Info file, produced by Makeinfo, -*- Text -*- from input file uucp.texi. This file documents Taylor UUCP, version 1.03. Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "Copying" are included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "Copying" may be included in a translation approved by the author instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Chat Scripts, Next: config File, Prev: Time Strings, Up: Configuration Files Chat Scripts ============ Chat scripts are used in several different places, such as dialing out on modems or logging in to remote systems. Chat scripts are made up of pairs of strings. The program waits until it sees the first string, known as the "expect" string, and then sends out the second string, the "send" string. Each chat script is defined using a set of commands. These commands always end in a string beginning with `chat', but may start with different strings. For example, in the `sys' file there is one set of commands beginning with `chat' and another set beginning with `called-chat'. The prefixes are only used to disambiguate different types of chat scripts, and this section ignores the prefixes when describing the commands. `chat STRINGS' Specify a chat script. The arguments to the `chat' command are pairs of strings separated by whitespace. The first string of each pair is an expect string, the second is a send string. The program will wait for the expect string to appear; when it does, the program will send the send string. If the expect string does not appear within a certain number of seconds (as set by the `chat-timeout' command) the chat script fails and, typically, the call is aborted. If the final expect string is seen (and the optional final send string has been sent), the chat script is successful. An expect string may contain additional subsend and subexpect strings, separated by hyphens. If the expect string is not seen, the subsend string is sent and the chat script continues by waiting for the subexpect string. This means that a hyphen may not appear in an expect string; use `\055' instead. An expect string may simply be `""', meaning to skip the expect phase. Otherwise, the following escape characters may appear in expect strings: `\b' a backspace character `\n' a newline or line feed character `\N' a null character (for BNU compatibility) `\r' a carriage return character `\s' a space character `\t' a tab character `\\' a backslash character `\DDD' character DDD, where DDD are up to three octal digits `\xDDD' character DDD, where DDD are hexadecimal digits. As in C, there may be up to three octal digits following a backslash, but the hexadecimal escape sequence continues as far as possible. To follow a hexadecimal escape sequence with a hex digit, interpose a send string of `""'. A send string may also simply be `""' to skip the send phase. Otherwise, all of the escape characters legal for expect strings may be used, and the following escape characters are also permitted: `EOT' send an end of transmission character (`^D') `BREAK' send a break character (may not work on all systems) `\c' suppress trailing carriage return at end of send string `\d' delay sending for 1 second `\e' disable echo checking `\E' enable echo checking (wait for echo before continuing) `\K' same as `BREAK' (for BNU compatibility) `\p' pause sending for a fraction of a second Some specific types of chat scripts also define additional escape sequences that may appear in the send string. For example, the login chat script defines `\L' and `\P' to send the login name and password, respectively. A carriage return will be sent at the end of each send string, unless the `\c' escape sequence appears in the string. Note that some UUCP packages use `\b' for break, but here it means backspace. Echo checking means that after writing each character the program will wait until the character is echoed. Echo checking must be turned on separately for each send string for which it is desired; it will be turned on for characters following `\E' and turned off for characters following `\e'. `chat-timeout NUMBER' The number of seconds to wait for an expect string in the chat script before timing out and sending the next subsend or failing the chat script entirely. The default value is 10 for a login chat or 60 for any other type of chat. `chat-fail STRING' If the STRING is seen at any time during a chat script, the chat script is aborted. The string may not contain any whitespace characters; escape sequences must be used for them. Multiple `chat-fail' commands may appear in a single chat script. The default is to have none. This permits a chat script to be quickly aborted if an error string is seen. For example, a script used to dial out on a modem might use the command `chat-fail BUSY' to stop the chat script immediately if the string `BUSY' was seen. `chat-seven-bit BOOLEAN' If the argument is true, all incoming characters are stripped to seven bits when being compared to the expect string. Otherwise all eight bits are used in the comparison. The default is true because some Unix systems generate parity bits during the login prompt which must be ignored while running a chat script. This has no effect on any `chat-program', which must ignore parity by itself if necessary. `chat-program STRINGS' Specify a program to run before executing the chat script. This program could run its own version of a chat script, or it could do whatever it wants. If both `chat-program' and `chat' are specified, the program is executed first followed by the chat script. The first argument to the `chat-program' command is the program