#ifndef CURDEF_H #define CURDEF_H /* * Copyright 1999, Mike Glover * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgment: * This product includes software developed by Mike Glover * and contributors. * 4. Neither the name of Mike Glover, nor the names of contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MIKE GLOVER AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MIKE GLOVER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * This header file is for machines without a full curses definition. */ #ifdef NOCHTYPE typedef unsigned long chtype; #endif #ifndef CDK_REFRESH #define CDK_REFRESH ' ' /* Key used to refresh the screen. */ #endif #ifndef CDK_PASTE #define CDK_PASTE '' /* Key used for pasting. */ #endif #ifndef CDK_COPY #define CDK_COPY '' /* Key used for taking copies. */ #endif #ifndef CDK_ERASE #define CDK_ERASE '' /* Key used for erasing fields. */ #endif #ifndef CDK_CUT #define CDK_CUT '' /* Key used for cutting. */ #endif #ifndef CDK_BEGOFLINE #define CDK_BEGOFLINE '' #endif #ifndef CDK_ENDOFLINE #define CDK_ENDOFLINE '' #endif #ifndef CDK_BACKCHAR #define CDK_BACKCHAR '' #endif #ifndef CDK_FORCHAR #define CDK_FORCHAR '' #endif #ifndef CDK_TRANSPOSE #define CDK_TRANSPOSE '' #endif #ifndef CDK_NEXT #define CDK_NEXT '' #endif #ifndef CDK_PREV #define CDK_PREV '' #endif #ifndef SPACE #define SPACE ' ' #endif #ifndef DELETE #define DELETE '\177' /* Delete key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_DC #define KEY_DC '\177' /* Delete key */ #endif #ifndef TAB #define TAB '\t' /* Tab key. */ #endif #ifndef KEY_ESC #define KEY_ESC '' /* Escape Key. */ #endif #ifndef KEY_RETURN #define KEY_RETURN '\012' /* Return key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_CR #define KEY_CR '\r' /* Enter key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_TAB #define KEY_TAB '\t' /* Tab key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_A1 #define KEY_A1 0534 /* Upper left of keypad */ #endif #ifndef KEY_A3 #define KEY_A3 0535 /* Upper right of keypad */ #endif #ifndef KEY_B2 #define KEY_B2 0536 /* Center of keypad */ #endif #ifndef KEY_C1 #define KEY_C1 0537 /* Lower left of keypad */ #endif #ifndef KEY_C3 #define KEY_C3 0540 /* Lower right of keypad */ #endif #ifndef KEY_BTAB #define KEY_BTAB 0541 /* Back tab key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_BEG #define KEY_BEG 0542 /* beg(inning) key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_CANCEL #define KEY_CANCEL 0543 /* cancel key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_CLOSE #define KEY_CLOSE 0544 /* close key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_COMMAND #define KEY_COMMAND 0545 /* cmd (command) key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_COPY #define KEY_COPY 0546 /* copy key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_CREATE #define KEY_CREATE 0547 /* create key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_END #define KEY_END 0550 /* end key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_EXIT #define KEY_EXIT 0551 /* exit key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_FIND #define KEY_FIND 0552 /* find key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_HELP #define KEY_HELP 0553 /* help key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_MARK #define KEY_MARK 0554 /* mark key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_MESSAGE #define KEY_MESSAGE 0555 /* message key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_MOVE #define KEY_MOVE 0556 /* move key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_NEXT #define KEY_NEXT 0557 /* next object key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_OPEN #define KEY_OPEN 0560 /* open key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_OPTIONS #define KEY_OPTIONS 0561 /* options key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_PREVIOUS #define KEY_PREVIOUS 0562 /* previous object key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_REDO #define KEY_REDO 0563 /* redo key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_REFERENCE #define KEY_REFERENCE 0564 /* ref(erence) key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_REFRESH #define KEY_REFRESH 0565 /* refresh