/* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)tftp.c 5.10 (Berkeley) 3/1/91"; #endif /* not lint */ /* Many bug fixes are from Jim Guyton */ /* * TFTP User Program -- Protocol Machines */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int errno; extern struct sockaddr_in s_in; /* filled in by main */ extern int f; /* the opened socket */ extern int trace; extern int verbose; extern int rexmtval; extern int maxtimeout; #define PKTSIZE SEGSIZE+4 char ackbuf[PKTSIZE]; int timeout; jmp_buf toplevel; jmp_buf timeoutbuf; void timer() { timeout += rexmtval; if (timeout >= maxtimeout) { printf("Transfer timed out.\n"); longjmp(toplevel, -1); } longjmp(timeoutbuf, 1); } /* * Send the requested file. */ sendfile(fd, name, mode) int fd; char *name; char *mode; { register struct tftphdr *ap; /* data and ack packets */ struct tftphdr *r_init(), *dp; register int block = 0, size, n; register unsigned long amount = 0; struct sockaddr_in from; int fromlen; int convert; /* true if doing nl->crlf conversion */ FILE *file; startclock(); /* start stat's clock */ dp = r_init(); /* reset fillbuf/read-ahead code */ ap = (struct tftphdr *)ackbuf; file = fdopen(fd, "r"); convert = !strcmp(mode, "netascii"); signal(SIGALRM, timer); do { if (block == 0) size = makerequest(WRQ, name, dp, mode) - 4; else { /* size = read(fd, dp->th_data, SEGSIZE); */ size = readit(file, &dp, convert); if (size < 0) { nak(errno + 100); break; } dp->th_opcode = htons((u_short)DATA); dp->th_block = htons((u_short)block); } timeout = 0; (void) setjmp(timeoutbuf); send_data: if (trace) tpacket("sent", dp, size + 4); n = sendto(f, dp, size + 4, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof (s_in)); if (n != size + 4) { perror("tftp: sendto"); goto abort; } read_ahead(file, convert); for ( ; ; ) { alarm(rexmtval); do { fromlen = sizeof (from); n = recvfrom(f, ackbuf, sizeof (ackbuf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen); } while (n <= 0); alarm(0); if (n < 0) { perror("tftp: recvfrom"); goto abort; } s_in.sin_port = from.sin_port; /* added */ if (trace) tpacket("received", ap, n); /* should verify packet came from server */ ap->th_opcode = ntohs(ap->th_opcode); ap->th_block = ntohs(ap->th_block); if (ap->th_opcode == ERROR) { printf("Error code %d: %s\n", ap->th_code, ap->th_msg); goto abort; } if (ap->th_opcode == ACK) { int j; if (ap->th_block == block) { break; } /* On an error, try to synchronize * both sides. */ j = synchnet(f); if (j && trace) { printf("discarded %d packets\n", j); } if (ap->th_block == (block-1)) { goto send_data; } } } if (block > 0) amount += size; block++; } while (size == SEGSIZE || block == 1); abort: fclose(file); stopclock(); if (amount > 0) printstats("Sent", amount); } /* * Receive a file. */ recvfile(fd, name, mode) int fd; char *name; char *mode; { register struct tftphdr *ap; struct tftphdr *dp, *w_init(); register int block = 1, n, size; unsigned long amount = 0; struct sockaddr_in from; int fromlen, firsttrip = 1; FILE *file; int convert; /* true if converting crlf -> lf */ startclock(); dp = w_init(); ap = (struct tftphdr *)ackbuf; file = fdopen(fd, "w"); convert = !strcmp(mode, "netascii"); signal(SIGALRM, timer); do { if (firsttrip) { size = makerequest(RRQ, name, ap, mode); firsttrip = 0; } else { ap->th_opcode = htons((u_short)ACK); ap->th_block = htons((u_short)(block)); size = 4; block++; } timeout = 0; (void) setjmp(timeoutbuf); send_ack: if (trace) tpacket("sent", ap, size); if (sendto(f, ackbuf, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof (s_in)) != size) { alarm(0); perror("tftp: sendto"); goto abort; } write_behind(file, convert); for ( ; ; ) { alarm(rexmtval); do { fromlen = sizeof (from); n = recvfrom(f, dp, PKTSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen); } while (n <= 0); alarm(0); if (n < 0) { perror("tftp: recvfrom"); goto abort; } s_in.sin_port = from.sin_port; /* added */ if (trace) tpacket("received", dp, n); /* should verify client address */ dp->th_opcode = ntohs(dp->th_opcode); dp->th_block = ntohs(dp->th_block); if (dp->th_opcode == ERROR) { printf("Error code %d: %s\n", dp->th_code, dp->th_msg); goto abort; } if (dp->th_opcode == DATA) { int j; if (dp->th_block == block) { break; /* have next packet */ } /* On an error, try to synchronize * both sides. */ j = synchnet(f); if (j && trace) { printf("discarded %d packets\n", j); } if (dp->th_block == (block-1)) { goto send_ack; /* resend ack */ } } } /* size = write(fd, dp->th_data, n - 4); */ size = writeit(file, &dp, n - 4, convert); if (size < 0) { nak(errno + 100); break; } amount += size; } while (size == SEGSIZE); abort: /* ok to ack, since user */ ap->th_opcode = htons((u_short)ACK); /* has seen err msg */ ap->th_block = htons((u_short)block); (void) sendto(f, ackbuf, 4, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof (s_in)); write_behind(file, convert); /* flush last buffer */ fclose(file); stopclock(); if (amount > 0) printstats("Received", amount); } makerequest(request, name, tp, mode) int request; char *name, *mode; struct tftphdr *tp; { register char *cp; tp->th_opcode = htons((u_short)request); cp = tp->th_stuff; strcpy(cp, name); cp += strlen(name); *cp++ = '\0'; strcpy(cp, mode); cp += strlen(mode); *cp++ = '\0'; return (cp - (char *)tp); } struct errmsg { int e_code; char *e_msg; } errmsgs[] = { { EUNDEF, "Undefined error code" }, { ENOTFOUND, "File not found" }, { EACCESS, "Access violation" }, { ENOSPACE, "Disk full or allocation exceeded" }, { EBADOP, "Illegal TFTP operation" }, { EBADID, "Unknown transfer ID" }, { EEXISTS, "File already exists" }, { ENOUSER, "No such user" }, { -1, 0 } }; /* * Send a nak packet (error message). * Error code passed in is one of the * standard TFTP codes, or a UNIX errno * offset by 100. */ nak(error) int error; { register struct errmsg *pe; register struct tftphdr *tp; int length; char *strerror(); tp = (struct tftphdr *)ackbuf; tp->th_opcode = htons((u_short)ERROR); tp->th_code = htons((u_short)error); for (pe = errmsgs; pe->e_code >= 0; pe++) if (pe->e_code == error) break; if (pe->e_code < 0) { pe->e_msg = strerror(error - 100); tp->th_code = EUNDEF; } strcpy(tp->th_msg, pe->e_msg); length = strlen(pe->e_msg) + 4; if (trace) tpacket("sent", tp, length); if (sendto(f, ackbuf, length, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof (s_in)) != length) perror("nak"); } tpacket(s, tp, n) char *s; struct tftphdr *tp; int n; { static char *opcodes[] = { "#0", "RRQ", "WRQ", "DATA", "ACK", "ERROR" }; register char *cp, *file; u_short op = ntohs(tp->th_opcode); char *index(); if (op < RRQ || op > ERROR) printf("%s opcode=%x ", s, op); else printf("%s %s ", s, opcodes[op]); switch (op) { case RRQ: case WRQ: n -= 2; file = cp = tp->th_stuff; cp = index(cp, '\0'); printf("\n", file, cp + 1); break; case DATA: printf("\n", ntohs(tp->th_block), n - 4); break; case ACK: printf("\n", ntohs(tp->th_block)); break; case ERROR: printf("\n", ntohs(tp->th_code), tp->th_msg); break; } } struct timeval tstart; struct timeval tstop; struct timezone zone; startclock() { gettimeofday(&tstart, &zone); } stopclock() { gettimeofday(&tstop, &zone); } printstats(direction, amount) char *direction; unsigned long amount; { double delta; /* compute delta in 1/10's second units */ delta = ((tstop.tv_sec*10.)+(tstop.tv_usec/100000)) - ((tstart.tv_sec*10.)+(tstart.tv_usec/100000)); delta = delta/10.; /* back to seconds */ printf("%s %d bytes in %.1f seconds", direction, amount, delta); if (verbose) printf(" [%.0f bits/sec]", (amount*8.)/delta); putchar('\n'); }