/* $Id: sets.c,v 1.2 1993/05/20 05:28:32 cgd Exp $ */ /* * This code is such a kludge that I don't want to put my name on it. * It was a ridiculously fast hack and needs rewriting. * However it does work... */ #include "main.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "sets.h" #include "debug.h" #include struct Object *CurrentEvent = (struct Object *)0; struct Object *Objtree; struct Object dummy; /* * define a set w/ type and name * return a set number */ #undef NULL #define NULL (struct Object *)0 static FILE *Sfile, *Efile; extern FILE *astringfile; char *Noname = "Unnamed set\0"; initsets(f,s) FILE *f, *s; { static char errorstring[20]; extern struct Object *SameState; Efile = f; Sfile = s; IFDEBUG(X) fprintf(astringfile, "char *%s_sstring[] = {\n", protocol); ENDDEBUG sprintf(errorstring, "%sERROR\0", ST_PREFIX); defineitem(STATESET, errorstring, (char *)0); /* state 0 */ SameState = (struct Object *) Malloc( sizeof (struct Object) ); SameState->obj_kind = OBJ_ITEM; SameState->obj_type = STATESET; SameState->obj_name = "SAME"; SameState->obj_struc = (char *)0; SameState->obj_number = 0; SameState->obj_members = (struct Object *)0; SameState->obj_left = (struct Object *)0; SameState->obj_right = (struct Object *)0; SameState->obj_parent = (struct Object *)0; } /* * get a set based on its type and name * returns address of an Object, may be set or item */ struct Object *lookup(type, name) unsigned char type; char *name; { register struct Object *p = Objtree; int val = 1 ; IFDEBUG(o) fprintf(stdout,"lookup 0x%x,%s \n", type, name); ENDDEBUG while( p && val ) { IFDEBUG(o) fprintf(OUT, "lookup strcmp 0x%x,%s, 0x%x,%s\n", name, name, OBJ_NAME(p), OBJ_NAME(p)); ENDDEBUG if( p->obj_name == (char *)0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unnamed set in table!\n"); Exit(-1); } val = (int) strcmp(name, OBJ_NAME(p)); if(val < 0) { /* left */ p = p->obj_left; } else if (val > 0) { /* right */ p = p->obj_right; } } if( p && ( p->obj_type != type)) { fprintf(stdout, "lookup(0x%x,%s) found wrong obj type 0x%x\n", type,name, p->obj_type); p = NULL; } IFDEBUG(o) fprintf(stdout,"lookup 0x%x,%s returning 0x%x\n",type, name, p); ENDDEBUG return(p); } static int states_done = 0; end_states(f) FILE *f; { register unsigned n = Nstates; register int i; extern char Eventshiftstring[]; states_done = 1; for( i = 0; ;i++) { if( (n >>= 1) <= 0 ) break; } Eventshift = i+1; IFDEBUG(d) fprintf(OUT, "Eventshift=%d\n", Eventshift); ENDDEBUG sprintf(Eventshiftstring, "%d\0",Eventshift); fprintf(f, "struct %s_event {\n\tint ev_number;\n", &protocol[0]); IFDEBUG(X) /* finish sstring[] & start estring[] */ fprintf(astringfile, "};\n\nchar *%s_estring[] = {\n", protocol); ENDDEBUG } int FirstEventAttribute = 1; static insert(o) struct Object *o; { struct Object *p = Objtree; struct Object **q = &Objtree; int val=1; if (o->obj_name == (char *)0) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal Error: inserting unnamed object\n"); Exit(-1); } if( o->obj_type == STATESET) { if( states_done ) { fprintf(stderr, "No states may be defined after *TRANSITIONS\n"); Exit(-1); } o->obj_number = Nstates++ ; if(Nstates > MAXSTATES) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many states\n"); Exit(-1); } fprintf(Sfile, "#define %s 0x%x\n", o->obj_name, o->obj_number); IFDEBUG(X) fprintf(astringfile, "\"%s(0x%x)\",\n", o->obj_name, o->obj_number); ENDDEBUG } else { /* EVENTSET */ if( ! states_done ) { fprintf(stderr, "states must precede events\n"); Exit(-1); } o->obj_number = Nevents++ ; if(Nevents > MAXEVENTS) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many events\n"); Exit(-1); } if(o->obj_struc) { if( FirstEventAttribute ) { fprintf(Efile, "\n\tunion{\n"); /*} */ FirstEventAttribute = 0; } fprintf(Efile, "struct %s %s%s;\n\n", o->obj_struc, EV_PREFIX, o->obj_name); } fprintf(Efile, "#define %s 0x%x\n", o->obj_name, o->obj_number); IFDEBUG(X) fprintf(astringfile, "\"%s(0x%x)\",\n", o->obj_name, o->obj_number); ENDDEBUG } IFDEBUG(o) fprintf(OUT, "insert(%s)\n", OBJ_NAME(o) ); if(o->obj_right != NULL) { fprintf(OUT, "insert: unclean Object right\n"); exit(-1); } if(o->obj_left != NULL) { fprintf(OUT, "insert: unclean Object left\n"); exit(-1); } fflush(OUT); ENDDEBUG while( val ) { if(p == NULL) { *q = o; o->obj_parent = (struct Object *)q; break; } if(!(val = strcmp(o->obj_name, p->obj_name)) ) { /* equal */ fprintf(stderr, "re-inserting %s\n",o->obj_name); exit(-1); } if(val < 0) { /* left */ q = &p->obj_left; p = p->obj_left; } else { /* right */ q = &p->obj_right; p = p->obj_right; } } IFDEBUG(a) dumptree(Objtree,0); ENDDEBUG } delete(o) struct Object *o; { register struct Object *p = o->obj_right; register struct Object *q; register struct Object *newparent; register struct Object **np_childlink; IFDEBUG(T) fprintf(stdout, "delete(0x%x)\n", o); dumptree(Objtree,0); ENDDEBUG /* q <== lowest valued node of the right subtree */ while( p ) { q = p; p = p->obj_left; } if (o->obj_parent == (struct Object *)&Objtree) { newparent = (struct Object *)&Objtree; np_childlink = (struct Object **)&Objtree; } else if(o->obj_parent->obj_left == o) { newparent = o->obj_parent; np_childlink = &(o->obj_parent->obj_left); } else { newparent = o->obj_parent; np_childlink = &(o->obj_parent->obj_right); } IFDEBUG(T) fprintf(OUT, "newparent=0x%x\n"); ENDDEBUG if (q) { /* q gets the left, parent gets the right */ IFDEBUG(T) fprintf(OUT, "delete: q null\n"); ENDDEBUG q->obj_left = p; if(p) p->obj_parent = q; p = o->obj_right; } else { /* parent(instead of q) gets the left ; there is no right */ IFDEBUG(T) fprintf(OUT, "delete: q not null\n"); ENDDEBUG p = o->obj_left; } *np_childlink = p; if(p) p->obj_parent = newparent; IFDEBUG(T) fprintf(OUT, "After deleting 0x%x\n",o); dumptree(Objtree,0); ENDDEBUG } struct Object * defineset(type, adr, keep) unsigned char type; char *adr; int keep; { struct Object *onew; IFDEBUG(o) printf("defineset(0x%x,%s, %s)\n", type , adr, keep?"KEEP":"NO_KEEP"); ENDDEBUG onew = (struct Object *)Malloc(sizeof (struct Object)); bzero(onew, sizeof(struct Object)); onew->obj_name = adr; onew->obj_kind = OBJ_SET; onew->obj_type = type; if(keep) insert( onew ); /* address already stashed before calling defineset */ IFDEBUG(o) printf("defineset(0x%x,%s) returning 0x%x\n", type , adr, onew); dumptree(Objtree,0); ENDDEBUG return(onew); } dumpit(o, s) char *o; char *s; { register int i; IFDEBUG(o) fprintf(OUT, "object 0x%x, %s\n",o, s); for(i=0; i< sizeof(struct Object); i+=4) { fprintf(OUT, "0x%x: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", *((int *)o), *o, *(o+1), *(o+2), *(o+3) ); } ENDDEBUG } defineitem(type, adr, struc) unsigned char type; char *adr; char *struc; { struct Object *onew; IFDEBUG(o) printf("defineitem(0x%x, %s at 0x%x, %s)\n", type, adr, adr, struc); ENDDEBUG if( onew = lookup( type, adr ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error at defineitem: trying to redefine obj type 0x%x, adr %s\n", type, adr); exit(-1); } else { onew = (struct Object *)Malloc(sizeof (struct Object)); bzero(onew, sizeof(struct Object)); onew->obj_name = stash(adr); onew->obj_kind = OBJ_ITEM; onew->obj_type = type; onew->obj_struc = struc?stash(struc):struc; insert( onew ); } IFDEBUG(o) fprintf(OUT, "defineitem(0x%x, %s) returning 0x%x\n", type, adr, onew); ENDDEBUG } member(o, adr) struct Object *o; char *adr; { struct Object *onew, *oold; IFDEBUG(o) printf("member(0x%x, %s)\n", o, adr); ENDDEBUG oold = lookup( o->obj_type, adr ); onew = (struct Object *)Malloc(sizeof (struct Object)); if( oold == NULL ) { extern int lineno; fprintf(stderr, "Warning at line %d: set definition of %s causes definition of\n", lineno, OBJ_NAME(o)); fprintf(stderr, "\t (previously undefined) member %s\n", adr); bzero(onew, sizeof(struct Object)); onew->obj_name = stash(adr); onew->obj_kind = OBJ_ITEM; onew->obj_type = o->obj_type; onew->obj_members = NULL; insert( onew ); } else { if(oold->obj_kind != OBJ_ITEM) { fprintf(stderr, "Sets cannot be members of sets; %s\n", adr); exit(-1); } bcopy(oold, onew, sizeof(struct Object)); onew->obj_members = onew->obj_left = onew->obj_right = NULL; } onew->obj_members = o->obj_members; o->obj_members = onew; } struct Object *Lookup(type, name) unsigned char type; char *name; { register struct Object *o = lookup(type,name); if(o == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Trying to use undefined %s: %s\n", type==STATESET?"state":"event", name); Exit(-1); } return(o); } AddCurrentEventName(x) register char **x; { register char *n = EV_PREFIX; ; if( CurrentEvent == (struct Object *)0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "No event named! BARF!\n"); Exit(-1); } if( ! CurrentEvent->obj_struc ) { fprintf(stderr, "No attributes for current event!\n"); Exit(-1); } /* add prefix first */ while(*n) { *(*x)++ = *n++; } n = CurrentEvent->obj_name; while(*n) { *(*x)++ = *n++; } } dumptree(o,i) register struct Object *o; int i; { register int j; if(o == NULL) { for(j=0; jobj_left, i+1); for(j=0; jobj_right, i+1); } } dump(c,a) { register int x = 8; int zero = 0; #include fprintf(stderr, "dump: c 0x%x, a 0x%x\n",c,a); x = x/zero; kill(0, SIGQUIT); } dump_trans( pred, oldstate, newstate, action, event ) struct Object *oldstate, *newstate, *event; char *pred, *action; { extern int transno; struct Object *o; fprintf(stdout, "\n%d: ", transno); #define dumpit(x)\ if((x)->obj_kind == OBJ_SET) {\ o = (x)->obj_members; fprintf( stdout, "[ " );\ while(o) { fprintf(stdout, "%s ", o->obj_name); o = o->obj_members; }\ fprintf( stdout, " ] ");\ } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s ", (x)->obj_name); } dumpit(newstate); fprintf(stdout, " <== "); dumpit(oldstate); dumpit(event); fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n", pred?pred:"DEFAULT", action); }