.forward yes (empty files; can enable/disable mail to /file or |command) /usr/mail yes (compile time option) /usr/spool/mail yes (compile time option) /var/mail yes (compile time option) /var/spool/mail yes (compile time option) :include: yes (mail to /file and |command is off by default) aliases yes (can enable/disable mail to /file or |command) bare newlines yes (but will send CRLF) blacklisting yes (client name/addr; helo hostname; mail from; rcpt to) content filter no db tables yes (compile time option) dbm tables yes (compile time option) delivered-to yes dsn not yet errors-to: yes esmtp yes etrn support yes (flushes entire queue) fcntl locking yes (compile time) flock locking yes (compile time) home mailbox yes ident lookup no ldap tables yes (contributed) luser relay not yet m4 config no mail to command yes (configurable for .forward, aliases, :include:) mail to file yes (configurable for .forward, aliases, :include:) maildir yes (with procmail) mailertable yes (it's called transport) mailq yes majordomo yes (edit approve script to delete /delivered-to/i) mime conversion not yet; postfix uses just-send-eight missing <> yes (most common address forms) netinfo tables yes (contributed) newaliases yes (main alias database only) nis tables yes nis+ tables not yet pipeline option yes (server and client) pop/imap yes (with third-party daemons that use /var[/spool]/mail) rbl support yes return-receipt: not yet sendmail -q yes sendmail -qRxxx no sendmail -qSxxx no sendmail -qtime ignored sendmail -v no sendmail.cf no (uses table-driven address rewriting) size option yes, server and client smarthost yes tcp wrapper no (use built-in blacklist facility) user+extension yes (also: .forward+extension) user-extension yes (also: .forward-extension) user.lock yes (compile time) uucp support yes (sends user@domain recipients) virtual domains yes year 2000 safe yes