/* * Copyright 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. * * M.I.T. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL M.I.T. * BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ /* * xditview -- * * Display ditroff output in an X window */ #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Id: xditview.c,v 1.2 1993/08/02 17:46:04 mycroft Exp $"; #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Dvi.h" #include "xdit.bm" #include "xdit_mask.bm" #include "stdio.h" extern FILE *popen(); extern void exit(); static struct app_resources { char *print_command; char *filename; } app_resources; #define offset(field) XtOffset(struct app_resources *, field) /* Application resources. */ static XtResource resources[] = { {"printCommand", "PrintCommand", XtRString, sizeof(char*), offset(print_command), XtRString, NULL}, {"filename", "Filename", XtRString, sizeof(char*), offset(filename), XtRString, NULL}, }; #undef offset /* Command line options table. Only resources are entered here...there is a pass over the remaining options after XtParseCommand is let loose. */ static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = { {"-page", "*dvi.pageNumber", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-backingStore", "*dvi.backingStore", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-resolution", "*dvi.resolution", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-printCommand", ".printCommand", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-filename", ".filename", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-noPolyText", "*dvi.noPolyText", XrmoptionNoArg, "TRUE"}, }; static char current_print_command[1024]; static char current_file_name[1024]; static FILE *current_file; /* * Report the syntax for calling xditview. */ static Syntax(call) char *call; { (void) printf ("Usage: %s [-fg ] [-bg ]\n", call); (void) printf (" [-bd ] [-bw ] [-help]\n"); (void) printf (" [-display displayname] [-geometry geom]\n"); (void) printf (" [-page ] [-backing ]\n"); (void) printf (" [-resolution ] [-print ]\n"); (void) printf (" [-filename ] [filename]\n\n"); exit(1); } static void NewFile (), SetPageNumber (); static Widget toplevel, paned, viewport, dvi; static Widget page; static Widget simpleMenu; static void NextPage(), PreviousPage(), SelectPage(), OpenFile(), Quit(); static void Print(); static struct menuEntry { char *name; void (*function)(); } menuEntries[] = { "nextPage", NextPage, "previousPage", PreviousPage, "selectPage", SelectPage, "print", Print, "openFile", OpenFile, "quit", Quit, }; static void NextPageAction(), PreviousPageAction(), SelectPageAction(); static void OpenFileAction(), QuitAction(); static void AcceptAction(), CancelAction(); static void PrintAction(); static void RerasterizeAction(); XtActionsRec xditview_actions[] = { "NextPage", NextPageAction, "PreviousPage", PreviousPageAction, "SelectPage", SelectPageAction, "Print", PrintAction, "OpenFile", OpenFileAction, "Rerasterize", RerasterizeAction, "Quit", QuitAction, "Accept", AcceptAction, "Cancel", CancelAction, }; #define MenuNextPage 0 #define MenuPreviousPage 1 #define MenuSelectPage 2 #define MenuPrint 3 #define MenuOpenFile 4 #define MenuQuit 5 static char pageLabel[256] = "Page "; void main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { char *file_name = 0; int i; static Arg labelArgs[] = { {XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) pageLabel}, }; Arg topLevelArgs[2]; Widget entry; Arg pageNumberArgs[1]; int page_number; toplevel = XtInitialize("main", "GXditview", options, XtNumber (options), &argc, argv); if (argc > 2) Syntax(argv[0]); XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel, (XtPointer)&app_resources, resources, XtNumber(resources), NULL, (Cardinal) 0); if (app_resources.print_command) strcpy(current_print_command, app_resources.print_command); XtAppAddActions(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(toplevel), xditview_actions, XtNumber (xditview_actions)); XtSetArg (topLevelArgs[0], XtNiconPixmap, XCreateBitmapFromData (XtDisplay (toplevel), XtScreen(toplevel)->root, xdit_bits, xdit_width, xdit_height)); XtSetArg (topLevelArgs[1], XtNiconMask, XCreateBitmapFromData (XtDisplay (toplevel), XtScreen(toplevel)->root, xdit_mask_bits, xdit_mask_width, xdit_mask_height)); XtSetValues (toplevel, topLevelArgs, 2); if (argc > 1) file_name = argv[1]; /* * create the menu and insert the entries */ simpleMenu = XtCreatePopupShell ("menu", simpleMenuWidgetClass, toplevel, NULL, 0); for (i = 0; i < XtNumber (menuEntries); i++) { entry = XtCreateManagedWidget(menuEntries[i].name, smeBSBObjectClass, simpleMenu, NULL, (Cardinal) 0); XtAddCallback(entry, XtNcallback, menuEntries[i].function, NULL); } paned = XtCreateManagedWidget("paned", panedWidgetClass, toplevel, NULL, (Cardinal) 0); viewport = XtCreateManagedWidget("viewport", viewportWidgetClass, paned, NULL, (Cardinal) 0); dvi = XtCreateManagedWidget ("dvi", dviWidgetClass, viewport, NULL, 0); page = XtCreateManagedWidget ("label", labelWidgetClass, paned, labelArgs, XtNumber (labelArgs)); XtSetArg (pageNumberArgs[0], XtNpageNumber, &page_number); XtGetValues (dvi, pageNumberArgs, 1); if (file_name) NewFile (file_name); /* NewFile modifies current_file_name, so do this here. */ if (app_resources.filename) strcpy(current_file_name, app_resources.filename); XtRealizeWidget (toplevel); if (file_name) SetPageNumber (page_number); XtMainLoop(); } static void SetPageNumber (number) { Arg arg[2]; int actual_number, last_page; XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNpageNumber, number); XtSetValues (dvi, arg, 1); XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNpageNumber, &actual_number); XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNlastPageNumber, &last_page); XtGetValues (dvi, arg, 2); if (actual_number == 0) sprintf (pageLabel, "Page "); else if (last_page > 0) sprintf (pageLabel, "Page %d of %d", actual_number, last_page); else sprintf (pageLabel, "Page %d", actual_number); XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNlabel, pageLabel); XtSetValues (page, arg, 1); } static void SelectPageNumber (number_string) char *number_string; { SetPageNumber (atoi(number_string)); } static int hadFile = 0; static void NewFile (name) char *name; { Arg arg[2]; char *n, *rindex (); FILE *new_file; Boolean seek = 0; if (current_file) { if (!strcmp (current_file_name, "-")) ; else if (current_file_name[0] == '|') pclose (current_file); else fclose (current_file); } if (!strcmp (name, "-")) new_file = stdin; else if (name[0] == '|') new_file = popen (name+1, "r"); else { new_file = fopen (name, "r"); seek = 1; } if (!new_file) { /* XXX display error message */ return; } XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNfile, new_file); XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNseek, seek); XtSetValues (dvi, arg, 2); if (hadFile || name[0] != '-' || name[1] != '\0') { XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNtitle, name); if (name[0] != '/' && (n = rindex (name, '/'))) n = n + 1; else n = name; XtSetArg (arg[1], XtNiconName, n); XtSetValues (toplevel, arg, 2); } hadFile = 1; SelectPageNumber ("1"); strcpy (current_file_name, name); current_file = new_file; } static char fileBuf[1024]; ResetMenuEntry (entry) Widget entry; { Arg arg[1]; XtSetArg (arg[0], XtNpopupOnEntry, entry); XtSetValues (XtParent(entry) , arg, (Cardinal) 1); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void NextPage (entry, name, data) Widget entry; caddr_t name, data; { NextPageAction(); ResetMenuEntry (entry); } static void NextPageAction () { Arg args[1]; int number; XtSetArg (args[0], XtNpageNumber, &number); XtGetValues (dvi, args, 1); SetPageNumber (number+1); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void PreviousPage (entry, name, data) Widget entry; caddr_t name, data; { PreviousPageAction (); ResetMenuEntry (entry); } static void PreviousPageAction () { Arg args[1]; int number; XtSetArg (args[0], XtNpageNumber, &number); XtGetValues (dvi, args, 1); SetPageNumber (number-1); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void SelectPage (entry, name, data) Widget entry; caddr_t name, data; { SelectPageAction (); ResetMenuEntry (entry); } static void SelectPageAction () { MakePrompt (toplevel, "Page number", SelectPageNumber, ""); } static void DoPrint (name) char *name; { FILE *print_file; #ifdef SIGNALRETURNSINT int (*handler)(); #else void (*handler)(); #endif /* Avoid dieing because