/* $NetBSD: rf_reconbuffer.c,v 1.22 2005/02/27 00:27:45 perry Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Mark Holland * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /*************************************************** * * rf_reconbuffer.c -- reconstruction buffer manager * ***************************************************/ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: rf_reconbuffer.c,v 1.22 2005/02/27 00:27:45 perry Exp $"); #include "rf_raid.h" #include "rf_reconbuffer.h" #include "rf_acctrace.h" #include "rf_etimer.h" #include "rf_general.h" #include "rf_revent.h" #include "rf_reconutil.h" #include "rf_nwayxor.h" #ifdef DEBUG #define Dprintf1(s,a) if (rf_reconbufferDebug) printf(s,a) #define Dprintf2(s,a,b) if (rf_reconbufferDebug) printf(s,a,b) #define Dprintf3(s,a,b,c) if (rf_reconbufferDebug) printf(s,a,b,c) #define Dprintf4(s,a,b,c,d) if (rf_reconbufferDebug) printf(s,a,b,c,d) #define Dprintf5(s,a,b,c,d,e) if (rf_reconbufferDebug) printf(s,a,b,c,d,e) #else /* DEBUG */ #define Dprintf1(s,a) {} #define Dprintf2(s,a,b) {} #define Dprintf3(s,a,b,c) {} #define Dprintf4(s,a,b,c,d) {} #define Dprintf5(s,a,b,c,d,e) {} #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Submit a reconstruction buffer to the manager for XOR. We can only * submit a buffer if (1) we can xor into an existing buffer, which * means we don't have to acquire a new one, (2) we can acquire a * floating recon buffer, or (3) the caller has indicated that we are * allowed to keep the submitted buffer. * * Returns non-zero if and only if we were not able to submit. * In this case, we append the current disk ID to the wait list on the * indicated RU, so that it will be re-enabled when we acquire a buffer * for this RU. * ****************************************************************************/ /* * nWayXorFuncs[i] is a pointer to a function that will xor "i" * bufs into the accumulating sum. */ static const RF_VoidFuncPtr nWayXorFuncs[] = { NULL, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor1, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor2, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor3, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor4, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor5, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor6, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor7, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor8, (RF_VoidFuncPtr) rf_nWayXor9 }; /* * rbuf - the recon buffer to submit * keep_it - whether we can keep this buffer or we have to return it * use_committed - whether to use a committed or an available recon buffer */ int rf_SubmitReconBuffer(RF_ReconBuffer_t *rbuf, int keep_it, int use_committed) { const RF_LayoutSW_t *lp; int rc; lp = rbuf->raidPtr->Layout.map; rc = lp->SubmitReconBuffer(rbuf, keep_it, use_committed); return (rc); } /* * rbuf - the recon buffer to submit * keep_it - whether we can keep this buffer or we have to return it * use_committed - whether to use a committed or an available recon buffer */ int rf_SubmitReconBufferBasic(RF_ReconBuffer_t *rbuf, int keep_it, int use_committed) { RF_Raid_t *raidPtr = rbuf->raidPtr; RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &raidPtr->Layout; RF_ReconCtrl_t *reconCtrlPtr = raidPtr->reconControl; RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_t *pssPtr; RF_ReconBuffer_t *targetRbuf, *t = NULL; /* temporary rbuf * pointers */ caddr_t ta; /* temporary data buffer pointer */ RF_CallbackDesc_t *cb, *p; int retcode = 0; RF_Etimer_t timer; /* makes no sense to have a submission from the failed disk */ RF_ASSERT(rbuf); RF_ASSERT(rbuf->col != reconCtrlPtr->fcol); Dprintf4("RECON: submission by col %d for psid %ld ru %d (failed offset %ld)\n", rbuf->col, (long) rbuf->parityStripeID, rbuf->which_ru, (long) rbuf->failedDiskSectorOffset); RF_LOCK_PSS_MUTEX(raidPtr, rbuf->parityStripeID); RF_LOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); while(reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock) { ltsleep(&reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock, PRIBIO, "reconctlcnmhs", 0, &reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); } reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock = 1; RF_UNLOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); pssPtr = rf_LookupRUStatus(raidPtr, reconCtrlPtr->pssTable, rbuf->parityStripeID, rbuf->which_ru, RF_PSS_NONE, NULL); RF_ASSERT(pssPtr); /* if it didn't exist, we wouldn't have gotten * an rbuf for it */ /* check to see if enough buffers have accumulated to do an XOR. If * so, there's no need to