key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_REPLACE #define KEY_REPLACE 0566 /* replace key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_RESTART #define KEY_RESTART 0567 /* restart key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_RESUME #define KEY_RESUME 0570 /* resume key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SAVE #define KEY_SAVE 0571 /* save key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SBEG #define KEY_SBEG 0572 /* shifted beginning key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SCANCEL #define KEY_SCANCEL 0573 /* shifted cancel key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SCOMMAND #define KEY_SCOMMAND 0574 /* shifted command key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SCOPY #define KEY_SCOPY 0575 /* shifted copy key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SCREATE #define KEY_SCREATE 0576 /* shifted create key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SDC #define KEY_SDC 0577 /* shifted delete char key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SDL #define KEY_SDL 0600 /* shifted delete line key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SELECT #define KEY_SELECT 0601 /* select key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SEND #define KEY_SEND 0602 /* shifted end key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SEOL #define KEY_SEOL 0603 /* shifted clear line key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SEXIT #define KEY_SEXIT 0604 /* shifted exit key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SFIND #define KEY_SFIND 0605 /* shifted find key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SHELP #define KEY_SHELP 0606 /* shifted help key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SHOME #define KEY_SHOME 0607 /* shifted home key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SIC #define KEY_SIC 0610 /* shifted input key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SLEFT #define KEY_SLEFT 0611 /* shifted left arrow key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SMESSAGE #define KEY_SMESSAGE 0612 /* shifted message key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SMOVE #define KEY_SMOVE 0613 /* shifted move key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SNEXT #define KEY_SNEXT 0614 /* shifted next key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SOPTIONS #define KEY_SOPTIONS 0615 /* shifted options key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SPREVIOUS #define KEY_SPREVIOUS 0616 /* shifted prev key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SPRINT #define KEY_SPRINT 0617 /* shifted print key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SREDO #define KEY_SREDO 0620 /* shifted redo key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SREPLACE #define KEY_SREPLACE 0621 /* shifted replace key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SRIGHT #define KEY_SRIGHT 0622 /* shifted right arrow */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SRSUME #define KEY_SRSUME 0623 /* shifted resume key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SSAVE #define KEY_SSAVE 0624 /* shifted save key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SSUSPEND #define KEY_SSUSPEND 0625 /* shifted suspend key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SUNDO #define KEY_SUNDO 0626 /* shifted undo key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SUSPEND #define KEY_SUSPEND 0627 /* suspend key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_UNDO #define KEY_UNDO 0630 /* undo key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_MAX #define KEY_MAX 0777 /* Maximum curses key */ #endif #ifndef A_ATTRIBUTES #define A_ATTRIBUTES 0xffffff00 #endif #ifndef A_NORMAL #define A_NORMAL 0x00000000 #endif #ifndef A_STANDOUT #define A_STANDOUT 0x00010000 #endif #ifndef A_UNDERLINE #define A_UNDERLINE 0x00020000 #endif #ifndef A_REVERSE #define A_REVERSE 0x00040000 #endif #ifndef A_BLINK #define A_BLINK 0x00080000 #endif #ifndef A_DIM #define A_DIM 0x00100000 #endif #ifndef A_BOLD #define A_BOLD 0x00200000 #endif #ifndef A_ALTCHARSET #define A_ALTCHARSET 0x00400000 #endif #ifndef A_INVIS #define A_INVIS 0x00800000 #endif #ifndef A_PROTECT #define