name to run. The remaining arguments are passed to the program. The following escape sequences are recognized in the arguments: `\Y' port device name `\S' port speed `\\' backslash Some specific uses of `chat-program' define additional escape sequences. Arguments other than escape sequences are passed exactly as they appear in the configuration file, except that sequences of whitespace are compressed to a single space character; this exception may be removed in the future. If the `chat-program' command is not used, no program is run. On Unix, the standard input and standard output of the program will be attached to the port in use. Anything the program writes to standard error will be written to the UUCP log file. No other file descriptors will be open. If the program does not exit with a status of 0, it will be assumed to have failed; this means that the dialing programs used by some versions of BNU may not be used directly, although of course a shell script could be used as an interface. The program will be run as the `uucp' user, and the environment will be that of the process that started `uucico', so care must be taken to maintain security. No search path is used to find the program; a full path name must be given. If the program is an executable shell script, it will be passed to `/bin/sh' even on systems which are unable to execute shell scripts. It is also easy to invoke `/bin/sh' directly. Here is a simple example of a chat script that might be used to reset a Hayes compatible modem. chat "" ATZ OK-ATZ-OK The first expect string is `""', so it is ignored. The chat script then sends `ATZ'. If the modem responds with `OK', the chat script finishes. If 60 seconds (the default timeout) pass before seeing `OK', the chat script sends another `ATZ'. If it then sees `OK', the chat script succeeds. Otherwise, the chat script fails. For a more complex chat script example, see *Note Logging In::.  File:, Node: config File, Next: sys File, Prev: Chat Scripts, Up: Configuration Files The Main Configuration File =========================== The main configuration file is named `config'. Since all the values that may be specified in the main configuration file also have defaults, there need not be a main configuration file at all. * Menu: * Miscellaneous (config):: Miscellaneous config file commands * Configuration File Names:: Using different configuration files * Log File Names:: Using different log files * Debugging Levels:: Debugging levels  File:, Node: Miscellaneous (config), Next: Configuration File Names, Prev: config File, Up: config File Miscellaneous config File Commands ---------------------------------- `nodename STRING' `hostname STRING' `uuname STRING' These keywords are equivalent. They specify the UUCP name of the local host. If there is no configuration file, an appropriate function will be used to get the host name, if possible. `spool STRING' Specify the spool directory. The default is from `policy.h'. Command files, work files, temporary files, etc., are stored in this directory and in subdirectories of it. `pubdir STRING' Specify the public directory. The default is from `policy.h'. On Unix, when a file is named using a leading `~/', it is taken from or to the public directory. Each system may use a separate public directory by using the `pubdir' command in the system configuration file; see *Note Miscellaneous (sys)::. `unknown STRING ...' The STRING and subsequent arguments are treated as though they appeared in the system file (*note sys file::.). They are used to apply to any unknown systems that may call in, probably to set file transfer permissions and the like. If the `unknown' command is not used, unknown systems are not permitted to call in. `max-uuxqts NUMBER' Specify the maximum number of `uuxqt' processes which may run at the same time. Having several `uuxqt' processes running at once can significantly slow down a system, but since `uuxqt' is automatically started by `uucico', it can happen quite easily. The default for `max-uuxqts' is 0, which means that there is no limit. If BNU configuration files are being read and the code was compiled without `HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG', then if the file `Maxuuxqts' in the configuration directory contains a readable number it will be used as the value for `max-uuxqts'. `v2-files BOOLEAN' If the code was compiled to be able to read V2 configuration files, a false argument to this command will prevent them from being read. This can be useful while testing. The default is true. `bnu-files BOOLEAN' If the code was compiled to be able to read BNU configuration files, a false argument to this command will prevent them from being read. This can be useful while testing. The default is true.  File:, Node: Configuration File Names, Next: Log File Names, Prev: Miscellaneous (config), Up: config File Configuration File Names ------------------------ `sysfile STRINGS' Specify the system file(s). The default is the file `sys' in the directory NEWCONFIGDIR. These files hold information about other systems with which this system communicates; see *Note sys file::. Multiple system files may be given on the line, and the `sysfile' command may be repeated; each system file has its own set of defaults. `portfile STRINGS' Specify the port file(s). The default is the file `port' in the directory NEWCONFIGDIR. These files describe ports which are used to call other systems and accept calls from other systems; see *Note port file::. No port files need be named at all. Multiple port files may be given on the line, and the `portfile' command may be