *)); int (*ic_intr_alloc) __P((void *, int, int, int *)); }; /* * Functions provided to machine-independent ISA code. */ #define isa_attach_hook(p, s, a) \ (*(a)->iba_ic->ic_attach_hook)((p), (s), (a)) #define isa_intr_establish(c, i, t, l, f, a) \ (*(c)->ic_intr_establish)((c)->ic_v, (i), (t), (l), (f), (a)) #define isa_intr_disestablish(c, h) \ (*(c)->ic_intr_disestablish)((c)->ic_v, (h)) #define isa_intr_alloc(c, m, t, i) \ (*(c)->ic_intr_alloc)((c)->ic_v, (m), (t), (i)) #define isa_dmainit(ic, bst, dmat, d) \ _isa_dmainit(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (bst), (dmat), (d)) #define isa_dmacascade(ic, c) \ _isa_dmacascade(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c)) #define isa_dmamap_create(ic, c, s, f) \ _isa_dmamap_create(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (s), (f)) #define isa_dmamap_destroy(ic, c) \ _isa_dmamap_destroy(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c)) #define isa_dmastart(ic, c, a, n, p, f, bf) \ _isa_dmastart(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (a), (n), (p), (f), (bf)) #define isa_dmaabort(ic, c) \ _isa_dmaabort(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c)) #define isa_dmacount(ic, c) \ _isa_dmacount(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c)) #define isa_dmafinished(ic, c) \ _isa_dmafinished(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c)) #define isa_dmadone(ic, c) \ _isa_dmadone(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c)) #define isa_dmafreeze(ic) \ _isa_dmafreeze(&(ic)->ic_dmastate) #define isa_dmathaw(ic) \ _isa_dmathaw(&(ic)->ic_dmastate) #define isa_dmamem_alloc(ic, c, s, ap, f) \ _isa_dmamem_alloc(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (s), (ap), (f)) #define isa_dmamem_free(ic, c, a, s) \ _isa_dmamem_free(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (a), (s)) #define isa_dmamem_map(ic, c, a, s, kp, f) \ _isa_dmamem_map(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (a), (s), (kp), (f)) #define isa_dmamem_unmap(ic, c, k, s) \ _isa_dmamem_unmap(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (k), (s)) #define isa_dmamem_mmap(ic, c, a, s, o, p, f) \ _isa_dmamem_mmap(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (a), (s), (o), (p), (f)) #define isa_drq_isfree(ic, c) \ _isa_drq_isfree(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c)) #define isa_malloc(ic, c, s, p, f) \ _isa_malloc(&(ic)->ic_dmastate, (c), (s), (p), (f)) #define isa_free(a, p) \ _isa_free((a), (p)) #define isa_mappage(m, o, p) \ _isa_mappage((m), (o), (p)) /* * alpha-specific ISA functions. * NOT TO BE USED DIRECTLY BY MACHINE INDEPENDENT CODE. */ int isa_display_console __P((bus_space_tag_t, bus_space_tag_t)); void isabeep __P((int, int));