The index programming interface to Sushi consists of a flat ascii file, with three fields. The fields are whitespace separated. The first field, is the name of a subdirectory, which must exist. No spaces can exist in this name. The second field, is the quickpath. This is a unique keyword that can be used to automatically access this point within Sushi, when called on the command line as an argument to sushi. The final field is the description. The description must be contained on one line, and can have embedded whitespace. The description is limited to about 70 characters, due to screen width. The special keyword "BLANK" can be used to insert a blank line in the menu. A simple index file is shown below: test test This is a test menu BLANK BLANK BLANK more more Another test menu item $NetBSD: help,v 1.2 2001/08/06 06:24:52 kei Exp $