acquire a floating rbuf. Before we can do * any XORing, we must have acquired a destination buffer. If we * have, then we can go ahead and do the XOR if (1) including this * buffer, enough bufs have accumulated, or (2) this is the last * submission for this stripe. Otherwise, we have to go acquire a * floating rbuf. */ targetRbuf = (RF_ReconBuffer_t *) pssPtr->rbuf; if ((targetRbuf != NULL) && ((pssPtr->xorBufCount == rf_numBufsToAccumulate - 1) || (targetRbuf->count + pssPtr->xorBufCount + 1 == layoutPtr->numDataCol))) { pssPtr->rbufsForXor[pssPtr->xorBufCount++] = rbuf; /* install this buffer */ Dprintf2("RECON: col %d invoking a %d-way XOR\n", rbuf->col, pssPtr->xorBufCount); RF_ETIMER_START(timer); rf_MultiWayReconXor(raidPtr, pssPtr); RF_ETIMER_STOP(timer); RF_ETIMER_EVAL(timer); raidPtr->accumXorTimeUs += RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(timer); if (!keep_it) { #if RF_ACC_TRACE > 0 raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].xor_us = RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(timer); RF_ETIMER_STOP(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); RF_ETIMER_EVAL(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].specific.recon.recon_return_to_submit_us += RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); RF_ETIMER_START(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); rf_LogTraceRec(raidPtr, &raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col]); #endif } rf_CheckForFullRbuf(raidPtr, reconCtrlPtr, pssPtr, layoutPtr->numDataCol); /* if use_committed is on, we _must_ consume a buffer off the * committed list. */ if (use_committed) { t = reconCtrlPtr->committedRbufs; RF_ASSERT(t); reconCtrlPtr->committedRbufs = t->next; rf_ReleaseFloatingReconBuffer(raidPtr, t); } if (keep_it) { RF_UNLOCK_PSS_MUTEX(raidPtr, rbuf->parityStripeID); RF_LOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock = 0; wakeup(&reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock); RF_UNLOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); rf_FreeReconBuffer(rbuf); return (retcode); } goto out; } /* set the value of "t", which we'll use as the rbuf from here on */ if (keep_it) { t = rbuf; } else { if (use_committed) { /* if a buffer has been committed to * us, use it */ t = reconCtrlPtr->committedRbufs; RF_ASSERT(t); reconCtrlPtr->committedRbufs = t->next; t->next = NULL; } else if (reconCtrlPtr->floatingRbufs) { t = reconCtrlPtr->floatingRbufs; reconCtrlPtr->floatingRbufs = t->next; t->next = NULL; } } /* If we weren't able to acquire a buffer, append to the end of the * buf list in the recon ctrl struct. */ if (!t) { RF_ASSERT(!keep_it && !use_committed); Dprintf1("RECON: col %d failed to acquire floating rbuf\n", rbuf->col); raidPtr->procsInBufWait++; if ((raidPtr->procsInBufWait == raidPtr->numCol - 1) && (raidPtr->numFullReconBuffers == 0)) { printf("Buffer wait deadlock detected. Exiting.\n"); rf_PrintPSStatusTable(raidPtr); RF_PANIC(); } pssPtr->flags |= RF_PSS_BUFFERWAIT; cb = rf_AllocCallbackDesc(); /* append to buf wait list in * recon ctrl structure */ cb->col = rbuf->col; cb->callbackArg.v = rbuf->parityStripeID; cb->next = NULL; if (!reconCtrlPtr->bufferWaitList) reconCtrlPtr->bufferWaitList = cb; else { /* might want to maintain head/tail pointers * here rather than search for end of list */ for (p = reconCtrlPtr->bufferWaitList; p->next; p = p->next); p->next = cb; } retcode = 1; goto out; } Dprintf1("RECON: col %d acquired rbuf\n", rbuf->col); #if RF_ACC_TRACE > 0 RF_ETIMER_STOP(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); RF_ETIMER_EVAL(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].specific.recon.recon_return_to_submit_us += RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); RF_ETIMER_START(raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col].recon_timer); rf_LogTraceRec(raidPtr, &raidPtr->recon_tracerecs[rbuf->col]); #endif /* initialize the buffer */ if (t != rbuf) { t->col = reconCtrlPtr->fcol; t->parityStripeID = rbuf->parityStripeID; t->which_ru = rbuf->which_ru; t->failedDiskSectorOffset = rbuf->failedDiskSectorOffset; t->spCol = rbuf->spCol; t->spOffset = rbuf->spOffset; ta = t->buffer; t->buffer = rbuf->buffer; rbuf->buffer = ta; /* swap buffers */ } /* the first installation always gets installed as the destination * buffer. subsequent installations get stacked up to allow for * multi-way XOR */ if (!pssPtr->rbuf) { pssPtr->rbuf = t; t->count = 1; } else pssPtr->rbufsForXor[pssPtr->xorBufCount++] = t; /* install this buffer */ rf_CheckForFullRbuf(raidPtr, reconCtrlPtr, pssPtr, layoutPtr->numDataCol); /* the buffer