/* * dbz - use and test dbz in various ways * * -Log- */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef FUNNYSEEKS #include #else #define SEEK_SET 0 #endif #define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0) #ifndef lint static char RCSid[] = "$Header: /cvsroot/src/gnu/dist/libio/dbz/Attic/dbzmain.c,v 1998/12/13 00:15:54 tv Exp $"; #endif char *progname; char *inname = "(no file)"; /* filename for messages etc. */ long lineno; /* line number for messages etc. */ char *my_basename; char *pagname; char *dir_name; char *str2dup(); FILE *base; int op = 'b'; /* what to do, default build a new table */ int baseinput = 1; /* is the base file also the input? */ char *from = NULL; /* old table to use for dbzagain() */ int omitzero = 0; /* omit lines tagged with 0 */ long every = 0; /* report every n lines */ int syncs = 0; /* dbzsync() on each report */ int quick = 0; /* quick checking, not too thorough */ int sweep = 0; /* sweep file checking all offsets */ int useincore = 1; /* should we use incore facility? */ long xxx = 0; /* debugging variable */ int printx = 0; /* print xxx after all is done */ int unique = 1; /* before store(), check with fetch() */ int usefresh = 0; /* use dbzfresh? */ long siz = 0; /* -p size */ char map = 'C'; /* -p map */ long tag = 0; /* -p tag mask */ int exact = 0; /* do not run dbzsize(siz) */ int dbzint = 1; /* use new interface? */ char fs = '\t'; /* field separator, default tab */ int unopen = 0; /* make base unopenable during dbminit? */ char *change = NULL; /* chdir here before dbmclose */ #define DEFBUF 1024 /* default line-buffer size */ int buflen = DEFBUF; /* line length limit */ char lbuf[DEFBUF]; char *line = lbuf; char cbuf[DEFBUF]; char *cmp = cbuf; void fail(); void dofile(); void runs(); void dosweep(); void mkfiles(); void crfile(); void doline(); void process(); #ifdef HAVERFCIZE extern char *rfc822ize(); #else #define rfc822ize(n) (n) #endif extern char *malloc(); /* - main - parse arguments and handle options */ int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int c; int errflg = 0; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int doruns = 0; extern long atol(); progname = argv[0]; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "axcmt:l:R0E:SqOiX:Yuf:p:eMUC:d")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'a': /* append to existing table */ if (op != 'b') fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", ""); op = 'a'; baseinput = 0; break; case 'x': /* extract from existing table */ if (op != 'b') fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", ""); op = 'x'; baseinput = 0; break; case 'c': /* check existing table */ if (op != 'b') fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", ""); op = 'c'; break; case 'm': /* extract missing (complement of -x) */ if (op != 'b') fail("only one of -a -x -c -m can be given", ""); op = 'm'; baseinput = 0; break; case 't': /* set field separator */ if (strlen(optarg) > 1) fail("only one field separator allowed", ""); fs = *optarg; break; case 'l': /* override line-length limit */ buflen = atoi(optarg) + 1; if (buflen <= 2) fail("bad -l value `%s'", optarg); line = malloc(buflen); cmp = malloc(buflen); if (line == NULL || cmp == NULL) fail("cannot allocate %s-byte buffers", optarg); break; case 'R': /* print run statistics */ doruns = 1; break; case '0': /* omit lines tagged (by fake -t) with 0 */ omitzero = 1; break; case 'E': /* report every n items */ every = atol(optarg); break; case 'S': /* dbzsync() on each -E report */ syncs = 1; break; case 'q': /* quick check or extract */ quick = 1; break; case 'O': /* sweep file checking all offsets */ sweep = 1; break; case 'i': /* don't