of an invalid command. */ handler = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); print_file = popen(name, "w"); if (!print_file) /* XXX print error message */ return; DviSaveToFile(dvi, print_file); pclose(print_file); signal(SIGPIPE, handler); strcpy(current_print_command, name); } static void RerasterizeAction() { Arg args[1]; int number; if (current_file_name[0] == 0) { /* XXX display an error message */ return; } XtSetArg (args[0], XtNpageNumber, &number); XtGetValues (dvi, args, 1); NewFile(current_file_name); SetPageNumber (number); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void Print (entry, name, data) Widget entry; caddr_t name, data; { PrintAction (); ResetMenuEntry (entry); } static void PrintAction () { if (current_print_command[0]) strcpy (fileBuf, current_print_command); else fileBuf[0] = '\0'; MakePrompt (toplevel, "Print command:", DoPrint, fileBuf); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void OpenFile (entry, name, data) Widget entry; caddr_t name, data; { OpenFileAction (); ResetMenuEntry (entry); } static void OpenFileAction () { if (current_file_name[0]) strcpy (fileBuf, current_file_name); else fileBuf[0] = '\0'; MakePrompt (toplevel, "File to open:", NewFile, fileBuf); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void Quit (entry, closure, data) Widget entry; caddr_t closure, data; { QuitAction (); } static void QuitAction () { exit (0); } Widget promptShell, promptDialog; void (*promptfunction)(); /* ARGSUSED */ static void CancelAction (widget, event, params, num_params) Widget widget; XEvent *event; String *params; Cardinal *num_params; { if (promptShell) { XtSetKeyboardFocus(toplevel, (Widget) None); XtDestroyWidget(promptShell); promptShell = (Widget) 0; } } static void AcceptAction (widget, event, params, num_params) Widget widget; XEvent *event; String *params; Cardinal *num_params; { (*promptfunction)(XawDialogGetValueString(promptDialog)); CancelAction (widget, event, params, num_params); } MakePrompt(centerw, prompt, func, def) Widget centerw; char *prompt; void (*func)(); char *def; { static Arg dialogArgs[] = { {XtNlabel, NULL}, {XtNvalue, NULL}, }; Arg valueArgs[1]; Arg centerArgs[2]; Position source_x, source_y; Position dest_x, dest_y; Dimension center_width, center_height; Dimension prompt_width, prompt_height; Widget valueWidget; CancelAction ((Widget)NULL, (XEvent *) 0, (String *) 0, (Cardinal *) 0); promptShell = XtCreatePopupShell ("promptShell", transientShellWidgetClass, toplevel, NULL, (Cardinal) 0); dialogArgs[0].value = (XtArgVal)prompt; dialogArgs[1].value = (XtArgVal)def; promptDialog = XtCreateManagedWidget( "promptDialog", dialogWidgetClass, promptShell, dialogArgs, XtNumber (dialogArgs)); XawDialogAddButton(promptDialog, "accept", NULL, (caddr_t) 0); XawDialogAddButton(promptDialog, "cancel", NULL, (caddr_t) 0); valueWidget = XtNameToWidget (promptDialog, "value"); if (valueWidget) { XtSetArg (valueArgs[0], XtNresizable, TRUE); XtSetValues (valueWidget, valueArgs, 1); /* * as resizable isn't set until just above, the * default value will be displayed incorrectly. * rectify the situation by resetting the values */ XtSetValues (promptDialog, dialogArgs, XtNumber (dialogArgs)); } XtSetKeyboardFocus (promptDialog, valueWidget); XtSetKeyboardFocus (toplevel, valueWidget); XtRealizeWidget (promptShell); /* * place the widget in the center of the "parent" */ XtSetArg (centerArgs[0], XtNwidth, ¢er_width); XtSetArg (centerArgs[1], XtNheight, ¢er_height); XtGetValues (centerw, centerArgs, 2); XtSetArg (centerArgs[0], XtNwidth, &prompt_width); XtSetArg (centerArgs[1], XtNheight, &prompt_height); XtGetValues (promptShell, centerArgs, 2); source_x = (center_width - prompt_width) / 2; source_y = (center_height - prompt_height) / 3; XtTranslateCoords (centerw, source_x, source_y, &dest_x, &dest_y); XtSetArg (centerArgs[0], XtNx, dest_x); XtSetArg (centerArgs[1], XtNy, dest_y); XtSetValues (promptShell, centerArgs, 2); XtMapWidget(promptShell); promptfunction = func; } /* For DviChar.c */ char *xmalloc(n) int n; { return XtMalloc(n); } /* Local Variables: c-indent-level: 4 c-continued-statement-offset: 4 c-brace-offset: -4 c-argdecl-indent: 4 c-label-offset: -4 c-tab-always-indent: nil End: */