dnl dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl AC_INIT(include/cdk.h) AC_CONFIG_HEADER(include/cdk_config.h:include/config.hin) CF_CHECK_CACHE dnl dnl Checks for programs. dnl AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_GCC_TRADITIONAL AC_PROG_RANLIB AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_C_CONST CF_DISABLE_ECHO CF_PROG_EXT CF_LIB_PREFIX AC_ARG_WITH(warnings, [ --with-warnings turn on gcc warnings, for debugging ],[ CF_GCC_ATTRIBUTES CF_GCC_WARNINGS ]) dnl dnl Checks for libraries. dnl AC_MSG_CHECKING(if you want to link with dbmalloc for testing) AC_ARG_WITH(dbmalloc, [ --with-dbmalloc test: use Conor Cahill's dbmalloc library], [with_dbmalloc=$withval], [with_dbmalloc=no]) AC_MSG_RESULT($with_dbmalloc) if test $with_dbmalloc = yes ; then AC_CHECK_LIB(dbmalloc,debug_malloc) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(if you want to link with dmalloc for testing) AC_ARG_WITH(dmalloc, [ --with-dmalloc test: use Gray Watson's dmalloc library], [with_dmalloc=$withval], [with_dmalloc=no]) AC_MSG_RESULT($with_dmalloc) if test $with_dmalloc = yes ; then AC_CHECK_LIB(dmalloc,dmalloc_debug) fi dnl dnl Checks for header files. dnl AC_HEADER_DIRENT AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS(\ limits.h \ unistd.h \ ) dnl dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. dnl AC_TYPE_MODE_T AC_STRUCT_TM CF_CURSES_CHTYPE CF_GETOPT_HEADER dnl dnl Checks for library functions. dnl AC_TYPE_SIGNAL AC_CHECK_FUNCS(\ getcwd \ mktime \ radixsort \ strdup \ strerror \ ) CF_FUNC_LSTAT dnl Check for curses libraries last, since XCurses has dependencies which dnl break the checks for other functions. AC_ARG_WITH(ncurses, [ --with-ncurses compile/link with ncurses library], [ CF_NCURSES_CPPFLAGS CF_NCURSES_LIBS ], [ dnl AC_ARG_WITH(pdcurses, dnl [ --with-pdcurses compile/link with pdcurses X11 library], dnl [ dnl CF_PDCURSES_X11 dnl ], dnl [ CF_CURSES_LIBS dnl ]) ]) CF_CURSES_FUNCS(start_color) dnl dnl Set pre-processor compile time variables. dnl AC_OUTPUT(Makefile examples/Makefile demos/Makefile,,,sort)