/* $NetBSD: rf_optnames.h,v 1.1 1998/11/13 04:20:31 oster Exp $ */ /* * rf_optnames.h */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Jim Zelenka * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Don't protect against multiple inclusion here- we actually want this. */ #ifdef _KERNEL #define KERNEL #endif RF_DBG_OPTION(accSizeKB,0) /* if nonzero, the fixed access size to run */ RF_DBG_OPTION(accessDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(accessTraceBufSize,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(alignAccesses,0) /* whether accs should be aligned to their size */ RF_DBG_OPTION(camlayerIOs,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(camlayerDebug,0) /* debug CAM activity */ RF_DBG_OPTION(cscanDebug,0) /* debug CSCAN sorting */ RF_DBG_OPTION(dagDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(debugPrintUseBuffer,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(degDagDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(disableAsyncAccs,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(diskDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(doDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(dtDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(enableAtomicRMW,0) /* this debug var enables locking of the disk * arm during small-write operations. Setting * this variable to anything other than 0 will * result in deadlock. (wvcii) */ RF_DBG_OPTION(engineDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(fifoDebug,0) /* debug fifo queueing */ RF_DBG_OPTION(floatingRbufDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(forceHeadSepLimit,-1) RF_DBG_OPTION(forceNumFloatingReconBufs,-1) /* wire down number of extra recon buffers to use */ RF_DBG_OPTION(keepAccTotals,0) /* turn on keep_acc_totals */ RF_DBG_OPTION(lockTableSize,RF_DEFAULT_LOCK_TABLE_SIZE) RF_DBG_OPTION(mapDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(maxNumTraces,-1) RF_DBG_OPTION(maxRandomSizeKB,128) /* if rf_accSizeKB==0, acc sizes are uniform in [ (1/2)..maxRandomSizeKB ] */ RF_DBG_OPTION(maxTraceRunTimeSec,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(memAmtDebug,0) /* trace amount of memory allocated */ RF_DBG_OPTION(memChunkDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(memDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(memDebugAddress,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(numBufsToAccumulate,1) /* number of buffers to accumulate before doing XOR */ RF_DBG_OPTION(prReconSched,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(printDAGsDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(printStatesDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(protectedSectors,64L) /* # of sectors at start of disk to exclude from RAID address space */ RF_DBG_OPTION(pssDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(queueDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(quiesceDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(raidSectorOffset,0) /* added to all incoming sectors to debug alignment problems */ RF_DBG_OPTION(reconDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(reconbufferDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(rewriteParityStripes,0) /* debug flag that causes parity rewrite at startup */ RF_DBG_OPTION(scanDebug,0) /* debug SCAN sorting */ RF_DBG_OPTION(showXorCallCounts,0) /* show n-way Xor call counts */ RF_DBG_OPTION(shutdownDebug,0) /* show shutdown calls */ RF_DBG_OPTION(sizePercentage,100) RF_DBG_OPTION(sstfDebug,0) /* turn on debugging info for sstf queueing */ RF_DBG_OPTION(stripeLockDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(suppressLocksAndLargeWrites,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(suppressTraceDelays,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(testDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(useMemChunks,1) RF_DBG_OPTION(validateDAGDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(validateVisitedDebug,1) /* XXX turn to zero by default? */ RF_DBG_OPTION(verifyParityDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(warnLongIOs,0) #ifdef KERNEL RF_DBG_OPTION(debugKernelAccess,0) /* DoAccessKernel debugging */ #endif /* KERNEL */ #ifndef KERNEL RF_DBG_OPTION(disableParityVerify,0) /* supress verification of parity */ RF_DBG_OPTION(interactiveScript,0) /* set as a debug option for now */ RF_DBG_OPTION(looptestShowWrites,0) /* user-level loop test write debugging */ RF_DBG_OPTION(traceDebug,0) #endif /* !KERNEL */ #ifdef SIMULATE RF_DBG_OPTION(addrSizePercentage,100) RF_DBG_OPTION(diskTrace,0) /* ised to turn the timing traces on and of */ RF_DBG_OPTION(eventDebug,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(mWactive,1500) RF_DBG_OPTION(mWidle,625) RF_DBG_OPTION(mWsleep,15) RF_DBG_OPTION(mWspinup,3500) #endif /* SIMULATE */ #if RF_INCLUDE_PARITYLOGGING > 0 RF_DBG_OPTION(forceParityLogReint,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(numParityRegions,0) /* number of regions in the array */ RF_DBG_OPTION(numReintegrationThreads,1) RF_DBG_OPTION(parityLogDebug,0) /* if nonzero, enables debugging of parity logging */ RF_DBG_OPTION(totalInCoreLogCapacity,1024*1024) /* target bytes available for in-core logs */ #endif /* RF_INCLUDE_PARITYLOGGING > 0 */ #if DFSTRACE > 0 RF_DBG_OPTION(DFSTraceAccesses,0) #endif /* DFSTRACE > 0 */ #if RF_DEMO > 0 RF_DBG_OPTION(demoMeterHpos,0) /* horizontal position of meters for demo mode */ RF_DBG_OPTION(demoMeterTag,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(demoMeterVpos,0) /* vertical position of meters for demo mode */ RF_DBG_OPTION(demoMode,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(demoSMM,0) RF_DBG_OPTION(demoSuppressReconInitVerify,0) /* supress initialization & verify for recon */ #endif /* RF_DEMO > 0 */