repeated. `dialfile STRINGS' Specify the dial file(s). The default is the file `dial' in the directory NEWCONFIGDIR. These files describe dialing devices (modems); *Note dial file::. No dial files need be named at all. Multiple dial files may be given on the line, and the `dialfile' command may be repeated. `dialcodefile STRINGS' Specify the dialcode file(s). The default is the file `dialcode' in the directory NEWCONFIGDIR. These files specify dialcodes that may be used when sending phone numbers to a modem. This permits using the same set of phone numbers in different area-codes or with different phone systems, by using dialcodes to specify the calling sequence. When a phone number goes through dialcode translation, the leading alphabetic characters are stripped off. The dialcode files are read line by line, just like any other configuration file, and when a line is found whose first word is the same as the leading characters from the phone number, the second word on the line (which would normally consist of numbers) replaces the dialcode in the phone number. No dialcode file need be used. Multiple dialcode files may be specified on the line, and the `dialcodefile' command may be repeated; all the dialcode files will be read in turn until a dialcode is located. `callfile STRINGS' Specify the call out login name and password file(s). The default is the file `call' in the directory NEWCONFIGDIR. If the call out login name or password for a system are given as `*' (*note Logging In::.), these files are read to get the real login name or password. Each line in the file(s) has three words: the system name, the login name, and the password. This file is only used when placing calls to remote systems; the password file described under `passwdfile' below is used for incoming calls. The intention of the call out file is to permit the system file to be publically readable; the call out files must obviously be kept secure. These files need not be used. Multiple call out files may be specified on the line, and the `callfile' command may be repeated; all the files will be read in turn until the system is found. `passwdfile STRINGS' Specify the password file(s) to use for login names when `uucico' is doing its own login prompting, which it does when given the `-e', `-l' or `-w' switch. The default is the file `passwd' in the directory NEWCONFIGDIR. Each line in the file(s) has two words: the login name and the password (e.g. `Ufoo foopas'). The login name is accepted before the system name is known, so these are independent of which system is calling in; a particular login may be required for a system by using the `called-login' command in the system file (*note Accepting a Call::.). These password files are optional, although one must exist if `uucico' is to present its own login prompts. Multiple password files may be specified on the line, and the `passwdfile' command may be repeated; all the files will be read in turn until the login name is found.  File:, Node: Log File Names, Next: Debugging Levels, Prev: Configuration File Names, Up: config File Log File Names -------------- `logfile STRING' Name the log file. The default is from `policy.h'. Logging information is written to this file. If `HAVE_BNU_LOGGING' is defined in `conf.h', then by default a separate log file is used for each system. Using this command to name a log file will cause all the systems to use it. `statfile STRING' Name the statistics file. The default is from `policy.h'. Statistical information about file transfers is written to this file. `debugfile STRING' Name the file to which debugging information is written. The default is from `policy.h'. This command is only effective if the code has been compiled to include debugging (this is controlled by the `DEBUG' variable in `policy.h'). After the first debugging message has been written, messages written to the log file are also written to the debugging file to make it easier to keep the order of actions straight. The debugging file is different from the log file because information such as passwords can appear in it, so it must be not be publically readable.  File:, Node: Debugging Levels, Prev: Log File Names, Up: config File Debugging Levels ---------------- `debug STRING ...' Set the debugging level. This command is only effective if the code has been compiled to include debugging. The default is to have no debugging. The arguments are strings which name the types of debugging to be turned on. The following types of debugging are defined: `abnormal' Output debugging messages for abnormal situations, such as recoverable errors. `chat' Output debugging messages for chat scripts. `handshake' Output debugging messages for the initial handshake. `uucp-proto' Output debugging messages for the UUCP protocol itself. `proto' Output debugging messages for the individual protocols. `port' Output debugging messages for actions on the communication port. `config' Output debugging messages while reading the configuration files. `spooldir' Output debugging messages for actions in the spool directory. `execute' Output debugging messages whenever another program is executed. `incoming' List all incoming data in the debugging file. `outgoing' List all outgoing data in the debugging file. `all' All of the above. The debugging level may also be specified as a number. A 1 will set `chat' debugging, a 2 will set both `chat' and `handshake' debugging, and so on down the possibilities. Currently an 11 will turn on all possible debugging, since there are 11 types of debugging messages listed above; more debugging types may be added in the future. The `debug' command may be used several times in the configuration file; every debugging type named will be turned on. When running any of the programs, the `-x' switch (actually, for `uulog' it's the `-X' switch) may be used to turn on debugging. The argument to the `-x' switch is one of the strings listed above, or a number as described above, or a comma separated list of strings (e.g. `-x chat,handshake'). The `-x' switch may also appear several times on the command line, in which case all named debugging types will be turned on. The `-x' debugging is in addition to any debugging specified by the `debug' command; there is no way to cancel debugging information. The debugging level may also be set specifically for calls to or from a specific system with the `debug' command in the system file (*note Miscellaneous (sys)::.). The debugging messages are somewhat idiosyncratic; it may be necessary to refer to the source code for additional information in some cases.  File:, Node: sys File, Next: port File, Prev: config File, Up: Configuration Files The System Configuration File ============================= By default there is a single system configuration, named `sys' in the directory NEWCONFIGDIR. This may be overridden by the `sysfile' command in the main configuration file; see *Note Configuration File Names::. These files describe all remote systems known to the UUCP package. * Menu: * Defaults and Alternates:: Using defaults and alternates * Naming the System:: Naming the system * Calling Out:: Calling out * Accepting a Call:: Accepting a call * Protocol Selection:: Protocol selection * File Transfer Control:: File transfer control * Miscellaneous (sys):: Miscellaneous sys file commands * Default sys File Values:: Default values  File:, Node: Defaults and Alternates, Next: Naming the System, Prev: sys File, Up: sys File Defaults and Alternates ----------------------- The first set of commands in the file, up to the first `system' command, specify defaults to be used for all systems in that file. Each system file uses a different set of defaults. Subsequently, each set of commands from `system' up to the next `system' command describe a particular system. Default values may be overridden for specific systems. Each system may then have a series of alternate choices to use when calling out or calling in. The first set of commands for a particular system, up to the first `alternate' command, provide the first choice. Subsequently, each set of commands from `alternate' up to the next `alternate' command describe an alternate choice for calling out or calling in. When a system is called, the commands before the first `alternate' are used to select a phone number, port, and so forth; if the call fails for some reason, the commands between the first `alternate' and the second are used, and so forth. Well, not quite. Actually, each succeeding alternate will only be used if it is different in some relevant way (different phone number, different chat script, etc.). If you want to force the same alternate to be used again (to retry a phone call more than once, for example), enter the phone number (or any other relevant field) again to make it appear different. The alternates can also be used to give different permissions to an incoming call based on the login name. This will only be done if the first set of commands, before the first `alternate' command, uses the `called-login' command. The list of alternates will be searched, and the first alternate with a matching `called-login' command will be used. If no alternates match, the call will be rejected. The `alternate' command may also be used in the file-wide defaults (the set of commands before the first `system' command). This might be used to specify a list of ports which are available for all systems (for an example of this, see *Note Gateway Example::) or to specify permissions based on the login name used by the remote system when it calls in. The first alternate for each system will default to the first alternate for the file-wide defaults (as modified by the commands used before the first `alternate' command for this system), the second alternate for each system to the second alternate for the file-wide defaults (as modified the same way), and so forth. If a system specifies more alternates than the file-wide defaults, the trailing ones will default to the last file-wide default alternate. If a system specifies fewer alternates than the file-wide defaults, the trailing file-wide default alternates will be used unmodified. The `default-alternates' command may be used to modify this behaviour. This can all get rather confusing, although it's easier to use than to describe concisely; the `uuchk' program may be used to ensure that you are getting what you want.  File:, Node: Naming the System, Next: Calling Out, Prev: Defaults and Alternates, Up: sys File Naming the System ----------------- `system STRING' Specify the remote system name. Subsequent commands up to the next `system' command refer to this system. `alternate [STRING]' Start an alternate set of commands (*note Defaults and Alternates::.). An optional argument may be used to name the alternate. This name will be put in the log file if the alternate is used to call the system. There is no way to name the first alternate (the commands before the first `alternate' command). `default-alternates BOOLEAN' If the argument is false, any remaining default alternates (from the defaults specified at the top of the current system file) will not be used. The default is true. `alias STRING' Specify an alias for the current system. The alias may be used by local `uucp' and `uux' commands. The default is to have no aliases. `myname STRING' Specifies a different system name to use when calling the remote system. Also, if `called-login' is used and is not `ANY', then, when a system logs in with that login name, STRING is used as the system name. Because the local system name must be determined before the remote system has identified itself, using `myname' and `called-login' together for any system will set the local name for that login; this means that each locally used system name must have a unique login name associated with it. This allows a system to have different names for an external and an internal network. The default is to not use a special local name.  