use incore */ useincore = 0; break; case 'X': /* set xxx */ xxx = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Y': /* print xxx afterward */ printx = 1; break; case 'u': /* don't check uniqueness */ unique = 0; break; case 'f': /* init from existing table's parameters */ from = optarg; break; case 'p': /* parameters for dbzfresh */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%ld %1s %lx", &siz, &map, &tag) != 3) { map = '?'; tag = 0; if (sscanf(optarg, "%ld", &siz) != 1) fail("bad -n value `%s'", optarg); } usefresh = 1; break; case 'e': /* -p size is exact, don't dbzsize() it */ exact = 1; break; case 'M': /* use old dbm interface + rfc822ize */ dbzint = 0; break; case 'U': /* make base unopenable during init */ unopen = 1; break; case 'C': /* change directories before dbmclose */ change = optarg; break; case 'd': /* Debugging. */ if (dbzdebug(1) < 0) fail("dbz debugging not available", ""); break; case '?': default: errflg++; break; } if (errflg || optind >= argc || (optind+1 < argc && baseinput)) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s ", progname); fprintf(stderr, "[-a] [-x] [-c] database [file] ...\n"); exit(2); } (void) dbzincore(useincore); my_basename = argv[optind]; pagname = str2dup(my_basename, ".pag"); dir_name = str2dup(my_basename, ".dir"); mkfiles(); optind++; if (baseinput) /* implies no further arguments */ process(base, my_basename); else if (optind >= argc) process(stdin, "stdin"); else for (; optind < argc; optind++) dofile(argv[optind]); if (change != NULL) (void) chdir(change); if (dbmclose() < 0) fail("dbmclose failed", ""); if (doruns) runs(pagname); if (sweep) dosweep(my_basename, pagname); if (printx) printf("%ld\n", xxx); #ifdef DBZ_FINISH DBZ_FINISH; #endif exit(0); } /* - dofile - open a file and invoke process() */ void dofile(name) char *name; { register FILE *in; if (STREQ(name, "-")) process(stdin, "-"); else { in = fopen(name, "r"); if (in == NULL) fail("cannot open `%s'", name); process(in, name); (void) fclose(in); } } /* - mkfiles - create empty files and open them up */ void mkfiles() { if (op == 'b' && !dbzint) { crfile(dir_name); crfile(pagname); } base = fopen(my_basename, (op == 'a') ? "a" : "r"); if (base == NULL) fail("cannot open `%s'", my_basename); if (unopen) (void) chmod(my_basename, 0); if (from != NULL) { if (dbzagain(my_basename, from) < 0) fail("dbzagain(`%s'...) failed", my_basename); } else if (op == 'b' && dbzint) { if (!exact) siz = dbzsize(siz); if (dbzfresh(my_basename, siz, (int)fs, map, (off_t)tag) < 0) fail("dbzfresh(`%s'...) failed", my_basename); } else if (dbminit(my_basename) < 0) fail("dbminit(`%s') failed", my_basename); if (unopen) (void) chmod(my_basename, 0600); /* hard to restore original */ } /* - crfile - create a file */ void crfile(name) char *name; { register int f; f = creat(name, 0666); if (f < 0) fail("cannot create `%s'", name); (void) close(f); } /* - process - process input file */ void process(in, name) FILE *in; char *name; { register off_t place; inname = name; lineno = 0; for (;;) { place = ftell(in); if (fgets(line, buflen, in) == NULL) return; lineno++; if (every > 0 && lineno%every == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%ld\n", lineno); if (dbzsync() < 0) fail("dbzsync failed", ""); } doline(line, place); } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* - doline - process input line */ void doline(lp, inoffset) char *lp; off_t inoffset; { register char *p; register char pc; datum key, value; off_t place = inoffset; register int shouldfind; register int llen; char keytext[DBZMAXKEY+1]; p = NULL; if (fs != '\0') p = strchr(lp, fs); if (p == NULL) p = lp + strlen(lp); if (p > lp && *(p-1) == '\n') p--; if (p - lp > DBZMAXKEY) fail("key of `%.40s...' too long", lp); pc = *p; *p = '\0'; (void) strcpy(keytext, lp); *p = pc; key.dptr = (dbzint) ? keytext : rfc822ize(keytext); key.dsize = strlen(keytext)+1; switch (op) { case 'a': place = ftell(base); llen = strlen(lp); if (fwrite(lp, 1, llen, base) != llen) fail("write error in `%s'", my_basename); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'b': if (omitzero && p != NULL && *(p+1) == '0') return; if (unique) { value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key); if (value.dptr != NULL) fail("`%.40s...' already present", lp); } value.dptr = (char *)&place; value.dsize = (int)sizeof(off_t); if (((dbzint) ? dbzstore(key, value) : store(key, value)) < 0) fail("store failed on `%.40s...'", lp); break; case 'c': value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key); shouldfind = (omitzero && p != NULL && *(p+1) == '0') ? 0 : 1; if (!shouldfind && (value.dptr != NULL || value.dsize != 0)) fail("`%.40s...' found, shouldn't be", lp); if (shouldfind && (value.dptr == NULL || value.dsize != sizeof(off_t))) fail("can't find `%.40s...'", lp); if (shouldfind && !quick) { (void) memcpy((char *)&place, value.dptr, sizeof(off_t)); if (place != inoffset) fail("offset mismatch on `%.40s...'", lp); if (fseek(base, place, SEEK_SET) == -1) fail("fseek failed on `%.40s...'", lp); if (fgets(cmp, buflen, base) == NULL) fail("can't read line for `%.40s...'", lp); if (!STREQ(lp, cmp)) fail("compare failed on `%.40s...'", lp); } break; case 'x': value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key); if (value.dptr != NULL && !quick) { (void) memcpy((char *)&place, value.dptr, sizeof(off_t)); if (fseek(base, place, SEEK_SET) == -1) fail("fseek failed on `%.40s...'", lp); if (fgets(cmp, buflen, base) == NULL) fail("can't read line for `%.40s...'", lp); fputs(cmp, stdout); } else if (value.dptr != NULL) fputs(lp, stdout); break; case 'm': value = (dbzint) ? dbzfetch(key) : fetch(key); if (value.dptr == NULL) { fputs(keytext, stdout); putchar('\n'); } break; default: fail("unknown operator -- can't happen", ""); break; } } /* - runs - print run statistics */ void runs(file) char *file; { register FILE *fd; off_t it; register long run; fd = fopen(file, "r"); if (fd == NULL) fail("cannot reopen `%s'", file); run = 0; while (fread((char *)&it, sizeof(off_t), 1, fd) == 1) { if (it != 0) run++; else if (run > 0) { printf("%ld\n", run); run = 0; } } (void) fclose(fd); } /* - dosweep - sweep pag file checking for valid offsets */ void dosweep(fn, pn) char *fn; char *pn; { register FILE *pf; off_t it; char nl; register FILE *hf; hf = fopen(fn, "r"); if (hf == NULL) fail("cannot reopen `%s'", fn); pf = fopen(pn, "r"); if (pf == NULL) fail("cannot reopen `%s'", pn); while (fread((char *)&it, sizeof(off_t), 1, pf) == 1) { it = (it & ((off_t)0x80000000)) ? (it&~((off_t)0xff000000)) : it; if (it != 0 && it != 1) { /* 0 empty, 1 known okay */ it--; /* get rid of bias */ (void) fseek(hf, it-1, SEEK_SET); nl = getc(hf); if (nl != '\n') fprintf(stderr, "offset 0%lo does not point to line\n", (long)it); } } (void) fclose(hf); (void) fclose(pf); } /* - fail - complain and die */ void fail(s1, s2) char *s1; char *s2; { fprintf(stderr, "%s: (file `%s', line %ld) ", progname, inname, lineno); fprintf(stderr, s1, s2); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } /* - str2dup - concatenate strings and malloc result */ char * str2dup(s1, s2) char *s1; char *s2; { register char *p; p = malloc((size_t)strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1); if (p == NULL) fail("can't allocate space for strings", ""); (void) strcpy(p, s1); (void) strcat(p, s2); return(p); }