A_PROTECT 0x01000000 #endif #ifndef A_CHARTEXT #define A_CHARTEXT 0x000000ff #endif #ifndef A_COLOR #define A_COLOR 0x0000ff00 #endif #ifndef KEY_MIN #define KEY_MIN 0401 /* Minimum curses key */ #endif #ifndef KEY_BREAK #define KEY_BREAK 0401 /* break key (unreliable) */ #endif #ifndef KEY_DOWN #define KEY_DOWN 0402 /* The four arrow keys ... */ #endif #ifndef KEY_UP #define KEY_UP 0403 #endif #ifndef KEY_LEFT #define KEY_LEFT 0404 #endif #ifndef KEY_RIGHT #define KEY_RIGHT 0405 /* ... */ #endif #ifndef KEY_HOME #define KEY_HOME 0406 /* Home key (upward+left arrow) */ #endif #ifndef KEY_BACKSPACE #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0407 /* backspace (unreliable) */ #endif #ifndef KEY_F0 #define KEY_F0 0410 /* Function keys. Space for 64 */ #endif #ifndef KEY_F1 #define KEY_F1 0411 #endif #ifndef KEY_F2 #define KEY_F2 0412 #endif #ifndef KEY_F3 #define KEY_F3 0413 #endif #ifndef KEY_F4 #define KEY_F4 0414 #endif #ifndef KEY_F5 #define KEY_F5 0415 #endif #ifndef KEY_F6 #define KEY_F6 0416 #endif #ifndef KEY_F7 #define KEY_F7 0417 #endif #ifndef KEY_F8 #define KEY_F8 0420 #endif #ifndef KEY_F9 #define KEY_F9 0421 #endif #ifndef KEY_F10 #define KEY_F10 0422 #endif #ifndef KEY_F11 #define KEY_F11 0423 #endif #ifndef KEY_F12 #define KEY_F12 0424 #endif #ifndef KEY_DL #define KEY_DL 0510 /* Delete line */ #endif #ifndef KEY_IL #define KEY_IL 0511 /* Insert line */ #endif #ifndef KEY_DC #define KEY_DC 0512 /* Delete character */ #endif #ifndef KEY_IC #define KEY_IC 0513 /* Insert char or enter insert mode */ #endif #ifndef KEY_EIC #define KEY_EIC 0514 /* Exit insert char mode */ #endif #ifndef KEY_CLEAR #define KEY_CLEAR 0515 /* Clear screen */ #endif #ifndef KEY_EOS #define KEY_EOS 0516 /* Clear to end of screen */ #endif #ifndef KEY_EOL #define KEY_EOL 0517 /* Clear to end of line */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SF #define KEY_SF 0520 /* Scroll 1 line forward */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SR #define KEY_SR 0521 /* Scroll 1 line backwards (reverse) */ #endif #ifndef KEY_NPAGE #define KEY_NPAGE 0522 /* Next page */ #endif #ifndef KEY_PPAGE #define KEY_PPAGE 0523 /* Previous page */ #endif #ifndef KEY_STAB #define KEY_STAB 0524 /* Set tab */ #endif #ifndef KEY_CTAB #define KEY_CTAB 0525 /* Clear tab */ #endif #ifndef KEY_CATAB #define KEY_CATAB 0526 /* Clear all tabs */ #endif #ifndef KEY_ENTER #define KEY_ENTER 0527 /* Enter or send (unreliable) */ #endif #ifndef KEY_SRESET #define KEY_SRESET 0530 /* soft (partial) reset (unreliable) */ #endif #ifndef KEY_RESET #define KEY_RESET 0531 /* reset or hard reset (unreliable) */ #endif #ifndef KEY_PRINT #define KEY_PRINT 0532 /* print or copy */ #endif #ifndef KEY_LL #define KEY_LL 0533 /* home down or bottom (lower left) */ #endif /* * Some systems (like AIX >:| ) don't have predefined items * like ACS_* so I have to 'fake' them here. */ #ifndef ACS_HLINE #define ACS_HLINE '-' #endif #ifndef ACS_VLINE #define ACS_VLINE '|' #endif #ifndef ACS_ULCORNER #define ACS_ULCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_URCORNER #define ACS_URCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_LLCORNER #define ACS_LLCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_LRCORNER #define ACS_LRCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_LTEE #define ACS_LTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_RTEE #define ACS_RTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_TTEE #define ACS_TTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_BTEE #define ACS_BTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_PLUS #define ACS_PLUS '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_LARROW #define ACS_LARROW '<' #endif #ifndef ACS_RARROW #define ACS_RARROW '>' #endif #ifndef ACS_UARROW #define ACS_UARROW '^' #endif #ifndef ACS_DARROW #define ACS_DARROW 'v' #endif #ifndef ACS_DIAMOND #define ACS_DIAMOND '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_CKBOARD #define ACS_CKBOARD '#' #endif #ifndef ACS_DEGREE #define ACS_DEGREE 'o' #endif #ifndef ACS_PLMINUS #define ACS_PLMINUS '~' #endif #ifndef ACS_BULLET #define ACS_BULLET '*' #endif #ifndef ACS_S1 #define ACS_S1 '1' #endif #ifndef ACS_S2 #define ACS_S2 '2' #endif #endif /* CURDEF_H */