File:, Node: Calling Out, Next: Accepting a Call, Prev: Naming the System, Up: sys File Calling Out ----------- This section describes commands used when placing a call to another system. * Menu: * When to Call:: When to call * Placing the Call:: Placing the call * Logging In:: Logging in  File:, Node: When to Call, Next: Placing the Call, Prev: Calling Out, Up: Calling Out When to Call ............ `time STRING [NUMBER]' Specify when the system may be called. The first argument is a time string; see *Note Time Strings::. The optional second argument specifies a retry time in minutes. If a call made during a time that matches the time string fails, no more calls are permitted until the retry time has passed. By default an exponentially increasing retry time is used: after each failure the next retry period is longer. A retry time specified in the `time' command is always a fixed amount of time. The `time' command may appear multiple times in a single alternate, in which case if any time string matches the system may be called. The default time string is `Never'. `timegrade CHARACTER STRING [NUMBER]' The CHARACTER specifies a grade. It must be a single letter or digit. The STRING is a time string (*note Time Strings::.). All jobs of grade CHARACTER or higher (where `0' > `9' > `A' > `Z' > `a' > `z') may be run at the specified time. An ordinary `time' command is equivalent to using `timegrade' with a grade of `z', permitting all jobs. If there are no jobs of a sufficiently high grade according to the time string, the system will not be called. Giving the `-s' switch to `uucico' to force it to call a system causes it to assume there is a job of grade `0' waiting to be run. The optional third argument specifies a retry time in minutes. See the `time' command, above, for more details. Note that the `timegrade' command serves two purposes: 1) if there is no job of sufficiently high grade the system will not be called, and 2) if the system is called anyway (because the `-s' switch was given to `uucico') only jobs of sufficiently high grade will be transferred. However, if the other system calls in, the `timegrade' commands are ignored, and jobs of any grade may be transferred (but see `call-timegrade' below). Also, the `timegrade' command will not prevent the other system from transferring any job it chooses, regardless of who placed the call. The `timegrade' command may appear multiple times without using `alternate'. If this command does not appear, there are no restrictions on what grade of work may be done at what time. `call-timegrade CHARACTER STRING' The CHARACTER is a single character `A' to `Z', `a' to `z', or `0' to `9' and specifies a grade. The STRING is a time string as described under the `time' command. If a call is placed to the other system during a time which matches the time string, the remote system will be requested to only run jobs of grade CHARACTER or higher. Unfortunately, there is no way to guarantee that the other system will obey the request (this UUCP package will, but there are others which will not); moreover job grades are historically somewhat arbitrary, so specifying a grade will only be meaningful if the other system cooperates in assigning grades. This grade restriction only applies when the other system is called, not when the other system calls in. The `call-timegrade' command may appear multiple times without using `alternate'. If this command does not appear, or if none of the time strings match, the remote system will be allowed to send whatever grades of work it chooses.  File:, Node: Placing the Call, Next: Logging In, Prev: When to Call, Up: Calling Out Placing the Call ................ `baud NUMBER' `speed NUMBER' Specify the speed (the term "baud" is technically incorrect, but widely understood) at which to call the system. This will try all available ports with that baud rate until an unlocked port is found. The ports are defined in the port file. If both `baud' and `port' commands appear, both are used when selecting a port. To allow calls at more than one baud rate, the `alternate' command must be used (*note Defaults and Alternates::.). If this command does not appear, there is no default; the baud rate may be specified in the port file, but if it is not then the natural baud rate of the port will be used (whatever that means on the system). Specifying an explicit baud rate of 0 will request the natural baud rate of the port, overriding any default baud rate from the defaults at the top of the file. `port STRING' Name a particular port or type of port to use when calling the system. The information for this port is obtained from the port file. If this command does not appear, there is no default; a port must somehow be specified in order to call out (it may be specified implicitly using the `baud' command or explicitly using the next version of `port'). There