#if !defined(lint) && !defined(LINT) static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /cvsroot/src/usr.bin/crontab/Attic/crontab.c,v 1.3 1993/05/28 08:34:33 cgd Exp $"; #endif /* Revision 1.5 87/05/02 17:33:22 paul * pokecron? (RCS file has the rest of the log) * * Revision 1.5 87/05/02 17:33:22 paul * baseline for mod.sources release * * Revision 1.4 87/03/31 13:11:48 paul * I won't say that rs@mirror gave me this idea but crontab uses getopt() now * * Revision 1.3 87/03/30 23:43:48 paul * another suggestion from rs@mirror: * use getpwuid(getuid)->pw_name instead of getenv("USER") * this is a boost to security... * * Revision 1.2 87/02/11 17:40:12 paul * changed command syntax to allow append and replace instead of append as * default and no replace at all. * * Revision 1.1 87/01/26 23:49:06 paul * Initial revision */ /* * ++COPYRIGHT++ * --COPYRIGHT-- */ #define MAIN_PROGRAM #include "cron.h" #include #include #include #if defined(BSD) # include #endif /*BSD*/ static int Pid; static char User[MAX_UNAME], RealUser[MAX_UNAME]; static char Filename[MAX_FNAME]; static FILE *NewCrontab; static int CheckErrorCount; static enum {opt_unknown, opt_list, opt_delete, opt_edit, opt_replace} Option; extern char *getenv(), *strcpy(); extern int getuid(); extern struct passwd *getpwnam(); extern int getopt(), optind; extern char *optarg; extern void log_it(); /* misc.c */ #if DEBUGGING static char *Options[] = {"???", "list", "delete", "edit", "replace"}; #endif static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-u user] ...\n", ProgramName); fprintf(stderr, " ... -l (list user's crontab)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " ... -d (delete user's crontab)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " ... -e (edit user's crontab)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " ... -r file (replace user's crontab)\n"); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { void parse_args(), set_cron_uid(), set_cron_cwd(), list_cmd(), delete_cmd(), edit_cmd(), replace_cmd(); Pid = getpid(); ProgramName = argv[0]; #if defined(BSD) setlinebuf(stderr); #endif parse_args(argc, argv); /* sets many globals, opens a file */ set_cron_uid(); set_cron_cwd(); if (!allowed(User)) { fprintf(stderr, "You (%s) are not allowed to use this program (%s)\n", User, ProgramName); fprintf(stderr, "See crontab(1) for more information\n"); log_it(RealUser, Pid, "AUTH", "crontab command not allowed"); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } switch (Option) { case opt_list: list_cmd(); break; case opt_delete: delete_cmd(); break; case opt_edit: edit_cmd(); break; case opt_replace: replace_cmd(); break; } } static void parse_args(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { void usage(); struct passwd *pw; int argch; if (!(pw = getpwuid(getuid()))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: your UID isn't in the passwd file.\n", ProgramName); fprintf(stderr, "bailing out.\n"); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } strcpy(User, pw->pw_name); strcpy(RealUser, User); Filename[0] = '\0'; Option = opt_unknown; while (EOF != (argch = getopt(argc, argv, "u:lder:x:"))) { switch (argch) { case 'x': if (!set_debug_flags(optarg)) usage(); break; case 'u': if (getuid() != ROOT_UID) { fprintf(stderr, "must be privileged to use -u\n"); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } if ((struct passwd *)NULL == getpwnam(optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: user `%s' unknown\n", ProgramName, optarg); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } (void) strcpy(User, optarg); break; case 'l': if (Option != opt_unknown) usage(); Option = opt_list; break; case 'd': if (Option != opt_unknown) usage(); Option = opt_delete; break; case 'e': if (Option != opt_unknown) usage(); Option = opt_edit; break; case 'r': if (Option != opt_unknown) usage(); Option = opt_replace; (void) strcpy(Filename, optarg); break; default: usage(); } } endpwent(); if (Option == opt_unknown || argv[optind] != NULL) usage(); if (Option == opt_replace) { if (!Filename[0]) { /* getopt(3) says this can't be true * but I'm feeling extra paranoid today. */ fprintf(stderr, "filename must be given for -r\n"); usage(); } /* we have to open the file here because we're going to * chdir(2) into /var/cron before we get around to * reading the file. */ if (!strcmp(Filename, "-")) { NewCrontab = stdin; } else { if (!(NewCrontab = fopen(Filename, "r"))) { perror(Filename); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } } } Debug(DMISC, ("user=%s, file=%s, option=%s\n", User, Filename, Options[(int)Option])) } static void list_cmd() { char n[MAX_FNAME]; FILE *f; int ch; log_it(RealUser, Pid, "LIST", User); (void) sprintf(n, CRON_TAB(User)); if (!