#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # v 0.2-very-very-beta # # 17 July 2000 Derek J. Balling (dredd@megacity.org) # # The $SENDMAIL flag tells the code to lump networks in sendmail format # if applicable. If this flag is disabled, cidrexpand will literally create # a single line for each entry, which may or may not be what you want. :) # makes for a rather large hash table... # # Acts as a preparser on /etc/mail/access_db to allow you to use address/bit # notation. Caveat: the address portion MUST be the start address or your # results will NOT be what what you want. # # # usage: # cidrexpand < /etc/mail/access | makemap hash /etc/mail/access # # # Report bugs to: dredd@megacity.org # my $spaceregex = '\s+'; while (my $arg = shift @ARGV) { if ($arg eq '-t') { $spaceregex = shift; } } use strict; my $SENDMAIL = 1; while (<>) { my ($left,$right,$space); if (! /^(\d+\.){3}\d+\/\d\d?$spaceregex.*/ ) { print; } else { ($left,$space,$right) = /^((?:\d+\.){3}\d+\/\d\d?)($spaceregex)(.*)$/; my @new_lefts = expand_network($left); foreach my $nl (@new_lefts) { print "$nl$space$right\n"; } } } sub expand_network { my ($network,$mask) = split /\//, shift; my @diffs = calc_changes($network,$mask); my ($first,$second,$third,$fourth) = split /\./, $network; my @rc = (); for my $f ($first..($first+$diffs[0])) { if ( ( $SENDMAIL ) and ($diffs[1] == 255)) { push @rc, "$f"; } else { for my $s ($second..($second+$diffs[1])) { if ( ($SENDMAIL) and ($diffs[2] == 255) ) { push @rc,"$f\.$s"; } else { for my $t ($third..($third+$diffs[2])) { if ( ($SENDMAIL) and ($diffs[3] == 255)) { push @rc, "$f\.$s\.$t"; } else { for my $fr ($fourth..($fourth+$diffs[3])) { push @rc, "$f\.$s\.$t\.$fr"; } } } } } } } return @rc; } sub calc_changes { my ($network,$mask) = @_; my @octs = split /\./, $network; my ($first,$second,$third,$fourth) = (0,0,0,0); my $power = 32 - $mask; if ($mask > 24) { $fourth = 2**$power - 1; } elsif ($mask > 16) { $fourth = 255; $third = 2**($power-8) - 1; } elsif ($mask > 8) { $fourth = 255; $third = 255; $second = 2**($power-16) - 1; } elsif ($mask > 0) { $fourth = 255; $third = 255; $second = 255; $first = 2**($power-24) - 1; } return ($first,$second,$third,$fourth); }