may be many ports with the same name; each will be tried in turn until an unlocked one is found which matches the desired baud rate. `port STRING ...' If more than one string follows the `port' command, the subsequent strings are treated as commands that might appear in the port file (*note port file::.). If a port is named (by using a single string following `port') these commands are ignored; their purpose is to permit defining the port completely in the system file rather than always requiring entries in two different files. In order to call out, a port must be specified using some version of the `port' command, or by using the `baud' command to select ports from the port file. `phone STRING' `address STRING' Give a phone number to call (when using a modem port) or a remote host to contact (when using a TCP port). The commands `phone' and `address' are equivalent, but are intended to be more mnemonic depending on the type of port in use. When used with a modem port, an `=' character in the phone number means to wait for a secondary dial tone (although only some modems support this); a `-' character means to pause while dialing for 1 second (again, only some modems support this). If the system has more than one phone number, each one must appear in a different alternate. The `phone' command must appear in order to call out on a modem; there is no default. When used with a TCP port, the string names the host to contact. It may be a domain name or a numeric Internet address. If no address is specified, the system name is used. When used with a port that neither is a modem nor TCP, this command is ignored.  File:, Node: Logging In, Prev: Placing the Call, Up: Calling Out Logging In .......... `chat STRINGS' `chat-timeout NUMBER' `chat-fail STRING' `chat-seven-bit BOOLEAN' `chat-program STRINGS' These commands describe a chat script to use when logging on to a remote system. Chat scripts are explained in *Note Chat Scripts::. Two additional escape sequences may be used in send strings. `\L' Send the login name, as set by the `call-login' command. `\P' Send the passowrd, as set by the `call-password' command. Three additional escape sequences may be used with the `chat-program' command. These are `\L' and `\P', which become the login name and password, respectively, and `\Z', which becomes the name of the system of being called. The default chat script is: chat "" \r\c ogin:-BREAK-ogin:-BREAK-ogin: \L word: \P This will send a carriage return (the `\c' suppresses the additional trailing carriage return that would otherwise be sent) and waits for the string `ogin:' (which would be the last part of the `login:' prompt supplied by a Unix system). If it doesn't see `ogin:', it sends a break and waits for `ogin:' again. If it still doesn't see `ogin:', it sends another break and waits for `ogin:' again. If it still doesn't see `ogin:', the chat script aborts and hangs up the phone. If it does see `ogin:' at some point, it sends the login name (as specified by the `call-login' command) followed by a carriage return (since all send strings are followed by a carriage return unless `\c' is used) and waits for the string `word:' (which would be the last part of the `Password:' prompt supplied by a Unix system). If it sees `word:', it sends the password and a carriage return, completing the chat script. The program will then enter the handshake phase of the UUCP protocol. This chat script will work for most systems, so you will only be required to use the `call-login' and `call-password' commands. In fact, in the file-wide defaults you could set defaults of `call-login *' and `call-password *'; you would then just have to make an entry for each system in the call-out login file. Some systems seem to flush input after the `login:' prompt, so they may need a version of this chat script with a `\d' before the `\L'. When using UUCP over TCP, some servers will not be handle the initial carriage return sent by this chat script; in this case you may have to specify the simple chat script `ogin: \L word: \P'. `call-login STRING' Specify the login name to send with `\L' in the chat script. If the string is `*' (e.g. `call-login *') the login name will be fetched from the call out login name and password file (*note Configuration File Names::.). There is no default. `call-password STRING' Specify the password to send with `\P' in the chat script. If the string is `*' (e.g. `call-password *') the password will be fetched from the call-out login name and password file (*note Configuration File Names::.). There is no default.  File:, Node: Accepting a Call, Next: Protocol Selection, Prev: Calling Out, Up: sys File Accepting a Call ---------------- `called-login STRINGS' The first STRING specifies the login name that the system must use when calling in. If it is `ANY' (e.g. `called-login ANY') any login name may be used; this is useful to override a file-wide default and to indicate that future alternates may have different login names. Case is significant. The default value is `ANY'. Different alternates (*note Defaults and Alternates::.) may use different `called-login' commands, in which case the login name will be used to select which alternate is in effect; this will only work if the first alternate (before the first `alternate' command) uses the `called-login' command. Additional strings may be specified after the login name; they are a list of which systems are permitted to use this login name. If this feature is used, then normally the login name will only be given in a single `called-login' command. Only systems which appear on the list, or which