.TH RCSCLEAN 1L "" "Purdue University" .SH NAME rcsclean \- clean up working files .SH SYNOPSIS \fBrcsclean\fR [ \fB-r\fIrev\fR ] [ \fB-q\fIrev\fR ] file... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Rcsclean removes working files that were checked out and never modified. For each file given, \fIrcsclean\fR compares the working file and a revision in the corresponding RCS file. If it finds no difference, it removes the working file, and, if the revision was locked by the caller, unlocks the revision. .PP A file name ending in ',v' is an RCS file name, otherwise a working file name. \fIRcsclean\fR derives the working file name from the RCS file name and vice versa, as explained in .IR co (1L). Pairs consisting of both an RCS and a working file name may also be specified. .PP \fIRev\fR specifies with which revision the working file is compared. If \fIrev\fR is omitted, \fIrcsclean\fR compares the working file with the latest revision on the default branch (normally the highest branch on the trunk). The option \fB-q\fR suppresses diagnostics. .PP \fIRcsclean\fR is useful for "clean" targets in Makefiles. Note that .IR rcsdiff (1L) prints out the differences. Also, .IR ci (1L) normally asks whether to check in a file if it was not changed. .SH EXAMPLES .nf The command rcsclean *.c *.h .fi removes all working files ending in ".c" or ".h" that were not changed since their checkout. .SH DIAGNOSTICS The exit status is 0 if there were no differences during the last comparison or if the last working file did not exist, 1 if there were differences, and 2 if there were errors. .SH IDENTIFICATION .de VL \\$2 .. Author: Walter F. Tichy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907. .sp 0 Revision Number: .VL $Revision: $ ; Release Date: .VL $Date: 1993/03/21 09:45:37 $ \&. .sp 0 Copyright \(co 1982, 1988, 1989 by Walter F. Tichy. .SH SEE ALSO co(1L), ci(1L), ident(1L), rcs(1L), rcsdiff(1L), rcsintro(1L), rcsmerge(1L), rlog(1L), rcsfile(5L).