# # $NetBSD: misc,v 1.2 1996/05/15 19:49:04 is Exp $ # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # MOTOROLA MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY TECHNOLOGY GROUP # M68000 Hi-Performance Microprocessor Division # M68060 Software Package Production Release # # M68060 Software Package Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Motorola Inc. # All rights reserved. # # THE SOFTWARE is provided on an "AS IS" basis and without warranty. # To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, # MOTOROLA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE and any warranty against infringement with # regard to the SOFTWARE (INCLUDING ANY MODIFIED VERSIONS THEREOF) # and any accompanying written materials. # # To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, # IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) # ARISING OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. # # Motorola assumes no responsibility for the maintenance and support # of the SOFTWARE. # # You are hereby granted a copyright license to use, modify, and distribute the # SOFTWARE so long as this entire notice is retained without alteration # in any modified and/or redistributed versions, and that such modified # versions are clearly identified as such. # No licenses are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under any # patents or trademarks of Motorola, Inc. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELEASE FILE VERSIONS: ----------------------- fpsp.sa ---------- freal.s : 2.4 hdr.fpu : 2.4 x_fovfl.s : 2.16 x_funfl.s : 2.19 x_funsupp.s : 2.27 x_effadd.s : 2.21 x_foperr.s : 2.9 x_fsnan.s : 2.12 x_finex.s : 2.14 x_fdz.s : 2.5 x_fline.s : 2.5 x_funimp.s : 2.27 fsin.s : 2.6 ftan.s : 2.6 fatan.s : 2.3 fasin.s : 2.3 facos.s : 2.5 fetox.s : 2.4 fgetem.s : 2.5 fcosh.s : 2.4 fsinh.s : 2.5 ftanh.s : 2.3 flogn.s : 2.6 fatanh.s : 2.4 flog2.s : 2.4 ftwotox.s : 2.4 fmovecr.s : 2.5 fscale.s : 2.5 frem_mod.s : 2.6 fkern.s : 2.6 fkern2.s : 2.5 fgen_except.s: 2.7 foptbl.s : 2.3 fmul.s : 2.5 fin.s : 2.4 fdiv.s : 2.5 fneg.s : 2.4 ftst.s : 2.3 fint.s : 2.3 fintrz.s : 2.3 fabs.s : 2.4 fcmp.s : 2.4 fsglmul.s : 2.5 fsgldiv.s : 2.8 fadd.s : 2.6 fsub.s : 2.6 fsqrt.s : 2.4 fmisc.s : 2.3 fdbcc.s : 2.8 ftrapcc.s : 2.5 fscc.s : 2.6 fmovm.s : 2.15 fctrl.s : 2.6 fcalc_ea.s : 2.7 fmem.s : 2.9 fout.s : 2.9 ireg.s : 2.6 fdenorm.s : 2.3 fround.s : 2.4 fnorm.s : 2.3 foptag_set.s: 2.4 fresult.s : 2.3 fpack.s : 2.6 fdecbin.s : 2.4 fbindec.s : 2.5 fbinstr.s : 2.3 faccess.s : 2.3 pfpsp.sa ---------- freal.s : 2.4 hdr.fpu : 2.4 x_fovfl.s : 2.16 x_funfl.s : 2.19 x_funsupp.s : 2.27 x_effadd.s : 2.21 x_foperr.s : 2.9 x_fsnan.s : 2.12 x_finex.s : 2.14 x_fdz.s : 2.5 x_fline2.s : 2.3 fcalc_ea.s : 2.7 foptbl2.s : 2.4 fmovm.s : 2.15 fctrl.s : 2.6 fmisc.s : 2.3 fdenorm.s : 2.3 fround.s : 2.4 fnorm.s : 2.3 foptag_set.s: 2.4 fresult.s : 2.3 fout.s : 2.9 fmul.s : 2.5 fin.s : 2.4 fdiv.s : 2.5 fneg.s : 2.4 ftst.s : 2.3 fint.s : 2.3 fintrz.s : 2.3 fabs.s : 2.4 fcmp.s : 2.4 fsglmul.s : 2.5 fsgldiv.s : 2.8 fadd.s : 2.6 fsub.s : 2.6 fsqrt.s : 2.4 ireg.s : 2.6 fpack.s : 2.6 fdecbin.s : 2.4 fbindec.s : 2.5 fbinstr.s : 2.3 faccess.s : 2.3 fplsp.sa ---------- lfptop.s : 2.3 hdr.fpu : 2.4 fsin.s : 2.6 ftan.s : 2.6 fatan.s : 2.3 fasin.s : 2.3 facos.s : 2.5 fetox.s : 2.4 fgetem.s : 2.5 fcosh.s : 2.4 fsinh.s : 2.5 ftanh.s : 2.3 flogn.s : 2.6 fatanh.s : 2.4 flog2.s : 2.4 ftwotox.s : 2.4 fscale.s : 2.5 frem_mod.s : 2.6 l_support.s : 2.15 fnorm.s : 2.3 isp.sa ---------- ireal.s : 2.4 hdr.int : 2.4 x_uieh.s : 2.13 icalc_ea.s : 2.11 imovep.s : 2.8 ichk2cmp2.s : 2.6 idiv64.s : 2.10 imul64.s : icas2.s : 2.11 icas.s : 2.12 icas2_core.s: 2.6 icas_core.s : 2.6 ilsp.sa ---------- litop.s : 2.2 l_idiv64.s : 2.8 l_imul64.s : 2.6 l_ichk2cmp2.s: 2.5 ex. files ---------- wrk/fskeleton.s: 2.2 wrk/iskeleton.s: 2.2 wrk/os.s : 2.1 tests ---------- itest.s : 2.2 ftest.s : 2.1