use an explicit `called-login' command, will be permitted to use that login name. If the same login name is used more than once with a list of systems, all the lists are concatenated together. This feature permits you to restrict a login name to a particular set of systems without requiring you to use the `called-login' command for every single system; you can achieve a similar effect by using a different system file for each permitted login name with an appropriate `called-login' command in the file-wide defaults. `callback BOOLEAN' If BOOLEAN is true, then when the remote system calls `uucico' will hang up the connection and prepare to call it back. This is false by default. `called-chat STRINGS' `called-chat-timeout NUMBER' `called-chat-fail STRING' `called-chat-seven-bit BOOLEAN' `called-chat-program STRINGS' These commands may be used to define a chat script (*note Chat Scripts::.) that is run whenever the local system is called by the system being defined. The chat script defined by the `chat' command (*note Logging In::.), on the other hand, is used when the remote system is called. This called chat script might be used to set special modem parameters that are appropriate to a particular system. It is run after protocol negotiation is complete, but before the protocol has been started. See *Note Logging In:: for additional escape sequence which may be used besides those defined for all chat scripts. There is no default called chat script. If the called chat script fails, the incoming call will be aborted.  File:, Node: Protocol Selection, Next: File Transfer Control, Prev: Accepting a Call, Up: sys File Protocol Selection ------------------ `protocol STRING' Specifies which protocols to use for the other system, and in which order to use them. This would not normally be used. For example, `protocol tfg'. The default depends on the characteristics of the port and the dialer, as specified by the `seven-bit' and `reliable' commands. If neither the port nor the dialer use either of these commands, the default is to assume an eight-bit reliable connection. The commands `seven-bit true' or `reliable false' might be used in either the port or the dialer to change this. Each protocol has particular requirements that must be met before it will be considered during negotiation with the remote side. The `t' and `e' protocols are intended for use over TCP or some other communication path with end to end reliability, as they do no checking of the data at all. They will only be considered on a TCP port which is both reliable and eight bit. The `g' protocol is robust, but requires an eight-bit connection. The `f' protocol is intended for use with X.25 connections; it checksums each file as a whole, so any error causes the entire file to be retransmitted. It requires a reliable connection, but only uses seven-bit transmissions. It is a streaming protocol, so, while it can be used on a serial port, the port must be completely reliable and flow controlled; many aren't. The protocols will be considered in the order shown above. This means that if neither the `seven-bit' nor the `reliable' command are used, the `t' protocol will be used over a TCP connection and the `g' protocol will be used over any other type of connection (subject, of course, to what is supported by the remote system; it may be assumed that all systems support the `g' protocol). Note that currently specifying both `seven-bit true' and `reliable false' will not match any protocol. If this occurs through a combination of port and dialer specifications, you will have to use the `protocol' command for the system or no protocol will be selected at all (the only reasonable choice would be `protocol f'). A protocol list may also be specified for a port (*note port file::.), but if there is a list for the system the list for the port is ignored. `protocol-parameter CHARACTER STRING ...' CHARACTER is a single character specifying a protocol. The remaining strings are a command specific to that protocol which will be executed if that protocol is used. A typical command is something like `window 7'. The particular commands are protocol specific. The `g' protocol supports the following commands, all of which take numeric arguments: `window' The window size to request the remote system to use. This must be between 1 and 7 inclusive. The default is 7. `packet-size' The packet size to request the remote system to use. This must be a power of 2 between 32 and 4096 inclusive. The default is 64, which is the only packet size supported by many older UUCP packages. Some UUCP packages will even dump core if a larger packet size is requested. `startup-retries' The number of times to retry the initialization sequence. The default is 8. `init-retries' The number of times to retry one phase of the initialization sequence (there are three phases). The default is 4. `init-timeout' The timeout in seconds for one phase of the initialization sequence. The default is 10. `retries' The number of times to retry sending either a data packet or a request for the next packet. The default is 6. `timeout' The timeout in seconds when waiting for either a data packet or an acknowledgement. The default is 10. `garbage' The number of unrecognized bytes to permit before dropping the connection. This must be larger than the packet size. The default is 10000. `errors' The number of errors (malformed packets, out of order packets, bad checksums, or packets rejected by the remote system) to permit before dropping the connection. The default is 100. `remote-window' If this is between 1 and 7 inclusive, the window