.TH ZNEW 1 .SH NAME znew \- recompress .Z files to .gz files .SH SYNOPSIS .B znew [ -ftv9PK] [ name.Z ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Znew recompresses files from .Z (compress) format to .gz (gzip) format. .SH OPTIONS .B \-f Force recompression from .Z to .gz format even if a .gz file already exists. .TP .B \-t Tests the new files before deleting originals. .TP .B \-v Verbose. Display the name and percentage reduction for each file compressed. .TP .B \-9 Use the slowest compression method (optimal compression). .TP .B \-P Use pipes for the conversion to reduce disk space usage. .TP .B \-K Keep a .Z file when it is smaller than the .gz file .SH "SEE ALSO" gzip(1), zmore(1), zcmp(1), zforce(1), gzexe(1), compress(1) .SH BUGS .I Znew does not maintain the time stamp with the -P option if .I cpmod(1) is not available and .I touch(1) does not support the -r option.