.de Id .ds Rv \\$3 .ds Dt \\$4 .. .Id $Id: merge.1,v 1.3 1995/02/24 02:25:20 mycroft Exp $ .TH MERGE 1 \*(Dt GNU .SH NAME merge \- three-way file merge .SH SYNOPSIS .B merge [ .I "options" ] .I "file1 file2 file3" .SH DESCRIPTION .B merge incorporates all changes that lead from .I file2 to .I file3 into .IR file1 . The result ordinarily goes into .IR file1 . .B merge is useful for combining separate changes to an original. Suppose .I file2 is the original, and both .I file1 and .I file3 are modifications of .IR file2 . Then .B merge combines both changes. .PP A conflict occurs if both .I file1 and .I file3 have changes in a common segment of lines. If a conflict is found, .B merge normally outputs a warning and brackets the conflict with .B <<<<<<< and .B >>>>>>> lines. A typical conflict will look like this: .LP .RS .nf .BI <<<<<<< " file A" .I "lines in file A" .B "=======" .I "lines in file B" .BI >>>>>>> " file B" .RE .fi .LP If there are conflicts, the user should edit the result and delete one of the alternatives. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-A Output conflicts using the .B \-A style of .BR diff3 (1), if supported by .BR diff3 . This merges all changes leading from .I file2 to .I file3 into .IR file1 , and is usually the best choice for merging. This option is the default if .B diff3 supports it. .TP \f3\-E\fP, \f3\-e\fP These options specify conflict styles that generate less information than .BR \-A . See .BR diff3 (1) for details. If .B diff3 does not support .BR \-A , then .B \-E is the default if it is supported, and .B \-e is otherwise. With .BR \-e , .B merge does not warn about conflicts. .TP .BI \-L " label" This option may be given up to three times, and specifies labels to be used in place of the corresponding file names in conflict reports. That is, .B "merge\ \-L\ x\ \-L\ y\ \-L\ z\ a\ b\ c" generates output that looks like it came from files .BR x , .B y and .B z instead of from files .BR a , .B b and .BR c . .TP .BI \-p Send results to standard output instead of overwriting .IR file1 . .TP .BI \-q Quiet; do not warn about conflicts. .BI \-V Print \*r's version number. .SH DIAGNOSTICS Exit status is 0 for no conflicts, 1 for some conflicts, 2 for trouble. .SH IDENTIFICATION Author: Walter F. Tichy. .br Manual Page Revision: \*(Rv; Release Date: \*(Dt. .br Copyright \(co 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy. .br Copyright \(co 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Paul Eggert. .SH SEE ALSO diff3(1), diff(1), rcsmerge(1), co(1).