size requested by the remote system is ignored and this is used instead. This can be useful when dealing with some poor UUCP packages. The default is 0, which means that the remote system's request is honored. `remote-packet-size' If this is between 32 and 4096 inclusive the packet size requested by the remote system is ignored and this is used instead. There is probably no good reason to use this. The default is 0, which means that the remote system's request is honored. The `f' protocol is intended for use with error-correcting modems only; it checksums each file as a whole, so any error causes the entire file to be retransmitted. It supports the following commands, both of which take numeric arguments: `timeout' The timeout in seconds before giving up. The default is 120. `retries' How many times to retry sending a file. The default is 2. The `t' and `e' protocols are intended for use over TCP or some other communication path with end to end reliability, as they do no checking of the data at all. They both support a single command, which takes a numeric argument: `timeout' The timeout in seconds before giving up. The default is 120. The protocol parameters are reset to their default values after each call.  File:, Node: File Transfer Control, Next: Miscellaneous (sys), Prev: Protocol Selection, Up: sys File File Transfer Control --------------------- `call-request BOOLEAN' The BOOLEAN is checked when the local system places the call. It determines whether the remote system may request any file transfers. The default is yes. `called-request BOOLEAN' The BOOLEAN is checked when the remote system calls in. It determines whether the remote system may request any file transfers. The default is yes. `request BOOLEAN' Equivalent to specifying both `call-request BOOLEAN' and `called-request BOOLEAN'. `call-transfer BOOLEAN' The BOOLEAN is checked when the local system places the call. It determines whether the local system may do file transfers queued up for the remote system. The default is yes. `called-transfer BOOLEAN' The BOOLEAN is checked when the remote system calls in. It determines whether the local system may do file transfers queued up for the remote system. The default is yes. `transfer BOOLEAN' Equivalent to specifying both `call-transfer BOOLEAN' `called-transfer BOOLEAN'. `call-local-size NUMBER STRING' The STRING is a time string (*note Time Strings::.). The NUMBER is the size in bytes of the largest file that should be transferred at a time matching the time string if the local system placed the call and the request was made by the local system. This command may appear multiple times in a single alternate. If this command does not appear, or if none of the time strings match, there are no size restrictions. With all the size control commands, the size of a file from the remote system (as opposed to a file from the local system) will only be checked if the other system is running this package; other UUCP packages will not understand a maximum size request, nor will they inform this package of the size of remote files. `call-remote-size NUMBER STRING' Specify the size in bytes of the largest file that should be transferred at a given time by remote request when the local system placed the call. This command may appear multiple times in a single alternate. If this command does not appear, there are no size restrictions. `called-local-size NUMBER STRING' Specify the size in bytes of the largest file that should be transferred at a given time by local request when the remote system placed the call. This command may appear multiple times in a single alternate. If this command does not appear, there are no size restrictions. `called-remote-size NUMBER STRING' Specify the size in bytes of the largest file that should be transferred at a given time by remote request when the remote system placed the call. This command may appear multiple times in a single alternate. If this command does not appear, there are no size restrictions. `local-send STRINGS' Specifies that files in the directories named by the STRINGS may be sent to the remote system when requested locally (using `uucp' or `uux'). The directories in the list should be separated by whitespace. A `~' may be used for the public directory. On a Unix system, this is typically `/usr/spool/uucppublic'; the public directory may be set with the `pubdir' command. Here is an example of `local-send': local-send ~ /usr/spool/ftp/pub Listing a directory allows all files within the directory and all subdirectories to be sent. Directories may be excluded by preceding them with an exclamation point. For example: local-send /usr/ftp !/usr/ftp/private ~ means that all files in `/usr/ftp' or the public directory may be sent, except those files in `/usr/ftp/private'. The list of directories is read from left to right, and the last directory to apply takes effect; this means that directories should be listed from top down. The default is the root directory (i.e., any file at all may be sent by local request). `remote-send STRINGS' Specifies that files in the named directories may be sent to the remote system when requested by the remote system. The default is `~'. `local-receive STRINGS' Specifies that files may be received into the named directories when requested by a local user. The default is `~'. `remote-receive STRINGS' Specifies that files may be received into the named directories when requested by the remote system. The default is `~'. On Unix, the remote system may only request that files be received into directories that are writeable by the world, regardless of how this is set.