is full if * G=2 */ out: RF_UNLOCK_PSS_MUTEX(raidPtr, rbuf->parityStripeID); RF_LOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock = 0; wakeup(&reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock); RF_UNLOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); return (retcode); } /* pssPtr - the pss descriptor for this parity stripe */ int rf_MultiWayReconXor(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_t *pssPtr) { int i, numBufs = pssPtr->xorBufCount; int numBytes = rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit * raidPtr->Layout.SUsPerRU); RF_ReconBuffer_t **rbufs = (RF_ReconBuffer_t **) pssPtr->rbufsForXor; RF_ReconBuffer_t *targetRbuf = (RF_ReconBuffer_t *) pssPtr->rbuf; RF_ASSERT(pssPtr->rbuf != NULL); RF_ASSERT(numBufs > 0 && numBufs < RF_PS_MAX_BUFS); #ifdef _KERNEL #ifndef __NetBSD__ thread_block(); /* yield the processor before doing a big XOR */ #endif #endif /* _KERNEL */ /* * XXX * * What if more than 9 bufs? */ nWayXorFuncs[numBufs] (pssPtr->rbufsForXor, targetRbuf, numBytes / sizeof(long)); /* release all the reconstruction buffers except the last one, which * belongs to the disk whose submission caused this XOR to take place */ for (i = 0; i < numBufs - 1; i++) { if (rbufs[i]->type == RF_RBUF_TYPE_FLOATING) rf_ReleaseFloatingReconBuffer(raidPtr, rbufs[i]); else if (rbufs[i]->type == RF_RBUF_TYPE_FORCED) rf_FreeReconBuffer(rbufs[i]); else RF_ASSERT(0); } targetRbuf->count += pssPtr->xorBufCount; pssPtr->xorBufCount = 0; return (0); } /* removes one full buffer from one of the full-buffer lists and returns it. * * ASSUMES THE RB_MUTEX IS UNLOCKED AT ENTRY. */ RF_ReconBuffer_t * rf_GetFullReconBuffer(RF_ReconCtrl_t *reconCtrlPtr) { RF_ReconBuffer_t *p; RF_LOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); while(reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock) { ltsleep(&reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock, PRIBIO, "reconctlcnmhs", 0, &reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); } reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock = 1; RF_UNLOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); if ((p = reconCtrlPtr->fullBufferList) != NULL) { reconCtrlPtr->fullBufferList = p->next; p->next = NULL; } RF_LOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock = 0; wakeup(&reconCtrlPtr->rb_lock); RF_UNLOCK_MUTEX(reconCtrlPtr->rb_mutex); return (p); } /* if the reconstruction buffer is full, move it to the full list, * which is maintained sorted by failed disk sector offset * * ASSUMES THE RB_MUTEX IS LOCKED AT ENTRY. */ int rf_CheckForFullRbuf(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_ReconCtrl_t *reconCtrl, RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_t *pssPtr, int numDataCol) { RF_ReconBuffer_t *p, *pt, *rbuf = (RF_ReconBuffer_t *) pssPtr->rbuf; if (rbuf->count == numDataCol) { raidPtr->numFullReconBuffers++; Dprintf2("RECON: rbuf for psid %ld ru %d has filled\n", (long) rbuf->parityStripeID, rbuf->which_ru); if (!reconCtrl->fullBufferList || (rbuf->failedDiskSectorOffset < reconCtrl->fullBufferList->failedDiskSectorOffset)) { Dprintf2("RECON: rbuf for psid %ld ru %d is head of list\n", (long) rbuf->parityStripeID, rbuf->which_ru); rbuf->next = reconCtrl->fullBufferList; reconCtrl->fullBufferList = rbuf; } else { for (pt = reconCtrl->fullBufferList, p = pt->next; p && p->failedDiskSectorOffset < rbuf->failedDiskSectorOffset; pt = p, p = p->next); rbuf->next = p; pt->next = rbuf; Dprintf2("RECON: rbuf for psid %ld ru %d is in list\n", (long) rbuf->parityStripeID, rbuf->which_ru); } rbuf->pssPtr = pssPtr; pssPtr->rbuf = NULL; rf_CauseReconEvent(raidPtr, rbuf->col, NULL, RF_REVENT_BUFREADY); } return (0); } /* release a floating recon buffer for someone else to use. * assumes the rb_mutex is LOCKED at entry */ void rf_ReleaseFloatingReconBuffer(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_ReconBuffer_t *rbuf) { RF_ReconCtrl_t *rcPtr = raidPtr->reconControl; RF_CallbackDesc_t *cb; Dprintf2("RECON: releasing rbuf for psid %ld ru %d\n", (long) rbuf->parityStripeID, rbuf->which_ru); /* if anyone is waiting on buffers, wake one of them up. They will * subsequently wake up anyone else waiting on their RU */ if (rcPtr->bufferWaitList) { rbuf->next = rcPtr->committedRbufs; rcPtr->committedRbufs = rbuf; cb = rcPtr->bufferWaitList; rcPtr->bufferWaitList = cb->next; rf_CauseReconEvent(raidPtr, cb->col, (void *) 1, RF_REVENT_BUFCLEAR); /* arg==1 => we've * committed a buffer */ rf_FreeCallbackDesc(cb); raidPtr->procsInBufWait--; } else { rbuf->next = rcPtr->floatingRbufs; rcPtr->floatingRbufs = rbuf; } }