#include #ifdef HAVE_XCURSES char *XCursesProgramName="alphalist_ex"; #endif /* * This program demonstrates the Cdk alphalist widget. */ #define MAXINFOLINES 10000 int getUserList (char **list, int maxItems); int main(void) { /* Declare variables. */ CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0; CDKALPHALIST *alphaList = 0; WINDOW *cursesWin = 0; char *title = "Alpha List\nTitle"; char *label = "Account: "; char *word = 0; char *info[MAXINFOLINES], *mesg[5], temp[256]; int count; /* Set up CDK. */ cursesWin = initscr(); cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin); /* Start color. */ initCDKColor(); /* Get the user list. */ count = getUserList (info, MAXINFOLINES); /* Create the alpha list widget. */ alphaList = newCDKAlphalist (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, -10, -2, title, label, info, count, '_', A_REVERSE, TRUE, TRUE); /* Let them play with the alpha list. */ word = activateCDKAlphalist (alphaList, 0); /* Determine what the user did. */ if (alphaList->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT) { mesg[0] = "You hit escape. No word was selected."; mesg[1] = "", mesg[2] = "Press any key to continue."; popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3); } else if (alphaList->exitType == vNORMAL) { mesg[0] = "You selected the following"; sprintf (temp, "(%s)", word); mesg[1] = copyChar (temp); mesg[2] = ""; mesg[3] = "Press any key to continue."; popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 4); } /* Clean up. */ destroyCDKAlphalist (alphaList); delwin (cursesWin); endCDK(); exit (0); } /* * This reads the passwd file and retrieves user information. */ int getUserList (char **list, int maxItems) { struct passwd *ent; int x = 0; while ( (ent = getpwent ()) != 0) { if (x+1 >= maxItems) break; list[x++] = copyChar (ent->pw_name); } return x; }