(f = fopen(n, "r"))) { if (errno == ENOENT) fprintf(stderr, "no crontab for %s\n", User); else perror(n); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } /* file is open. copy to stdout, close. */ Set_LineNum(1) while (EOF != (ch = get_char(f))) putchar(ch); fclose(f); } static void delete_cmd() { extern errno; int unlink(); void poke_daemon(); char n[MAX_FNAME]; log_it(RealUser, Pid, "DELETE", User); (void) sprintf(n, CRON_TAB(User)); if (unlink(n)) { if (errno == ENOENT) fprintf(stderr, "no crontab for %s\n", User); else perror(n); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } poke_daemon(); } static void check_error(msg) char *msg; { CheckErrorCount += 1; fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %d: %s\n", Filename, LineNumber, msg); } static void edit_cmd() { char n[MAX_FNAME], tn[MAX_FNAME], *editor; FILE *f, *tf; int ch, t, pid; struct stat before, after; log_it(RealUser, Pid, "BEGIN EDIT", User); (void) sprintf(n, CRON_TAB(User)); if (!(f = fopen(n, "r"))) { if (errno == ENOENT) fprintf(stderr, "no crontab for %s\n", User); else perror(n); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } (void) sprintf(tn, "/tmp/crontab.%d", getpid()); if (-1 == (t = open(tn, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600))) { perror(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } if (fchown(t, getuid(), -1) < OK) { perror("chown"); goto fatal; } if (!(tf = fdopen(t, "r+"))) { perror("fdopen"); goto fatal; } /* copy the crontab to the temp file. skip top two comments since we * added them during the 'replace'. */ Set_LineNum(1) t = 0; while (EOF != (ch = get_char(f))) { if (t < 2) { t += (ch == '\n'); } else { putc(ch, tf); } } fflush(tf); rewind(tf); fclose(f); if (ferror(tf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error while writing new crontab to %s\n", ProgramName, tn); fclose(tf); fatal: unlink(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } if ((!(editor = getenv("VISUAL"))) && (!(editor = getenv("EDITOR"))) ) { editor = EDITOR; } (void) fstat(fileno(tf), &before); fclose(tf); pid = VFORK(); if (pid < 0) { perror("fork"); goto fatal; } if (pid == 0) { extern char **environ; char *argv[3]; /* CHILD */ setuid(getuid()); /* give up euid which is root */ argv[0] = editor; argv[1] = tn; argv[2] = NULL; fprintf(stderr, "[%s %s]\n", editor, tn); execve(editor, argv, environ); perror(editor); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } (void) wait((int *)0); if (!(tf = fopen(tn, "r"))) { perror(tn); goto fatal; } (void) fstat(fileno(tf), &after); if (after.st_mtime == before.st_mtime) { fprintf(stderr, "[no changes were made to the crontab]\n"); fclose(tf); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[new crontab now being installed]\n"); NewCrontab = tf; replace_cmd(); /* closes NewCrontab */ } unlink(tn); } static void replace_cmd() { entry *load_entry(); int load_env(); int unlink(); void free_entry(); void check_error(); void poke_daemon(); extern errno; char n[MAX_FNAME], envstr[MAX_ENVSTR], tn[MAX_FNAME]; FILE *tmp; int ch; entry *e; int status; time_t now = time(NULL); (void) sprintf(n, "tmp.%d", Pid); (void) sprintf(tn, CRON_TAB(n)); if (!(tmp = fopen(tn, "w"))) { perror(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } /* write a signature at the top of the file. for brian. */ fprintf(tmp, "# (%s installed on %-24.24s)\n", Filename, ctime(&now)); fprintf(tmp, "# (Cron version -- %s)\n", rcsid); /* copy the crontab to the tmp */ Set_LineNum(1) while (EOF != (ch = get_char(NewCrontab))) putc(ch, tmp); fclose(NewCrontab); fflush(tmp); rewind(tmp); if (ferror(tmp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error while writing new crontab to %s\n", ProgramName, tn); fclose(tmp); unlink(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } /* check the syntax of the file being installed. */ /* BUG: was reporting errors after the EOF if there were any errors * in the file proper -- kludged it by stopping after first error. * vix 31mar87 */ CheckErrorCount = 0; while (!CheckErrorCount && (status = load_env(envstr, tmp)) >= OK) { if (status == FALSE) { if (NULL != (e = load_entry(NewCrontab, check_error))) free((char *) e); } } if (CheckErrorCount != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "errors in crontab file, can't install.\n"); fclose(tmp); unlink(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } if (fchown(fileno(tmp), ROOT_UID, -1) < OK) { perror("chown"); fclose(tmp); unlink(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } if (fchmod(fileno(tmp), 0600) < OK) { perror("chown"); fclose(tmp); unlink(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } if (fclose(tmp) == EOF) { perror("fclose"); unlink(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } (void) sprintf(n, CRON_TAB(User)); if (rename(tn, n)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error renaming %s to %s\n", ProgramName, tn, n); perror("rename"); unlink(tn); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } log_it(RealUser, Pid, "REPLACE", User); poke_daemon(); } static void poke_daemon() { #if defined(BSD) struct timeval tvs[2]; struct timezone tz; (void) gettimeofday(&tvs[0], &tz); tvs[1] = tvs[0]; if (utimes(SPOOL_DIR, tvs) < OK) { fprintf(stderr, "crontab: can't update mtime on spooldir\n"); perror(SPOOL_DIR); return; } #endif /*BSD*/ #if defined(ATT) if (utime(SPOOL_DIR, NULL) < OK) { fprintf(stderr, "crontab: can't update mtime on spooldir\n"); perror(SPOOL_DIR); return; } #endif /*ATT*/ }